Holy shit! Is he going to do something about big tech censorship!??

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Nationalise the lot of them.

Is he completely unaware of what they do to us, or is this a rhetorical question? Is he also not aware that the criminality of the FISA courts is not unique to poor Donnie Twump?

Glowniggers are gonna get their censored platforms taken from them and turned into common carriers. Zucc and that Jewgle poo both lied in front of Congress.

He knows and he doesn't care. Trump just wants to build a political dynasty like the clintons or the bushes and have Ivanka become president one day. Ivanka's mother was jewish and all his kids are married to jews. Trump is the enemy.

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Op is is a faggot government subsidies the tech companies that senor people. Its what they want.

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>Muh right-wing censorship

Says the largest right-wing Twitter personality in human history on fucking Twitter.

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You jews are so fucking stupid. Barr is gonna anti trust big tech and that power will be ripped from your control. Your attempts to regain power by silencing and censoring only added more evidence to the case that the DOJ has.

He's quoting the article, imbecile.

He hasn't done anything in over two years, why would he start now?

yeah they should b& him

Anti-conservative censorship online has gone from bad to worse. As major social media platforms start to target me for censorship, I shudder to think what it means for millions of other Americans, especially as we approach the 2020 presidential campaign.

As Jussie Smollett’s preposterous story about being beaten in a racist, homophobic attack was falling apart, I posted about it on Facebook-owned Instagram, pointing out how unbelievable his allegation was in the first place.

After I let my followers know my thoughts on the Smollett hoax, I received a notification that Instagram deleted my post. When I complained about this blatant censorship, Instagram claimed it was a mistake. My post had just been removed “in error,” the company said. Rather than get better, though, the situation just got worse. Conservatives soon let me know by direct message that Instagram was preventing them from following my account, or even sharing or liking any of my posts.

I’m sure Instagram will claim that this, too, was all just a terrible mistake. It’s funny how these “mistakes” never seem to happen to liberals at the critical moment of a news cycle. More to the point, if this is really a “mistake,” then why does it keep happening?

Just as the Smollett hoax is merely the latest of dozens of nonexistent hate crimes blamed on Trump supporters, my experience isn’t nearly the first time that conservatives have been censored by social media platforms.

Instagram also deleted a post from former Republican National Committee spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany when she tried to highlight Elizabeth Warren’s lies about her ancestry. As soon as censorship of McEnany became a headline, Instagram once again claimed it was all a “mistake.” If not for conservative media, the social media giant may never be held accountable.

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Facebook offered the same lame excuse after banning several videos posted by conservative nonprofit PragerU for alleged “hate speech.” It was an “employee error,” the tech giant proclaimed after PragerU publicly complained about the censorship. Likewise, when Facebook encountered pushback for banning an ad for a Republican U.S. Senate candidate in the middle of last year’s midterm election campaign, it quickly restored the video and offered a weak apology for its “mistake.”

Even worse than the censorship itself is the fact that it takes public outrage just to get Big Tech to treat conservative voices fairly. When social media censorship comes after someone like me, a prominent businessman and the son the president of the United States, it’s a story. The same is not true for the millions of conservative Americans who have no recourse whatsoever when Twitter or Facebook bans their accounts, limits their reach, and otherwise silences their voices because of their political opinions. It is they who are hurt the most by Big Tech’s manipulative partisan agenda.

Worryingly, there seems to be no limit to that manipulation. The tech giants are now tinkering with their terms of service to mandate that users adhere to liberal orthodoxy in their posts. It is now, for example, a banishment offense to “misgender” or “deadname” transgender people on Twitter, as even a radical feminist discovered when she tweeted that “men are not women.”

The stakes in all this could not be higher. The social media revolution upended people’s relationship with the overwhelmingly liberal media. As the Smollett hoax illustrates, the political left and establishment journalists want nothing more than to return to a world in which their narrative is the only one that matters -- and the truth is whatever they decree it to be.

Unfortunately, Silicon Valley is showing us that tech companies, too, can manipulate information for partisan ends. Their censorship is increasing at an alarming rate, just in time for them to try to spoil my father’s re-election bid, but we won’t let them get away with it.

Those of us with a big enough public profile to hold the tech giants accountable for their partisan speech-policing have a duty to do so. Ordinary conservatives can’t force multibillion-dollar companies to guarantee their right to free speech, which is exactly what the liberals are counting on.

They’ve gone too far, though. They’ve poked the hornet’s nest of conservative activists, and we will continue to vigilantly shame them for their censorship, because so much is at stake.

