KEK!!! Jorge Ramos of Univison got arrested in Venezuela. BASED MADURO!
False flag incoming.
fuck Jorge "open borders" Ramos
I hope to god they shoot him in the head
>I hope to god they shoot him in the head
That would truly be a blessing for Earth.
Maduro is probably right on this one
Maduro is not that bad then
He has indoctrinated hispanics for years I hope Maduro never releases him.
friendship with Juan Guaido ended, now Maduro is my best friend
>burns trucks
>open fire on colombia
>detains (((media)))
>starves people
>hates freedom
>eats dogs
>kills babies
>doesn't take off his shoes before entering house
>leaves toilet seat up
Come on, kikes. This is ridiculous.
This thread is making me smile so much. Kek.
Hope they burn him in a cage on video like that Jordanian pilot.
If Maduro kills him he wins. Good for you Jorge.
Normally I'd be opposed to a government imprisoning a reporter but...
>Jorge Ramos
He probably deserves it.
Just how fucking retarded is Maduro jesus christ
is univision pro maduro? Such irony
Hoax hate.
why dude? that sounds like some weak bitch shit to say
>why dude? that sounds like some weak bitch shit to say
Shut the fuck up kike. Maduro China and Russia are the good guys. Death to America.
If Maduro rips out this faggot’s tongue, I’m gonna have to rethink my stance on communism.
god i hope they torture this open border foreign subverter to death lol
>be spic commie
>try and turn the spic masses against America
>get jailed by another spic commie
Live by the bean, die by the bean
Fuck that retarded shill
Can we trade places?
Good, they can keep that leftie faggot
no. They are just another neocon/neoliberal station promoting the coffee coloured consumerist future of the world.
You're a mossad shill with a proxy. How fucking pathetic are you zionists? Total cowards. Totally pathetic. Israelis are objectively the weakest people on Earth. You always hide because of how weak you are.
Imagine Trump sent Navy Seals to save him.
WTF I suddenly have an opinion about what's going on in venezuela and care that maduro holds on to power
>not rly tho
they're already on their way faggot.
Dude, you're from Vuvuzela. You should be starving, not posting on Jow Forums. You're ruining everything.
Oh no that sucks...
Imagine being this emotional
>You should be starving, not posting on Jow Forums.
I can do both
yes yes
Good, literally the most annoying Mexican ever
wtf i love maduro now
Maduro is bro tier
Assad also had the same type of character assassination campaign ran
Tucker is now talking about it. Trump said of the incident "bummer"
based maduro showing (((journalist))) how they deserve to be treated for shilling for globalism.
maduro confirmed for the assad of the 2020s
>go back to univision
Aww damn. Bout to save a mexican.
Fucker owes me $10 too, add that one to the list.
>he accidentally gets killed by friendly fire
So many questions. What do you think they feed him in jail? Is everything down there kind of like Mexican food? What happens to his stuff in his hotel room? If he was supposed to check out but didn’t, do they pack for you?
>30 threads up already
hahahahaha this isn't even news
based Canuck with the bants
I seriously hope they torture the fuck out of him
he is joking my nigger
At this rate Baron will be 36 feet tall by this time next year.
Everybody RELAX!
He's just being detained. Haven't any of you watched Live PD? Happens everyday, everywhere. If he didn't do anything illegal he's got nothing to worry about. Though I hope they taze him for good measure.
Trump curse is real!!
yeah when i heard from separate sources: "Ramos" was detained
"an american journalist" was detained
I assumed they were two different people. Im so used to thinking that frijole is fucking foreign agent
WTF I love Maduro now
burn mason faggot jews
rojo pastillado guey
Ramos always brags about being a duel citizen. As far as I'm concerned, they're detaining the Mexican Ramos
ya tienes pasaporte, por que aun estas en VZ???
Maduro will probably let him go
Bbbbut the leftists said only Trump would do this kinda thing
No need to make him a hero, user.
This should be the next Amendment.
um based? ummm BASED?!
I was waiting for the sarcastic Trump tweet like "Just heard my very good friend Jorge Ramos has been detained by Butcher Maduro. Very concerned!"
fuck that, I don't want our army rescuing terrorist scum, the UK drove off that bridge already
It's going to be really interesting to see how Trump responds to this. Ramos was a pain in his ass way back when Trump was drawing smaller crowds in the beginning.
That might be, but he still fucked up. Mexico was the one fucking country keeping out of it completely. Now this dude has literally everyone against him.
adonde podria ir el venezol ano ?
con su pasaporte y sin dinero
Did they find his satcom terminal? Kek.