White children

So I did it :pol/, got my gf pregnant and will be having our first white child in ~8months. What can I do to prevent degeneracy later in life?

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home school it.

if your girlfriend were actually white, she would have had the abortion by now

forbid social media, teach them useful things like european/american history and bible stuff. make sure they only befriend/date other whites.

if you don't say anything they WILL turn degenerate. trust me

I hate normalfags so much.

Abortion was never an option for us

>move to Virginia
>have the child circumcised immediately
>then abort it

It’s they only way

What have YOU done for the white race recently?

Beating your children is a must

Get them into hobbies early in life. Building/drawing/cooking anything that isn't a complete time sink like social media and video games.

Thanks for the advice. I plan on taking a very active role in my child’s life

here come the yellow fever incels

Worry about that later. Make sure your wife stays away from airborne pollution and doesn’t eat junk with lots of preservatives. Even stuff like the VOCs off of paint and new carpet will fuck up a baby or and unborn fetus. Anyway, be nice to your wife but continue to act masculine, same with your demeanor toward the kid.

Makes sense. I grew up playing video games and it was one of the worst things I could have done

Get them into Warhamer 40k

A good captain marvel thread died for this facebook post.

>having sex
Your child will most likely either be a homo or a slut

Normies would get an abortion lol

Wife your gf.

I'm white man but have half black children. How to prevent degeneracy? Black wife is pretty redpilled

congratulations but wife her up before the baby is born.

Also pick up some hobbies yourself so your kid will want to imitate you. Throwing pencils and papers in front of a toddler and telling them how great drawing is is a good way to make them avoid it for the rest of their life.

That’s the plan

Show nipples to prove that you're white op. If not safe and mcgofuck yourself you dumb nigger.

Marry her fag

>What can I do to prevent degeneracy later in life?
your fucking job as a father


Have fun with them.
don't stick them in front of the tv to keep them quiet while you ignore them.

Couldn’t agree more!

>forbid social media
don't ban things, they'll just go balls-deep into it in their teen rebel phase

what you want to do is lead them to the conclusion that it's vapid and pointless so they simply don't care about it at all (though kids will probably do that naturally when they see their parents/relatives wasting life on that crap)

You whites are the worst, I been wondering how did you are alive lol, probably your parents try to abort you but fail to do it rolf,

Give the baby love and a good places to live... give it to adoption rolf

kids ignore tv now and want to watch youtube or play shitty games on mum's phone or ipad

christianity is degenerative.instead you should tell tales of Norse mythology.

Fuck niggers


Marry her.

Spend time with them. A lot of time. On the other hand, they should not get used to too much attention, so sometimes just observe them without them knowing you're watching, and sometimes play with them or teach them stuff. Try to be objective about them to foresee problems in their development - all parents think their kids are special, but you don't want to make a self-obsessed idiot in 20 years' time. Be strict when you must, but also make sure they know they are loved. If spanking is legal in your country or area reserve it only for the cases when they endanger themselves like running into traffic or sticking hands into the oven and such (to make sure they remember never to do it again) and never do it in anger or to enforce discipline. Make at least one more - they get selfish when they are the only one. That's the best I know, good luck user!

keep it away from jews and their products like jewtube, niggers and nigger culture.

If you found a woman who is willing to have sex and have a baby then she is a slut and will raise your baby as a degenerate no matter what

homeschool homeschool homeschool. also marry her ya dummy

make more
then have her teach them at home

I agree with Serb here regarding spanking, for the most part. From my experience with two kids (4 and 6 months) most of my generation are absolutely clueless when they need to discipline their children. They are fed media taglines of "spanking is horrible!" and as a result they never discipline their children outside of a "strong talkin' too." Don't fall for that nonsense. Both my wife and I were uppity as fuck growing up and, big surprise, our children turned out extra uppity. They need a bit of extra discipline otherwise they will run roughshod over everything... Not the same situation as the others but we will literally have to play prison guard to keep the house in order and make sure our children aren't overly cocky and confident going into primary school. I think there are some articles online re "extreme parenting." Bottom line: be prepared for your children to be uber capable but a bit much for their age range

*4 years and six months

Get off Jow Forums

Fuck off unless you are contributing to the fight

Make video games and anime a hobby for him, that'll lead him down the redpill rabbit hole

Dont give it a phone at age 6, be very involved in its life. Give him or her siblings and teach them all about morals, conservatism, and the importance of hard work and a family to carry on our blood line.

Congratulations user!

Avoid vaccinations, eat a healthy organic diet, homeschool, spend time in the physical world and avoid MSM and things with video screens.

Essentially, just live like people did when degeneracy wasn't rampant.

Congratulations again, and best wishes to your whole family for full and happy lives together.