The last hope I hold onto is Barron Trump. If Trump can realize his other two sons are idiots, his daughters are thots, and that Barron is a tall handsome autistic genius then he should just will everything to Barron when he dies and establish him as the sole heir to his legacy. Barron is coming of age at just the right time to see (((them))) trying to destroy his father, defiling his sister, defaming his mother, and portraying all young white men like him as the next generation of evil.

>he complains about political dynasties but shilled for hill
shallow image pool and tired rhetoric give you away

All this censorship was planned before the 2016 election and was to be implemented with government support under President Hillary. Notice that all the plans they cooked up before She Lost have gone ahead anyway. This shows that these plans take years to set up and get into motion.

Oh really, I mean it's not as if they aren't all controlled by the same families. Is about time that they all want to do something else and create the new news media and Trump will be the one to usher it all in .
What a great guy.

They have been accelerating the rate at which they're destroying these social media platforms because they're trying to hold onto control. Too bad that it's actually counterproductive because the harder they try to hold on the more that normies are waking up. They're also blind to that fact, that the normies are waking up, because they have fragile egos and have tricked themselves into believing what they see on their manipulated social media platforms.

It's actually not uncommon that small groups of employees get a bug up their ass and start bitching in company slacks and then get people banned. I'd reckon most of the censorship is not starting at the top but at the bottom. Slacktivists in the right place at the right time. New York and and Californian retards trying to "make a difference". CEO's go along with it when it's convenient or beneficial to do so, otherwise they just correct it and blame it on employees.

They should censor his Twitter the man’s an idiot

No, he's just playing to his base because they believe he will do something about it, just like with immigration.

Echo chamber effect, it's why all the lefties were so stunned when Trump won. After screaming at all their friends and family that they were literally Nazis for not supporting Hillary, the friends and family stopped talking to them about politics and the libtards thought this meant they had won and their acquaintances would be conformal.

>trump bitches about blatant right wing censorship across widespread platforms
>does nothing about it

Trump is a living example of how the POTUS has absolutely ZERO power to do or change anything in this country.
The only thing Trump has done so far is all shit for Israel.

Censoring his Twitter would trigger the 2011 NDAA clauses allowing the President to seize Twitter.

Doesn't matter. These companies have proven that they don't possess the mentality required that should come with having power they possess.
Only a kike pushes for censorship.

I find it hilarious how the shills come here and claim that its an echochamber when them posting that proves them wrong.

Trump complained about the exact same thing last October. And then proceeded to do NOTHING. "Deplatforming" has only gotten worse since then. Why will this time be any different?

They know exactly what normies and everyone else on Earth thinks about them.
Do you honestly believe the same evil that built these companies and every other thing will give it up?
Do you not believe this has been the plan all along?
All too obvious this is what they wanted and had Trump blast the media since he began. They know everything and you best bet they are wrapping up the old dino media and bringing in something better.

>They know exactly what normies and everyone else on Earth thinks about them.
No they don't.
>Do you honestly believe the same evil that built these companies and every other thing will give it up?
They won't have a choice.
>Do you not believe this has been the plan all along?
Nope, Zionists are losing their minds and shills like you only confirms this.

They claim it's an echo chamber because their tired scripted Reddit-approved rhetoric is mocked. If this was an echo chamber they'd be permabanned.

he's completely out of the loop. he's literally signing quasi hate speech bills on behalf of AIPAC, he has no ability to maneuver into anti-censorship. he's a fucking idiot. but he's still funny, and he still blasts the ass of millions of fucking dipshits, and that makes him better than everyone else in politics this shitty country.

He'd be infringing on the rights of the creators of said platform. It's their site, and you don't have to use if you don't like it. You don't wield executive power in such a petty way. And why would you want him to? How small minded are you, you fucking idiot?

it's all leading to online ID's, the left and the right are calling for government regulation of these platforms. I'd suggest learning how to code while the information is still widely available. Yeah it's a huge pain in the dick but the alternative is anyone who figures out a way to amplify their voice or builds a platform get buttfucked by government regulations making their creation a public space.

tell em kike

Yeah that's not gonna happen. The left and the right are the minority of humanity. These companies are getting anti trusted and broken up.

They better not censorship conservative values

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When has he done anything?

don't tread on me faggot

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finally, he is exposing the real collusion to fix elections

They will be broken up.

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Trump passed an anti-semitism bill, built a wall for Israel, and bolstered the (((economy))) for kike investors while everyone else works for a diminishing standard of living. Being "better than Hillary" is an abysmally low bar. Fuck off MAGAtard.

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wow, you are dumber than even I imagined.

He's not going to do shit.

You're so obsessed with Jews and Israel. That's all that's on your mind. You have to inject those subjects into every thread you're in regardless of the subject of the thread. Wanna know why? Because you're a scared Israel that has no power or control anymore and you're watching the zionist dream die in slow motion.

