How is this shit even legal?
How is this shit even legal?
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I think every whore-related abortion should come with a free tube tie
JESUS, 17 abortions?!?!?!?
You would think the first one would be traumatizing enough
Who cares.
She killed 17 libtard babies that could have grown up to be AOC tier nutcases.
Its china, the leftist abortion paradise
Reminder that you are allowing democrats to do this in your country
>picture is of an east asian woman
>muh pure asian waifus
kill yourself incel
it's china
they're insectoids, not surprising
At this point, aborting that last child would be a mercy killing than having it raised by a filthy disease-ridden whore
Jeez Bill. Your mom lets you have 17 ABORTIONS!?
asian women are cold insects
You have to be over 18 to post here (I mean mentally, not chronologically)
I swear some of these women love nothing more than having abortions.
Why are women that get abortions not being sterilized in the first place? Also dat pussy haunted.
Well I guess that means I can never post here. I may be almost 21, but I am a child at heart.
It takes a truly sick cunt to get 17 abortions
Off yourself Kike.
Thats not what I meant asshole!
I meant, that I am full of spirit and optimism.
She killed 17 people...
>You would think the first one would be traumatizing enough
>Actually believing the psychological trauma argument
Any woman prone to getting (multiple) abortions couldn't give a fuck about the life growing inside of them. The only thing about abortion that is traumatic for this type of woman is the prospect of having the kid and having to live for someone else besides themselves.
>Awww abortion is so traumatic! Trust us, it really isn't pleasant, we're quiet martyrs that endure so much, so let us keep getting abortions :'(
>Wooooo more casual sex and travelling! Gonna be the cool wine aunt :^)
Imagine marrying a woman and trying for years to finally have the child you've been wanting, only to find out she was sterilized and kept that secret from you, then to add insult to injury she takes half your stuff in the divorce as you crawl back to the dating scene with your tail between your legs...
It was a chink, no big loss.
The only reason I support abortion is because it's only liberal children dying. Well that and mostly minorities. Plus it's a great way to knock out the poor voting block.
Kill women who fuck you over.
And they say mass killings are a white male problem.
absolutely BASED
she beat Columbine high score
what the fuck
Not even the fact of murdering a child. Youd think shed be sick of going to the hospital to be poked and prodded and whatever else comes with the procedure.
Your to kind. They also need a scarlet letter branded into their forehead as well as a lobotomy.
I think women should be scared on their forehead when they abort a child. So you know you shouldn't breed with her because not only she is a baby killing whore but she has some genetic information from other men and you're a forever cuck if you have children with her.
Being a slut makes you a barren hag,
News at 11
Story is from China. One less Chink that will breed.
Artical sounds like hoarse shit to explain you raising child of another man without your knowing. DNA test all of your kids. 1 In 5 kids are fathered by anther man than is raising them without their knowing.
Nice. Another fake article.
>Cucks raising kids that have semi-strangers who deep seeded inside your wife's genetics
>Artical sounds like hoarse shit
No hymen = no diamond.
Good. The murderer doesn't deserve children.
Thank god, 17 less chinks.
Give her a medal.
she had a very robust pussy
>and whatever else comes with the procedure.
Satanic rituals.
Legendary killing spree in most FPS's.
From a purely practical standpoint, wouldn’t it be easier to get on the pill or get an implant than go through he physical and financial trouble of having 17 fucking abortions?
abortions are literally race war
16 million black babies have been aborted since 1973
There should be a law where a woman gets the rope after 10 abortions, for multiple reasons
If she got 17 abortions in 6 years that means she got pregnant every 128 days. This is next level whore
C-C-Combo breaker!
Some based doctor probably fucked her ovaries up on the 17th abortion.
also this
If you watch ADV China they will tell you that almost every Chinese girl has had an abortion. It's extremely common there.
Do they not have condoms in China?
Losing half is like losing all in this day and age. She either takes your life and your pride or just your life.
someone should have taught her about birth control. if she is white, just another white trash chick and nothing of value was lost especially if she truely is infertile.
Some woman thinks abortion is birth control.
A lot of depravity out there in the orient
That's kinda what they do in China
>One child policy for several decades
>becomes 2 child policy after 2016
>artical sounds like hoarse shit
Fucking illegals.. Least you know the differences between there, they're and their..