How do you guys deal with the fact that the future of this planet is nothing but mutt subhumans ruled over by...

How do you guys deal with the fact that the future of this planet is nothing but mutt subhumans ruled over by psychopathic, pedophile kikes?

Honestly how do you keep going?

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>Honestly how do you keep going?
I take breaks from Jow Forums and realize the sky isn't falling.

World is supposed to "end" in 12 years so idc hopefully some space rock takes us out b4 that

>The top half is his skin colour
Also the jews will get blacked. No way they are stupid enough to say "I'm not white! I'm jewish
!" and not get butchered or raped.

>realize the sky isn't falling.

Where I live in California it literally is. Im getting the fuck out by the end of the year hopefully.

My life is actually going well because I’m not a pathetic incel like you who just dwells on negativity
>24 years old
>beautiful blonde blue eyed wife. Met in second year of college, still in love, forever
>1 son, and just got her pregnant again. We’re planing to have at least 4
>awesome job working for the government $78k + OT with full benefits
>boss in fuckng based + bro tier cooworkers

I believe very soon that the prophecy will be fulfilled, and this war will end.

>future of this planet is nothing but mutt subhumans ruled over by psychopathic, pedophile kikes?
The future of this planet is a bunch of eurofags and then global judgement.
You haven't finished with all the redpills yet user.
>Only posting part of the whole, shame on you

Attached: European-Diversity.png (3508x2480, 3.19M)

>guy's pelvis is blotched with blue paint to suggest blue girl was blowing him
>blue girl's face isn't blotched with red paint

shitty oversight.

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ideally China will wipe them out.
godspeed, chinks, and thx for the ebay deals

What countries were the gay ones again?

You should've got out years ago dumbass. The fuck are you waiting for?

I drink a lot and just wait around to die

b-but red+blue = purple

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>What countries were the gay ones again?
Belgium + Norway

Little baby brain

Hard to save up money when youre being leeched every month

Nothing in life is free. If we want humanity to have a future, we have to fight for it and make it happen.

It's a challenge placed before us that we need to rise to face. And overcome.

This. Cali s fucked.


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I never, ever believe these posts. If this was true not only would you not be here, you certainly wouldnt feel the need to brag about your 'perfect life' on a Laotian Pokemon Card forum

Attached: haliburton retirement gift.jpg (800x800, 139K)

78k with one kid and another on the way. Good luck user. You are going to need it. Me and the wife make $250k and that doesn’t seem enough to raise several kids. What are you taxes like?

Thanks. Kills me everytime

>Iceland was owned by Norway orginally

>I take breaks from Jow Forums and realize the sky isn't falling.
Pol may be bombastic but shit really is decaying
If You dont believe it then you're a blue pilled flag larper

But it isn't now. Might have been funny in the 13th century though.

>Honestly how do you keep going?
At this point I am living simply for the chance that I get an opportunity to be a thorn in the sides of the (((international elites)))

>Laotian Pokemon Card forum
Not true. I brag here too. Its douchey but who cares its user and hopefully it white pills some losers into changing

Humans were always and will always be the 'gift' of nature. You never needed anything, you just think you do. You can't 'own' anything, you only get your nerve endings. All we really want is to escape and never look back.

>Nothing in life is free. If we want humanity to have a future, we have to fight for it and make it happen.
this breddy much

This is why you whites are unironically finished. Wow. Youre already financing at least a dozen nigger children, you realize that right?

Literally Idiocracy.


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>still in love, forever
Brace yourself

You have no idea how bad things really are.

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