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okay, what's stopping them from moving their servers to another country? It's the internet dummy

It's hard to imagine, but the president has more to worry about than people on social media. It's a big issue with implications about the future, no doubt, but I can completely imagine and understand how something like this can not even appear on his radar.

>Their servers
The company is based in the United States and is subject to US laws.

anti-vax memes have done more to save morons from their parents then all of hollywood
Boycott jews

Yeah yeah, trust the plan, follow the breadcrumbs fellow Qpede.

(((Yael Kushner)))

low taxes in the US compared to elsewhere


>doing anything

>trust the plan
nobody here is bringing up Q. Just another example of the mental illness you israeli shills possess. Q is for conspiracy theories what the Alt right was for politics. A campaign designed to delegitimize any theories about things happening in the world that don't go along with the MSM.


QUIT TWITTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you're right they could never move that many tubes
go back to quora grandpa

Probematique, now they realise their plan was forced too early, but they need literally years to reverse course.

itll mean nothing, its a class war. the elite will always win

>implying he isn't baiting twitter into acting against the 2011 ndaa

Trump isn't gonna quit Twitter. Trump is gonna rip twitter from the people who control it and make the platform truly neutral.

Nothing will change until you sue them.

Request their internal documents
Depo the person who censored you
Actually take it to court rather than settle.

Did you do any of this? Of course not.


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Then the government does what the EU successfully did: Follow our laws or this market's closed to you.

Please do trump.
This is a global problem I've lost 2 blogs and 3 you tube channels for "copyright strikes" when I've never even used footage or entire articles.
Basically I've been silenced online repeatedly since about 2010.

This is a global problem thanks to the American left.

He's not going to do shit. It's right behind signing that birthright citizenship EO.

>daddy please fuck my face
you to the government


normies follow trends
start one: not using social media

>daddy please fuck my face
you to megacorporations

Just start your own internet bro.

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After spending nearly six months able to see FB without functionally being able to use it, many posts that regularly had a dozen likes and 2 dozen comments became just a post. Friends and family told me they couldn't see anything unless directly visiting my page. A heinous violation of the right to assembly in that manipulation was used to control flow of information between groups/networks. I deleted FB and all things google from every device I own. Strange how pretty much all tech and internet of things require google to access them and in turn you are required to let google access everything in your have with internet access with an often overlooked permission/claus that "google may access WiFi connections even when WiFi is disabled".

Based and FuckTheKikesPilled

they weren't always mega corporations dum dum, these are technical problems if more people would actually build their own platforms even if it was only a fucking website to act as a personal soapbox we wouldn't have these monolithic social media platforms that have so much control over the conversation

He's not gonna do shit.

>Trump is the enemy.
lol, nice try shill.

>they weren't always mega corporations
They are now and will continue to be and you're begging to gobble on their mega cocks.

>After I let my followers know my thoughts
is this nigga Jesus?

So this tweet about white genocide ISN'T about white genocide? You fuckers have frightening thought processes. I have no capacity for understanding it.

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>Instagram once again claimed it was all a “mistake.”
it is a mistake in so far that it is people doing what they should not be doing. IG doesn't do these things as policy from the top, but minions are abusing their power to take action due to their own beliefs of right and wrong.

faggots like you are the reason mcdonalds serves salad and we have black/women remakes of everything fucking crybaby

>it is a mistake in so far that it is people doing what they should not be doing. IG doesn't do these things as policy from the top, but minions are abusing their power to take action due to their own beliefs of right and wrong.

Honestly where do they find you low talent guys? Where are the glory days? You used to be so big. The Titanic, King Tut, Muh 6 gorrilion, The Twin Towers. You are nowl reduced to simpering name calling. Where has it all gone.

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where's the policy about it then?

These companies don't even give a fuck about SHUT IT DOWN.

Because I support fucking over megacorporations who go out of their way to censor my political views?
Cuckservatives like you are the reason it's still a problem, you faggots always fall back on "just make a new X" as if it's an actual solution to systematic censorship.

Oops. I meant that these companies don't give a fuck about anything other than shutting down posts or content that they feel threaten the mainstream narrative.

yet here you are saying whatever you want and we're not even on twitter or facebook, really makes you think

His Zionist shilling level is 9000

>>Anti-conservative censorship online has gone from bad to worse. As major social media platforms start to target me for censorshi
I have been banned from twitter 6 times for shit like pic related.

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what a utter dog

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Read the small text lmao
si señor

being known as a right-wing personality doesn't mean you won't be censored from posting instances of conservative political philosophy because they are misrepresented or misconveyed, you fucking pseudo-intellectual cuck.

I just got a raise today so fuck off dipshit.