American Gypsies

Alright guys, my rural town has been invaded by gypsies. At first I didn't know what the hell was going on. It started when a couple of cars pulled into my long driveway just before dusk. It's about 600ft of driveway, so nobody ever comes down it unless they have a damn good reason. Instead of doing anything, they just stopped. I look out the window and both cars start honking.
I grabbed my pistol, tucked it in my pants, and went out to ask them what they're doing.
>Fat greasy fuck rolls down the passenger side window, gestures for me to come near.
>Cautiously approach, it's fucking weird for ANYONE around here to encroach this deep on another man's property without good cause.
>Is something the matter, can I help you with something?
>Gib chickuns. Gib chickun plezz.
>I'm sorry, what? A chicken?
>Yes, I hab family. Two small children. Gib chicken or turkey plez.
>You want me to give you one of my chickens? These are egg laying chickens, and they're not for sale. How did you know I had chickens anyway?
>Gib turkey. Plez plez gib turkey.
>4 guys in SUV, two just silouhetted figures in the back. Another car behind them, tinted windows with no view of how many in the car.
>"I'm not selling chickens. I could sell you some eggs, but this isn't how I usually sell em."
>Your neighbor has chickun? Which neighbor? I want turkey. Can give turkey?
>"I don't know what kind of animals my neighbors have. I hear em, but I don't know what they have. They're not in the business of selling to passers by"
>Okay, Which neighbor has Turkey?
>"Look, this isn't a business. I'm not selling anything and I'm not a rep for my neighbors. Go on now. They sell chicken for $6 at the store. It's cheap."

They drove off. Then later I had another SUV stop and try to sell me a 'rolex' for gas money. As soon as he did that I was like "it's fucking gypsies!" But now I'm nervous. I've got a shed full of tools, and I hear they steal dogs and animals. What the fuck do I do?

Also gypsy story thread. Go.

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Other urls found in this thread:

WTF op are you writing a sequel to the fucking bible?

What state?

WA, by the cascade range.

The Tucker Gypsy segment

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bayst story user. please post more

I had no idea we were getting a hot gypsy injection, fuck. North Bend? Enumclaw? Wenatchee? Okanogan?
t. Tacoma-user

That's all I have for now. I hear they stick around for a few days/weeks and get moving. I'm trying to figure out what I can do to protect myself here. I'm not in a meth area. It's all farmers and hermits here, so nobody's stealing from anyone, and we don't bother with locks or security. It's never been a problem, but now I'm starting to get nervous. I googled these shitstains and the things I've read online are making me want to camp out with my gun, waiting for them to come back.
My mom says they'll be back and they were probably casing houses.

Basically Enumclaw, yeah. Franklin/Enumclaw/Ravensdale, general area.

>leave India hundreds years ago
>still shit in the streets
That is some dedication Pajeet

hahahaha, they are a synonym for being cheap, dirty, begging, stealing, disease and inbreeding, gl with them, they will also bully your kids in school because they grow faster at first and they fail at school so they go to the same grade for 3 years, dont worry tho, they will find their place if you squeeze them right.

also they lie a lot

>I'm trying to figure out what I can do to protect myself here
they are fucking pussies, just one shot in the air will be enough

A thousand years ago, these shitskins get run out of India, make their way west, and never manage to integrate into European society? 1000 fucking years, and now they've spread to the USA and caravan into my tiny little town. What the fuck?
I've never had anyone drive up my driveway. Then just honk their horn? If there's one good thing about being here, it's that the law might just fall on my side if I have to open fire on them preemptively. They behave strange as hell. They don't just talk funny, they move and gesture in strange ways. Almost like they're drugged out or something. And, around here, pulling into someone's property and acting like that might not be met with friendly requests to just move on.
I think I'll call my local PD tomorrow and let them know. There's old folk around here who might fall victim to their scams or whatever. And lots of the older guys here have pole barns full of tools, machinery, etc. I'm honestly surprised that the meth heads and drunk indians haven't figured out how many thousands of dollars of free shit is just laying around here unattended.

I've got easily $6k worth of stuff in my barn that I don't want to replace.because some half Indian subhuman decided he was brazen enough to sneak onto someone's property out here.

>fewer words than a single page of an avg paperback book

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When I was about 5 I lived in a semi-trashy apartment with my mom and step-father. In another building near us were some gypsies. They'd pimp their daughter out to niggers to make money.

