These are Rookie Numbers!

So, there's a petition over here — — that aims to pull the mask off, and Jow Forums is just letting it anguish with less than 500 signatures?

>It's a balance sheet thing
>They literally get tax gibs for destroying white jobs

>>even if the required signatures are met, I doubt they will actually acknowledge the petition.
>That's ok; we can use it as a springboard to redpilling normies:
>"Hey, look at *this*, it seems reasonable to me that our leadership should be loyal to the US, don't you think? Why do you think they never responded like they said they would?"

>At a certain point if you fucking white cucks are going to be this passive you deserve it.
>These kikes are so blatantly salivating over your replacement, suffering and deaths. At what point are you going to fucking get real?

>>bump the best thread on Jow Forums, I swear this place has turned to fucking shit, 5 people have signed that since I last did and this was a day or two ago, fucking pathetic.


Attached: rookie_numbers.jpg (500x342, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Elites - 1.jpg (1651x4679, 2.43M)


Attached: Alovingson.jpg (500x731, 170K)


Attached: Pol & Me.jpg (863x718, 234K)

Sliding this hard, aren't they?

Attached: Aliens vs Humans.jpg (700x591, 68K)

>These people are foreigners with very little to no loyalty to Americans. Its insane.

Attached: Bread Pepe.png (634x448, 270K)



Thanks friend.

Attached: Already Fren.png (640x480, 132K)

Attached: I'm the racist.png (1407x516, 79K)