93 trillion for green deal


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How does she plan to remove all the farting cows, will she do like Mao's four pest campaign and introduce wolves to kill the cows or just have commissars kill the cows, how will the Pahjeet community respond to such a desecration to their sacred animal.

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She wants to cut millions of jobs and somehow spend 93 trillion dollars. Who gave this bitch a job.

The Earth is 12 years from destruction and we're sitting here talking about the cost of saving the Earth?

lol @ that. That would bankrupt America no doubt. And with their support for open border and mass immigration, America would cease to exist in a few years of implantation of their crazy ideas.


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Why are all those old men so dickless and dumb that they’re willing to stand next to the retard when she gets to spouting her retarded shit?


$93 trillion monopoly dollars! Wow!
As if the Rothschild's aren't sitting on at least 5x that amount.

Oh wow a right wing think tank says AOC bad. Imagine that.

At what point does all this climate change shit not look like a straight up apocalyptic death cult? You do realize that 93 trillion is more than 4 times our entire GDP, right? Do you have any understanding about economics at all?

omg becky look at her projected budget. she's so democratic and populist. it's disgusting she looks like a grassroots politician

we're just so TAXED

The democrats are more interested in virtue signaling ideas like this then actually attempting them. That way they can keep their voters in line and not be proven wrong

Muh roffchillins
Low IQ cletus take right here, i bet you believe that gold backed money has magical inherit value

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It's.. it's perfect.

Ergo decedo argument. Kys.

She truely is fantastically retarded.

This image says 1000 words.
Four old white dudes and their loud mouthpiece screaming about all the hard earned tax dollars they want to spend.

>ocrazio kotex bad
>we dont need any handouts or any ubi bullshit
>we need commies to back off from the market too! Elon will fix the planet guys we just have to trust In him

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who are all those dudes standing around her

is this from a movie

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Three Men and A Baby.

Women are so good at spending our money. Its because they have no perspective on how to produce more than they consume.

Kikes own debt through usury. They're wealthy because they leech off of payments on goods that have already been used. Their inherent value is in future contractual debt agreement interest. Totally different than having 93turrrllion in the bank, but at the same time, much more powerful. That's only because people take it on in the first place, then those same people have a difficult time getting out of debt before they get cancer or some shit. Debt slavery continues...

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Lads this is coded. 93 is a signal she is a Crowleyite, and a shill/ controlled. If you see that number, it is like Masons using 33. 93 = Thelema. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/93_(Thelema)

They could tax THE ENTIRE WORLD at a 100% rate, and they’d still be about $15 trillion short.

Also billion... nine zeros. Interesting.

>faggot commie plan cost 93 trillion
>total GDP of the world ~80 trillion
Meh just print trillions worth of bills, bonds, and pawn off all the infrastructure to China
What could go wrong goyim?

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Done deal. Check 'em.

The fundamental premise of the green new deal isn't bad, but America is a multicultural shit hole, half the population would never accept it and it would end up cost far more than trillions of dollars. libtards are so fucking stupid they actually believe that throwing money at people actually helps them. By every metric known to man, gibs has the exact opposite effect. It rewards and promotes laziness by taking away purpose and ambition. While Cortez may not have the mental acuity to comprehend the historical and current impact of welfare, the jews helping her know exactly what would happen.

green new deal backwards sounds like
lets win the earth. some real satanic shit
going on here.

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Ah, but she’s a true believer, bro. You can tell, can’t you? She’s not just spitting a line, she actually believes this shit. It’s what gives her the confidence at her age, with her lack of experience and dearth of knowledge, to speak and act as she does on the stages and before the audiences that she has attracted.

She’s mental, but absolutely believes the ideas she espouses so thoroughly that even if she entertains some doubt her fundamental beliefs provide the charisma to fill gaps. She’s enthusiastically stupid, but enthusiasm is infectious. Those dumbasses standing next her in approval are playing with fire.

Classic liberal
>ill make the world/country a much better place even if i have to spend all YOUR money

How does the left not see that Ocasio Cortez is an exact reflection of what trump is to the far right?

>extremist on their end of the political spectrum
>populist hero
>avatar for the identity politics culture war (white man vs brown woman)
>poor spoken vocabulary
>unqualified for their position
>Narcissistic self aggrandizing language (Cortez's recent "I'M THE BOSS NOW!" for example)

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Great argument

Howard Johnson is right about you being right Hillary Johnson.

