Israel is pretty based and our only ally in the ME. Plus if Jews are behind white genocide then you should support Judaism so they stop it.
Stop being Accelerationists
>Israel is pretty based and our only ally in the ME. Plus if Jews are behind white genocide then you should support Judaism so they stop it.
Israel is the most evil country to have ever existed and Israel needs to be destroyed in order for us to have world peace. Anyone who supports Israel will be purged to sheol on Judgment day.
>if Jews are behind white genocide then you should support Judaism so they stop it
trump betrayed the american people the kike puppet.
Reminder to sage shill threads
>Plus if Jews are behind white genocide then you should support Judaism so they stop it.
Iran should be our ally in the Middle East!
schitz is so cute
You know when you have to keep saying this shit over and over and over and over and over and over and over it's because you're losing badly. God you fucking Steve Bannon shills are degenerate losers.
Ha if you think we're not about to ACCELERATE some fucking particles my dude, you'd be wrong. Oh there's gonna be so much acceleration, things will be going so fast in every direction, so many different things of all sorts of sizes and payloads.
Just get over it already faggot evil loses and good wins. Good wins evil loses. Accelerate the train wreck now.
>Israel is pretty based and our only ally in the ME
kek our "ally" sure does a lot of funny things. With allies like Israel, who needs enemies?
>Plus if Jews are behind white genocide then you should support Judaism so they stop it.
Or we support an actual holocaust so that we stop them ourselves. Does it make sense to you that jews should have supported nazism to try to make nazis like them more?
>schitz complaining about repetition
im half jew, on my dad's side. do i get a pass in the coming whitepocalypse?
>our only ally in the ME.
Their friendship costs WAY too much money. Plus i dont trust them to be an ally if we ever actually did need them.
jews like you can't even understand what it means to succeed. Jews are the worst because they look like real people, but can't ever be happy like a real Man.
Giving jews billions of our tax dollars in aid is just keeping them at bay from psy op'ing them into tricking China into attacking us with Russia.
Once the progressive demonic commie left gets into office and cuts all ties with the synagogue of satan, then they will pull the plug on the economy by collapsing the federal reserve and having everyone unite against us via some foreign invasions.
Syria > Iran
So, uh, boomer or kike?
No. Every nonwhite and non Christian will be purged.
Accelerationism is retarded but so are you.