Are they Roma gypsies or "Irish travellers"? How can you tell the difference? I've never seen them. Only read "Thinner" by Stephen King

Dont lie bro you know you said "that neighbor right there sells them just go to his house instead of mine"


Don't let them get comfortable luckily no one likes them and they have no political representation so no one will stick up for them. Gypsies are a literal cross between blacks and Jews.

He's wearing a cross. Are gypsies Catholic?

>gypsies are a cross between blacks and jews
Oh Gawd is it that bad??

They're greasy fat pig looking dudes with dark skin and black hair. They look kind of like a Greek mixed with an Indian. Or in other words, kinda Turkish, lol.

Well at first I thought they really were trying to buy chickens, so I did start by wondering aloud which one of our neighbors actually sells their chickens. But honestly, by the way they look, I know they won't get much traction with the neighbors either. A lot of the people down here will just think they're muslims.

It's funny man, the more I've googled them the more I've realized that they basically ARE jews, but without the institutional power or any attempt to work within the system.
The complaints I've read about them online are basically exactly what we'd say about jews, except nobody feels bad saying it about gypsies. It's actually kind of heartening to see people drop the pretense of 'open mindedness' when they realize THEY are the target. Now all we have to do is explain that the jews and gypsies are both basically the same thing, except jews are like gypsies with control of the banks and major corporations.

They will wear out their welcome and lucky for you that they have no representation anywhere.

I read that gypsies believe its ok for them to steal due to them stealing the first set of nails that were set aside to nail christ to the cross. For that good deed they are allowed to steal whatever.

When I was in foster care, my whore mom got infatuated with a gypsy hobo. He knocked her up, stole what little shit she had (mostly drugs), almost killed me, and raped my sister. When I found him a few days later, passed out drunk, I beat him with a fence post until his face was pulped. I was fourteen. The next day, we went into foster care. The cops learned from my sister that the fucker had raped her, and they took him. My mom was so in love with this sack of shit she wrote a letter saying that he couldn't have done it, and actually tried to imply I was the rapist. That was the moment when all hope inside me died. I never spoke to my mom again. Sure enough, DNA testing proved him guilty. He was put in prison, and is now a registered sex offender.

t. Oregon user

It's difficult to feel sorry for americans after years of them going
>but we totally have gypsies too and they are alright
Because you morons were too retarded to understand what real gypsies are.
Enjoy the taste, bucko and fucking shoot them as soon as you have the chance to do so legally.

>They look kind of like a Greek mixed with an Indian
so old vampire movies lied to us?

Well that Tucker clip's guest is a gypsy whose book is called in search of the fourth nail...

they go through your trash like raccoons and they also steal anything that isn't bolted down


>t. tween that has never read anything longer than a tweet

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Call the sheriiff, run them off.
I don't even like door to door salesmen.
Post a sign at the head of your driveway, Private Drive/Property. Then it's definite trespass.

that is very sad. fuck this gay earth.

Good luck with those cigani, my American brothers.

Yeah, we definitely live in clownworld. You gotta make what you can of this shit. I'm just grateful for my job, my girlfriend, and a new chance at life. And I'm glad that I'm not asleep anymore.
Used to be a doomer for a long time.

I've got a gate up at the road. I never close it, but now I will. I'll toss a sign on it that says 'private drive no trespassing'. At least then I can approach them angrily/aggressively if I see them coming down the way again. I've never had to be angry or aggressive with anyone around here. Everyone plays by the rules and it's all white people so we get along even if we mostly ignore eachother. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt out here. Not like in the city where you have to constantly be on guard. I hate the idea that some shitbags can show up and ruin that nice vibe and introduce suspicion in a community that always functions pretty smoothly.

I'm sorry man. I'm glad you beat his face with a fence post. I've heard horror stories of gypsies in the midwest and southwest. But never up north here. Yours may be the worst I've heard yet from the USA. Fuck that piece of trash, I hope he dies in prison.

>It's difficult to feel sorry for americans after years of them going
>but we totally have gypsies too and they are alright
>Because you morons were too retarded to understand what real gypsies are.
>Enjoy the taste, bucko and fucking shoot them as soon as you have the chance to do so legally.

Who has said this?

When I have tried to warn people about gypsies in public, they all turn on me. What do you expect me to do? I ask them, have you ever met one? And of course none of them have. But they just say I sound like the nazis sounded when they talked about jews.

