We are going to do this, what does /pol think about it?

We are going to do this, what does /pol think about it?

Attached: roraima do norte.jpg (960x890, 46K)

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Still spicville

La luz extinguido...

You want the socialists to gain a majority in Brazil?

Attached: 97a3b92384b62eb04566a457f6d76f6c.jpg (380x304, 20K)

sad but true

Attached: download.gif (627x414, 30K)

Who gives a damn about that shithole?

Attached: hmmm.png (514x200, 13K)

>implying we won't do this instead
silly larper, South America needs freedom

Attached: balkanization_of_brazil_by_3d4d-d69w8pj.jpg (894x894, 64K)

Which part has all the trannies? Asking for a friend.

In São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.


Attached: b r a s í l i a.png (1100x800, 8K)


the south should also take mato grosso do sul and mato grosso. Those states are colonized by paranaenses and gauchos.

The south is the white part, correct? It should annex Paraguay and become its own country.

>white part
uhhh sort of i guess
also you meant uruguay, right? paraguay is just a swamp filled with injuns.

Yeah I forgot which one of them is mostly European. Latin American geopolitics never made much sense to me, Central America should be one state imo and the Andean countries (Peru, Bolivia etc) as well

>*Blocks your path*

Attached: GranColombia.png (543x352, 30K)

Fuck you. I dont want my shit country become even more shittier

It will drop our current iq by 20 points or more

What's going on with Venezuela today?

This one is better.

Attached: crusader-brazil-flag.png (1920x1152, 11K)

posting in a mason kike pedo invasion thread

makes no sense to me


they should have been one state but they fucked up and now they hate each other with a passion. spics even had wars about bird shit, swampy wildernesses and lost rocks in the middle of nowhere

brazil should have splintered into multiple countries as well, but we did it right


We did it wrong, now the South is fucked because of th eNorth and Northeast.

Attached: Flag of the Empire of Hue.jpg (720x1280, 238K)

it was le based empire that didn't stop the slave traffic right off the bat in 1831 and scared away migrants by maintaning slavery up to 1888.

if only the south won either war of independence..

This pill in the middle is disgusting.

Yeah man, they would have been first world by now.

only banana republics have green in their flag.

Attached: 1481222821669.png (1190x800, 13K)

But this one look too much like Portugal, and Empire Brazil flag had green on it.

it's a "hue"

Our homicide rate is high enough as it is.

No, fuck off, we already have enough communists
A better img

Attached: Bandeira01.png (849x480, 199K)