Prevent obesity: NO SNACKS!

You can start by getting married

Low protein diet, no cows milk. There is a protein that makes them gay. See ferternal gay. More brothers equals more gay protein in mom, but a cow that has had lots of male calves has it, too

This is fake but if it were real that child will be fucked for life. You should get an abortion before you subject it to a life of misery, raised by a shitlord father. It'll probably be a prostitute. (((If real)))

Hope its a girl, and hope she gets blacked

Get married...duh! Probably should've started with that.

>Having white babies is bad

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> not being married before having children

fucking degenerate

we should have a parent /general/

>nly approved TV; a lot of kids TV is very fast pased and causes bad behaviour.

Spot the dog TV show is an example of a slow paced good kods TV show

Bambi 2 is based as fuck, get it.

>Make sure your kids becomes an outdoor kid.

>make sure your wife has support from family and friends; post natal depression is horrible.


tips no one told me.

>learn how to burp a baby, do it after every feed, otherwise there will be trapped wind problems meaning your child won't sleep well.

>read about baby cues and feed your child when he needs feeding (Don't listen to advice on how many times to feed your child, listen to your child)

>read about baby wake and sleep patterns, and establish a 2 nap sleep routine as soon as possible.


You're white, so it's inevitable

Drastic times call for drastic measures. Like when Paraguay had to legalize polygamy because 70% of their adult male population died.


Don't listen to this faggot. Milk is for the white man. The tallest countries in the world drink the most milk.

Dont get cable and send to private school. Teach them how to play an instrument and spend time with them. If you can afford it, move into a nicer area.

Teach your child the truth. Then ask him, are you willing to become a tranny to infiltrate antifa and the movements destroying our people? If he says no, you have not taught him well enough

Get married you degenerate.

he speaks the truth, by the way.

due to modern farming cow milk has dangerous levels of female hormones.

I don't know about t protein comment.

There are multiple studies that show animal fat causes lower testosterone.

I have 3 myself. Oldest is 22 and so far she has seemingly been a good peeson (she doesn't dress trashy, doesn't use foul language, her friends aren't degenerates or niggers) and I attribute these things to calling attention to things as they happen so she understands the world from my point of view. If someone is constantly using foul language point it out and say that good people don't meed to talk like that. If some monkey has his pants hanging off his ass, ridicule them for being worthless morons. I'm aware she isn't a complete angel always, and no human should be, but she so far carries herself in a very good way and I'm proud of her. If you let others explain the world to your children then you are effectively allowing them to raise your children away from your better judgement.

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DO NOT let your wife rape the kid. ONLY YOU should be raping that kid. I cannot stress that enough.


You are doing the Lord's work user. This coming from a non-white- keep it pure. Ensure your future excistence.

Don't let it be diluted by the one sided bullshit history that the public schools teach, it is the gateway to self-hate and the doorway to interracial marriages out of white guilt;

teach it the Kalergi plan, the "three days of rape and pillage", the rapes of german women as young as 6 years old by the hands of the soviets,british, and american allies as they invaded Berlin, the Soviet invasion of Manchuria with proves the atomic bombs as unnecessary war crimes( on CIVILIAN cities, which had zero military value, save for providing the allies with subjects from which they could study the effects of radiation), crimes against Palestine by zionist Israel,ect.


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>What can I do to prevent degeneracy later in life?
When your child can read, teach them about niggers, and prove what you are saying by showing them black twitter.
They cant try to say that you were wrong and just mean if you show them that niggers really are retarded, violent, useless, and hate Whites.
It also teaches them to hide their power level, because niggers attack anyone saying anything intelligent.

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White babies are disgusting, the future is beige plebs

Don't get cable
Spend time with them
Money is fungible, family isn't
is good advice
Keep books that are slightly above their reading level, but have nice pictures. Older editions especially, go through a local used book store
Homeschool and private school are only preferable if public school has a significant minority population
Be sure someone in the house cooks and cleans, living in filth eating take out is a bad way to raise a child

>If you let others explain the world to your children then you are effectively allowing them to raise your children away from your better judgement.

Words to live by.

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- tell your children, no matter what, you can always trust your family has your back.

- pick and choose which vax to get. They're fucking push a Hep vax on the baby the date of birth for god's sake. Don't triple up on shots, space them out, and wait at least a year before any shots. Do research on aluminum in the shots.

- you'll love it more than you think. I know you're scared now, but everything will just fall in place. You'll find a certain strange bliss with the baby, your woman, and a snug household. It'll make any love you previously had (pets, friends) seem meaningless.

- never fight in front of the kids.

- always keep your promises to your children.

- don't redpill too early, but plant seeds and always have them question everything they're told.