That's a good story, Oregon user, I enjoyed it. Sounds very sad, but the part where you beat the gypsy made me smile again.

yeah what the fuck are you talking about dude?
I've lived in 4 states and have never met a gypsy.
There was a dirty looking Sephardi girl in highschool we called a gypsy tho.

He's out now. If I see him again, I'll probably kill him. Nobody will miss him, I guarantee that.
My sister died two years later. The shit she'd been through fucked her up, and she couldn't take it anymore.

It's in the past now. I shared it so people will understand that gypsies are scum. But thanks, I guess.

Good stuff user, keep it up

Such a beautiful place. I went there before. Too bad the whole thing was ruined when i learned Mr Hans was from there and even more people went after he died to get fucked by the same horse

>Roma come from India.
>one of the big complaints is public defecation

IndiAn street shitting genetically based confirmed.

Will do, fren.

Imagine being THE guy who died fucking a horse in the history of our country

I hate this fucking shithole “country.”

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>be me
>get robbed by gypsie

Shoot them. And be sure to get them all. They already checked your home out. Expect burglary and theft. Be on your watch, they are all nothing but criminals. And shoot the kids and women also, they use them as tools and they are also dirty thieves and criminals.

He was one fucked up dude. He had a cast made of one of the horse's dicks. Gotta be a first for everything i guess

Jesus, man I'm sorry

I heard about them here PA The government moved them into an apartment here. they would shit out side in the front street or yard. They were killing ducks and shit and were generally retarded and they destoryed the apartment. Why does the government do this stupid shit.

Don't worry user, we'll fix this mess soon.

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Yeah, I'm on guard til midnight. If they come later than that, I'll have to rely on my dog to alert me. I think here in the US they rely on bigger scams and bbn less on pure theft or pickpocketing. But I'm sure they do that too. I'm worried about some old widow getting dragged to the bank and signing away her retirement money or some shit like that.

If you werent there, they would already have stolen from you. Band together with your neighbours and drive them out ASAP. Nothing good comes from them. Your only hope is they have a lawful patriarch, but thats a one in a million chance. Dont bet on that. Dont trust the police to clear this shit for you. They will steal and then they are gone, nowhere to find. GL user and hold your ground against this barbarians.

Do not, I repeat do not let them breed. They are like rabits
Kill them, castrate them I dont Care Just dont let them fuck

>American Gypsies
>Russian Gypsies
>Europian Gypsies
Useless untermenschs and drug dealers all of them.

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You can kill them, OP. So you better lighten the load for everybody and fucking do it.

Thanks, leafbro. Just be careful.

I am so sorry for you . Here in Romania gypsies are the worst . In my grandparents' village they force old people to leave their homes so they can "buy" them for pocket change . Motherfuckers are like rabbits , in a few years , if they settle , you're gonna see 14 shit skinned , naked "kids" of theirs. I am so sorry for you . And if they ask you anything don't reply , it's for your own safety , take care

You are FUCKED. Gypsies are the most vile scum of the earth. They won't just steal your tools in the shed. They will steal the shed. They will tear it apart while you are at work and burn the wood to keep their disgusting inbred children warm. They will steal anything and everything they can. You will find their 12yo sons and daughters fucking each other in dark corners of your land.

Your whole town will soon smell like piss and shit. They will leave such a huge mess to clean up that you will be shocked at how bad a family can leave an area. Think of all of the groups you don't like whether its drunken potato niggers, thieving/raping ghetto niggers or conniving Jews, gypsies are worse than them all.

More guns.
Talk to your neighbours
More guns.
It's a rural town with country cops, talk to them.
Just have everyone come out en masse with lots of "scary" looking guns.
Get everyone to do the country "Git frum urrr town"
Or you're going to be suffering, they have chosen your town, they are all "oppressed", make that a reality.
I'm not inciting violence here for anyone whose glowing, I'm concerned about public safety.

I feel very bad for your sister but I'm glad that fucker got his face beat in. If we were mates I'd be stood right next to you with a bat.

It's good if you notice your PD for the old people, a big scam they do around here is offer cheap repairs or other work around the house and once it's done they want a shitton of money for it all of a sudden. A lot of old people fall for it and the gypsis can get very intimidating if you don't pay them what they ask. Also gullible or soft people wil often fall for those scams

Also they will try to sell roses and shit on the towns square and they will have sad little notes with them for you to read. Sometimes, while you do that the kids will pickpocket of you.