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>70 year old man is inexperienced
>70 year old man is uneducated
>qualified as a consideration for political comparisons between a 70 yr old and a 29 yr old
>Democrat from 20 years ago is a right wing extremist today
What planet are you from?
Trump has her beat as narcissistic but way less abrasive because he pulls it off as tongue in cheek, usually with a wink, must be that white male privilege.

one dead, one pozzed, one made irrelevant. shitsux

We've moved so far left that the article mentions a


It's nearly time boys, guns at the ready

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All we need to do is deny Amazon a 93 trillion tax credit and boom, we will have 93 trillion to spend on climate change.

Gibs me da money and power!

Says the Econ major who doesn’t understand basic economics.

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you got any better ideas other than building a monument to racism along the southern border then lets hear it.

Compared to the price tag of whats to come from climate change 93 trillion is nothing.

Have fun with your forest fires, floods and hurricanes. May they be plentiful and costly as you people have deserved them.

if youre so terrified why aren't you locking yourself and your family in a bunker already?

>93 trillion on green shit
>10 billion on a fusion reactor instead
It's not hard

Rational people reject appeals to emotion that suggest a border wall is inherently racist. Such a suggestion imputes unverified and scurrilous motivations on other sides of a multi sided (more than two) exercise in practical considerations... Good fences make good neighbors, user. Have you wandered outside your own yard?

If they turned down the invite or disagreed they would be excommunicated and have the twitter brigades unleashed on them. Questioning non whites and females is blasphemous to Dems

Because I live in Finland.

If you have the tech for safe fusion reactors in your pocket now would be the time to share it with the world.

If not, then all I can say that we are quickly running out the time to develop and utilize such technology.

I remember Al Gore said this in his movie in 2004. I also remember ppl saying this in the late 80's about the rain forest and the ozone layer. I suspect they will be saying it about something else 15 years from now.

>Cost the US tax payer $93 trillion
As long as it hurts Americans I am all for it.

She's not "mental". She is the product of our universities. She is simply repeating what is said in our universities and within the confines of the Democratic party.

>We don't have the tech for moon landings right now
>There's no way we can be there by the end of the decade, let alone beat the Soviets there too
That's literally the whole point of research. We can find the funding, we can find the tech, what we don't have right now is political will thanks to a dependency on oil cartels

>I suspect they will be saying it about something else 15 years from now.

history never repeats itself but it rhymes.

Ok shes a fucking plant. Well done trump well done.

Technology will be developed when it is needed.
As long as oil and gas are plentiful and cheap - it is not needed.
If oil goes to $200 per barrel - then that technology will develop quickly.

You didn't phone Branson and Musk yet for a spot on the spaceships ? AOC has secured hers.

Drumpppfffhh !!!! has already destroyed the world, we're just waiting for the caldera and the nukes since he's destabilized the weather systems with all his new factories and growth !

You have placed your trust in a number of places with this simple post... and as I tried to begin listing them, I got bored, so here’s where my interest ran out with TLDR
>global warming is real (we now call it climate change)
>global warming is anthropogenic
>humans can impact and change the effects of global warming with policy decisions, including taxes
>the climate model data is accurate
>there is an accurate way to collect historic climate data
>there is no financial interest in the collection, analysis, and extrapolation of climate data by the reporting agencies I choose to trust

Do you have access to National Geographic magazines issued in the 1970’s? This is your TLDR... The coming global ice age was last generations climate crisis, and there is NO reliable climate data because the compilers are chasing grant money. It’s a fucking scam.

Super TLDR... George Carlin had a bit where he said this planet would shake us off like a bad case of fleas, and he was fucking right.

>That's literally the whole point of research. We can find the funding, we can find the tech, what we don't have right now is political will thanks to a dependency on oil cartels

There's plenty of political will, just not economical but you're correct with the dependency on oil cartels. Fusion power has pretty much the same problem as Nuclear power has now.

> It can sometimes take decades to recoup initial costs. Since many investors have a short attention span, they don't like to wait that long for their investment to pay off.
>But that's not all: at this time, other forms of energy are relatively cheap. Natural gas is plentiful and inexpensive.

Make it stop

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Holy shit, she doubled down

>Who gave this bitch a job?

They literally can’t say shit because they’re Democrats and have to toe the party line in every single scenario

Bot checking in. I need to be counted and I can scan .jpgs so none of your shit is safe from the new tech, faggots.

