>be belgian cop
>get dispatched on request by school because they caught wind that there was going to be a fight
>arrive and ask people to leave
>they don't leave, laugh at you and rile up your police dog
>have enough of it so ask one of them to show his identification
>of course he can't (he actually says this in the clip at one point)
>guess we'll have to take you to the police station to verify your identity
>try to take him and he resists
>now the crowd gets involved, punching, kick and spitting on us
>they got to help their brothers after all (inshallah)
>mfw I'm in this fight with a female police officer
>her least useless action is telling the guy resisting 'just lay down' (is in the video as well)
>two officers are injured and unable to work
>one of the "victims" is already posting pics to social media for sympathy (pic related)
>tfw my chef says on the news that from now on we're going to use more legal force/violence
Be belgian cop
your youth is already less than half white, you pathetic euros lost already
Your meme arrows are hard to read, I gave up after like 3 sentences
Text on pic related, it's broken Flemish:
"Some of you think this normal what the police did. These wounds are nothing he has more.. what kind of people are you? This is still a kid. And the police has no right to hit a kid in the upper body, he shouldn't even be touching him because he is underage. I hope that they punish the police! This shouldn't happen! This is not normal!"
It's a matter of time for any Western country
What language are they speaking? Lol
Nigga you Europeans are such pussies, literally arabs, Africans and Turks are conquering your nations and mixing with your women. And I see no change. Literally, this is the most impressive battle and fight I ever seen. Millions of sq of land and resources all taken without a fight. I can see why the term "eurocuck" makes so much sense. Europeans are absolutely fucking stupid
like we have room to talk.
just shoot him lol
you do realise that they are the invading enemy and that when the breakdown of law and order happens they will kill or be killed
the only way to treat them properly is to kill them or cripple them as a lesson to the rest
they sense weakness and will never assimilate
they are there to conquer not to assimilate
True, but it says something when you can just kick the shit out of cops with no repercussions
If you've got savages that smell weakness, then they'll eat you alive.
It's basic dominance.
They needed to let that nice dog bite a lot more people
At least your police still have their balls. By the time our shitskins raise their voices the police would have run for the hills
Basically, you got teased, got mad and tried to harass people for no reason, they refused to participate in your unjust detainment (because you only wanted to detain them due to your hurt anus) then you started a fight and got meme'd on hard.
Now you bitch on Jow Forums.
Or they don't even run
Are you retarded? Not only is your dindu nuffin logic retarded, do you genuinely believe I was a cop involved in this?
Why you do this to me fren?
You are a nigger and I hope you and your family get shot for no reason, Daquan
Cope, Europe is the land of white people and look at you lmfso. Such a pathetic feminine faggots, jesus. I have never met a single Europe male that was masculine. You fuckers are cucks x100. In 30 years, musilms are gonna build mecca 2 in Berlin
And people say niggers are just as smart as everybody else
>Such a pathetic feminine faggots, jesus.
Yet another eurotrash cope, Europeans are pussies. Your weak, your women, blonde women literally fuck niggers and arabs lmfao. How dumb are you? White people are supposed to be smart yet you fuckers have no survival instinct
I can shoot any nog or muzzie that breaks into my house. We have better gun rights than half the blue states in America and free speech is being fought for. You fucks can't do shit and have nothing on us.
>meanwhile in reality
Sauce on this semen demon?
>Same flag as OP
>OP talking about local dispute
user plz.
Jamaica ooooooh i wanna take ya,
lol that's not even a real injury. What did he do, fall and bite his lip? They probably don't give you any weapons to carry in Belgium do they? I feel bad for you cops, what are you supposed to do? No group of "youths" is going to respect a lone cop and his female diversity hire partner. It's only going to get worse for you.
sry, I like you guys but goddamn
>faggot tries to start shit with the cops
>gets his ass beat
>i'm just a 20 year old child
How the fuck have you people not started lining people up against the wall yet? I knew it was bad but good Lord this is just a travesty.
You write like a faggot or a nigger, not sure which. Europe still has a fuck load of whites, but its important our generation handles this globalism issue.
the though guy dont dare to write nigger. canadians are all closet faggots
COPE, you German pussy, Turks and arabs control your country by the balls. Literally nothing will change, demographics are what makes the minority's win. In 10to 20 years, that's all you got. Merkel took in millions of musilms. Hell, your political leaders say islam is a part of Germany!
Imagine being European lmfo, must suck. Your women fuck niggers and arabs, everyone hates you. Like, in this generation, being a nigger is more beneficial than being white! Imagine that!
Should of had a real fucking doggo.
Tough talk coming from New Beijing
>Canadians are all closet faggots
Thus is 100% true
American Cops don't mess around.
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