Why did the left give up on AOC so quickly?
Why did the left give up on AOC so quickly?
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Exposed as fifth column chartered to undermine the institution of Congress.
why would undermining the Congress be a bad thing?
>Why did the left give up on AOC so quickly?
Because they realized AOC wants my baby-batter in her bum
Naive-Hyphenated was a dead weight anchor dragging the democrats down down down into the depths of the ocean never to be heard of again
They ran out of shilling money and after a bunch of retarded shit she's done recently, shills would have to work double to spin it
'I've never met a latina woman who is not the star of their own soap tv show' sums up Naive-Hyphenated-Extremely very well in fact it defines her entirely
good luck NHE
Congress, despite the infiltration foreign powers, is an essential component of our government. Communists undermining congress = complete removal via 50 U.S.C. 841-844 having specifically fulfilled a requirement in section one regarding the undermining of government institutions,
based dragonmaid
>non answer
the congress is the institution that runs your country, they pass the laws that govern over the entire amerimutt people.
the congresspeople are all businessmen, not working class people.
the laws that rule 325 million people are decided by like 500 people.
the congress is pure cancer.
the people should rule themselves, that's called democracy, but your government calls a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie "democracy" to keep the people in check and ignorant.
again, congress is pure cancer.
and communists being your boogeyman is pathetic.
You mean DFC?
Author of the Grim New Deal.
Hide your kids - she's coming after them with a reaper.
crazy eyed bitch
They are afraid of accelerationism and this dumb bitch doesn't understand it. AOC would make the frog jump out of the pot.
because yang actually has a viable economic plan.
OK Hitler, how would you fulfill the functions of congress?
good thing she voted away all of our tax dollars and rights to Israel.
the people should vote the laws, not an elite tiny group of people (yes, 500 out of 325.000.000 is a tiny group of people).
and do not call me a fascist again.
>Some dumb spic HOENSTLY believed the jews and the left would care about her and her NOT Muslim/Black/LGBTQIBBQ ways
>Gets used up both on screen and off
Fuck, as a tacobro, i feel for her, but NEVER trust the left, especially if you aren't some pity brown race
Cause there's new meat on the menu.
Carmen Yulin is going to co-chair for bernie on 2020, she's the mayor of San Juan who has spent her entire time out of PR doing god knows what while the capital gets overrun by illegals and crime. She also whitheld the supplies after the storm and took almost 2 years to do the whole cleaning and fixing of stuff that other municipalities had already done.
Is that actually why the shilling has stopped? Seriously, there was a 3 week period of nonstop AOC spam on Jow Forums that seemed to come out of nowhere then leave just as suddenly. Every day there would be no fewer than 5 separate threads on literal /ourgoblina/ and some hilariously forced waifu shilling.
(BTW, congress was a functioning entity before the 17th amendment._
OK Modern problems require modern solutions. I like it. How do we keep the bad guys from stealing the vote from the people??
Thank's user, now it's time to dig!
>again, congress is pure cancer.
Federal government in general has habitually overstepped their mandate time and time again. These faggots need to let the states decides not three letter agencies and pissing all over the constitution which specifically limited their powers.
i want to fuck her ass so hard
People who voted for her are most likely embarrassed that this is what they got.
literally who
Because they never had the nudes
She came in a upset the apple cart. Declared herself the political boss of the entire left. If she writes a book about her struggles, we've got a new Hitler on our hands.
Because she's as dumb as a box of rocks and does not know how to shut the fuck up.
They do the worst of both ways. They overstep their mandate AND fail to perform their appropriate duties. Omnibus bills and cucking on certain issues like immigration, war declaration, constitutional tax law and managing the budget responsibly are literally a failure of performing their duties. It’s a club for power addicts with slick tongues and rich friends. While it is truly a failure of the public voters, the institution is corrupt to the core and its contemporary structure of Congress enables the abuse and neglect.
She didn't understand that she was being propelled by the system, thought she was exceptional in her own right, and started challenging the likes of Dianne Feinstein or Nancy Pelosi.
She fucked over their donors in silicon valley.
It's not the "left". It's Democrats. There is no left in America, just corporatist and optimistic shills.