Jew Yorkers, probably most of them brown and from Islands or Southern nations.

who /McConnell bot/ here

She’s an absolute moron thinking that the dollar will maintain its current value if they just print off that sum overnight. It’s almost as if she’s never once heard of hyperinflation and knows fuck all about high school economics

> 93 trillion

you can't trust that number. once the project is started, the budget will go well over 100 trillion. always.

Give that man a carbon credit

>It’s almost as if she’s never once heard of hyperinflation
If I wasn't banned from twatter I'd send her this pic, except she would probably get confused, think it was a good thing and african niggers are rich.

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says who? some boomer conservatard think tank?

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Hyperinflation of the US dollar would mean the end of human civilization.

I don’t disagree, but she went to Boston and some how got out of there without the ability to think critically, or she got in there without the ability to think at all. Pick your poison but it’s a sad commentary on US college education either way, and there is no way to avoid confronting it.

The Paul Reveres shouting the warnings this vapidness was coming in higher education now see their lamps raised, and we are all staring it in the face in a way that can’t be denied. It’s fucking stunning to witness.

There's plenty of science backing up climate change for those interest to look for it. But if instead you'd rather keep feeding your confirmation bias be my guest. Maybe you'll eventually realize how wrong you where once climate change hits your backyard or your economy but until then you're probably beyond saving.

Still.. Oil and other fossil fuels are pretty much limited resources which will be consumed eventually which will likely cause events similar to oil crisis in 1970's. Fracking is known to contaminate drinking water, pollute the air and screw over anyone who lives in near vicinity of such operations. Microplastic is everywhere and already causing number of effects on our health and probably the biggest contributor for them are car tires. Trash is also piling up and China is no longer willing to buy it off from you guys so hope you have fun with it.

These are very existing problems and you don't need to wait for years to see the damage because it's already happening.

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Thats why she was a waitress

Good point faggot, noted

This, i suspect. Cars wernt developed until the number of horses in cities got to great and their shit filled the streets, then the damand for a cleaner tranport system that move without rails increased.

>costs 93 trillion
>still no fucking idea about where the hell she's even gonna get the money from in the first place

She would be sleeping.

What are you Trumpkin Republicunt asswipes offering to avoid climate armageddon?? We are right on the precipice of ruin and you keep shilling for your Paris Climate Accord cancelling Dear Leader.

You must all live in the mountains. Insufferable fags.

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>printing out trillions of colored paper will somehow save the environment
>while consequently drastically reducing the value of that piece of paper
Imagine being you

Told you she was ugly as fuck

She looks like a rat more than Anita Sarkeesian. Didn't know it was possible.

There's also alternative called carbon tax.

Who gives a shit how we save the environment as long as its done. You must have a spot reserved on Earth 2.0 a few thousand lightyears from here? Amirite fag?

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Cries about US.

Ignores that US exceeded what their obligations would have been under the Paris Accord anyhow.

I thought we were discussing Globa- ahem, Climate Change. You’re all over the map, bro. You rely on suspect climate data pushed by folks with a FINANCIAL interest in pointing to a certain result. That fact can’t be credibly denied, renders it a political issue, and failure to acknowledge it means you’re engaged in a primarily political discussion posing as a scientific one, rather than the other way around.

Peak oil is a myth pushed by the political camp that is financially opposed to your climate change camp. You see that, right? Yet you oddly straddle it because you don’t know where you sit.

You are correct the developing world is burning and/or burying the first world’s planned obsolescence while they copy the tech and increase the output, that’s a general recitation of your points giving credit you don’t seem to have earned... you mention micro plastics yet your points are muddied and you don’t mention specifically oceanic pollution that collects as a result of currents... we’re talking square miles and miles and miles of plastic floating in the ocean. How do you offer on this topic and not address it?

Fuck out of here. Go read, widely, question as a natural skeptic, use your brain if it works and learn to train it if it doesn’t. Then start over. Good luck.

>also alternative called carbon tax
>a tax on all life on the planet
I'll pass

Maybe it's just my state, but I've never met a liberal economics professor, all of them bashed socialist policies. Just what was her focus in economics, cause it seems she got the degree then just said fuck it, let's do the opposite.

you are asking the human race to quadruple their industrial activities to save the environment from too much industrial activities.

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Source fag? Not Breitbart, Fox, or Daily Caller you shill you.

ruining china's economy would be more impactful on greenhouse gases than 3 green new deals

I hope you live 6 feet above sea level like me.

Yet 30 billion for a wall is too expensive.....

Really makes me think.

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