Your mom is a very smart better secure anything valuable. Set some tripwire traps/alarms. Buy a fucking lock for your doors

Selling lucky twigs they found on the roadside too.

>gypsy family tree

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>When Gypsie meet a gun owning population
this is going to be good times

lol these brainlets thinking you said bible because of the length..

I wish I'd had friends like you growing up. My neighborhood was just filled with cholos.

low qual.
low iq.

Gypsies are the niggers here. They are useless, disgusting and fucking loud. They can't behave like a normal person even if they rich. I wish we can just kill them all.
t. Someone with gypsy neighbour

If you can, post pics of him or at least his name. I have almost nothing to live for and would love to throw my life away for a good cause.

His name is Jim Horn. I looked for an arrest record, but I can't find anything. He was arrested here in Salem, Oregon.
I'd rather you just find a good gal and make white kids, dude. We need all the help we can get.

Ok. prepare for their usual scams.
" how to get to [insert location] oh and my cars blinker fluid went out sapre some coins,,,," and the usual variations.

Your belongings are cursed [espeshaly the yewlry] we can decurse it..

And a fuckton more.

And as the german told you.


What rural town? Or County?
t. rural town Pennsylvanian

>Roma are majority in eastern Europe.
Aside from Romania banter, that gypsy on the video was delusional. They are literally a fucking minority that as spread to entire Europe that has refused integrate for centuries.... in every single European country.

I know few gypsies. Couple of 'em are cops, one is lawyer (prosecutor), one is social worker or something and couple have normal jobs. Rest of gypsies have made 'em outcasts. They are people that are shunned by other gypsies because they abandoned their traditional ways.

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>but we totally have gypsies too and they are alright
who the fuck said that? The only murricans I've ever met who have any thoughts on gypseys, let alone positive ones, are dumb thots who listen to too much Cher and think they're romantic

Form a posse and drive those filthy gyppos out of town. Your local authorities will do nothing to stop them.

Why don't I believe any of the hysteria ITT? Aren't you letting your prejudice get a little (a lot!) out of hand anons?

Fire a warning shot user. Round up the residents and go looking for them with a big redneck truck full of shotgun weilding dudes and make it clear they are not wanted round these parts. smash a car window to make your point. Find them before they can start stealing because that is exactly what they will do. Litter everywhere and steal whatever is not nailed down.

It's only the 99% that sully the reputation of the 1%.

What even are gypsies where do they come from why are they hated, I know Romania has something to do with it but I can't remember.


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‘Do you want this free shit?

Also why are you retards pretending that gypsies weren't already in America, they have the highest amount of gypsies in Europe after Egypt you entire fucks. This is nothing new.

> gypsy neighbors

If theyre travelling around looking to settle make sure your town is as hostile as possible. If theyve already settled youre all fucked.

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this is a perfectly acceptable length of a greentext story you mongoloid

good news is they're rarely violent compared to other ethnic groups that take up similar niches in society, bad news is they are fighting a war of attrition against civilization itself

Are they the brown romanian gypsies or the white irish ones?

Over here they steal GPS-es out of ambulances while the EMT deals with the emergency. If you think something is too low for a civilized person to commit, multiply that 1000 times and be prepared for gypsies to commit it.

I fucking hate gypsies

He said they look like indians. Its the worst ones.

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Fucking Romanians

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>my rural town has been invaded by gypsies
good fuck you you fucking mutt
now you know my pain
you deserve everything you get for ruining the world after ww2

Gyppos will steal anything not nailed down. They are low IQ jews, barely more intelligent than a nigger and just as prone to violence. Keep your gun on hand for all interactions with them and try to get the police to run them out of town.

Nooooo not gypsies

They will wear whatever it takes to get pan handle money

Frollo was right.

they usually dont pan handle that much, at least in my country, they get all their $$ through gov gibs, they have very good overview what pays what and since they got piles of kids it pays very well, even more when faking (sometimes due to inbreeding no need to fake) some kind of disability. Family with only (rare) 3 kids gets from state more than my bro has his salary from what he saw in their income.

Plenty of them living in my city, saw fight between them when returning from lunch, knife was even pulled.

They are there to stay, enjoy.