Turns out I am the 1%
What about you poorfags.
Turns out I am the 1%
What about you poorfags.
I'm fuckin loaded m8
it depends are you going off individual or family
Now look at USA 1%
BULLSHIT. I cleared 110k last year and I'm no way a 1%er
Global vs USA
yeah it's going by worldwide u autist, u gotta include all the third world shitskins
i know i dont make a lot of money so i went by wealth and got top 18%
Jesus Christ using income as the measure of wealth is worthless
Well in that case were are my sex slaves and designer drugs???
Glow in the dark. Also, you should meassure how rich you are by net worth, not income kek. If you make 100k/ year in San Francisco you're a poorfag and have to spend most of your income on living expenses. If you're from a poor shithole country and make 100k/year you can easily save 80k+ of it.
same and im about to be 5000 times richer off of a massive investment into Chainlink (LINK)
>he holds assets that aren't monopoly paper
Get with the times grandpa
well, im not just rich, im going to live forever because of Jesus as well
i know i cant take my money with me when i die which is why im leaving it behind to my family
no point in being alive if you havent figured out how to live forever.
that information alone is priceless
$1k eoy
without question, fren
>stay stinky
12th percent but I only worked 4 years so...
If you saved all your money for 20 years you couldn’t buy my house
>kike detected
Nobody in Greece has that much money.
It's not your house when it's owned by the German banks.
My wife and I (no kids) pull in about $250k a year. The fact that we're top 5 or so percent in the US, and top 1% in the world is nuts. I drive a 15 year old Toyota and we live in a $110k house in the midwest. Who are all these clowns in Range Rovers and $600k McMansions? How far in debt is everyone else?
Doing ok, wife & I combine for $200k. Life is bretty gud
Made $947,410 last year. Puts me in the %.01 and 608,683 richest person in the world. Ask me anything.
Nothing personal kid, I’m even poor as fuck compared to the people I roll with. They are shipowning cunts (Greeks own ~23% of the worlds merchant fleet) with too much money for their own good.
How did you make it?
Are you just flushing your cash down the toilet or something? We have a Rover, not much debt, 3 condos
I'm an orthopedic surgeon with a private practice.
How much LINK did you hodl?
Hey that’s actually believable, glad to hear you’re doing quite well. What is your investment plan/situation? Got a family yet?
Married, no kids yet. Have a pretty decent portfolio set up. Have a Roth's IRA set up for retirement/travel.
We put about $10k a month into retirement, future kids college funds, etc. We've been doing that for a few years. I suppose I could get a nice car, but why drop $80k on a car when the one I bought for $5k on Craiglist 5 years ago works just fine?
I have thought about getting some rental condos but it's a sellers market right now so we're waiting.
i bet u 100k hes a nocoiner fiat bag holder who doesnt realize that USD is going to $0 in the next 50 years when hyperinflation kills US economics
Of course, being private practice, I don't actually get to keep all of that money. A lot of it goes into my employees' salary, building rent...etc.
The site measures it globally, not just the US, you fucking retard.
Used Rover, they don't make V8s any more; cost under $50k, but expensive to maintain. Fucking love it.
Ok, carry on, you're doing fine. Thas one fuck of a nest egg, brother
14k a year = top ten
t. larping faggot
Get to having kids and leaving a legacy you queer.
My wife stays at home with our 3 young kids and I made $191 K last year.
Get over yourselves and realize this is not about you. Unless one of you is sterile them in that case, my regards.
pretty sure 14 is poverty level, so 90 percent of the world is in poverty.? something wronghere
You got no kids yet, maybe put some more in equity, you have a long time ahead of you
what will you do when she divorces you and takes half your money to fuck tyrone in the bahamas?
And yet your still this outrageously retarded. Clown world
>Made $947,410 last year.
>Of course, being private practice, I don't actually get to keep all of that money
So was this figure your revenue, or profit or what's going on, I dont understand business
i bet u fell for the Qanon larp too
>sad, many such cases
>people who make lots of money dont even know how to figure out how to calculate their wealth by themselves
checks out, maybe you should hire someone to do that for you porky.
>My wife and I (no kids)
Stopped reading there.
I make 34k a year, living large. Nice mansion and blow
Lol by your measure, I make $4 million per year
You know, before I pay everyone. What's your bottom line income that the govt would tax you on? What do you report on your taxes?
Cry like a cuckold faggot and die penniless
>You’re in the top 0.09% richest people in the world by income.
89k/yr 27y/o
In some 3rd world shit hole. I would legit be a king in some places, here I’m just upper middle class. Still doing pretty good though, can’t complain.
that would be his gross income for the business
after paying employees/expenses/etc - that would be net income
this is probably so fake
>what is cost of living
I tried to put a small wage from a shithole, website does not want to compute.
fucking jews
of course it is.
>there are ONLY larps on Jow Forums
literally nothing here thats posted is real
yet faggots still fell for the qanon larp
>absolute state of newfags
it won't let you put down your debts as a negative and you're not allowed to make less than $1000.
How is CARE international supposed to Sarah McLachlan my money away if I can't even present myself accurately?
>just donate
CLEARLY I forgot to factor for my white privilege.
Got me right in the feels
In the world yea. In the USA no god no 1% is like 400k+
Doesnt include taxes, purchasing power etc. You're not in the top 1%.
oh my god... i can't stop laughing..
*dabs on that Ocasio's face*
I have $63.24 dollars in my bank account, i am 20 years old, i was raised by a single mother and a father who explained nothing to me.
Making >35K in the US puts you at above 1% globally, nothing to brag about lmfao
Why cant wh*toids into math?
You're *
Christ. With just 5,000 britcoins I could have a hard reset and try to make something of my life. How did you guys get to earn that much? I clear just £18k a year and I'm 30
it won't even let me punch in the rothschilds estimated 500 trillion in wealth. calls me out as warren buffet. Hmmm