Are you a heretic or something?
Why aren't you a catholic?
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My skin is too white
Please use verifiable evidence, with a direct 1.0 correlation, proving to me that God exists. Do that and I will be a Catholic.
>inb4 entirely irrelevant and out of place bible passages
Catholicism is based!
I won't because it's a matter of faith. Either you know God exists or you don't. With that said, you can often feel the presence of God through the holy spirit if you simply accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
The current pope is illegitimate.
I'm Catholic in the universal sense, man. I could dig Catholicism if they'd start burning pedophile priests at the stake again. Same for Protestantism. When they're drowning witches and faggots I'll check it out.
sorry im not sandnigger
Real Catholics support burning pederasts and witches at the stake. Liberalism has infected everything, including the church. The sooner we get back to a theocracy, the better.
I'm not keen I the terms and conditions I think I will shop around.
because child molesters. i'm protestant.
Christianity is a jew meme. It's an abrahamist invention used to (successfully) infiltrate Europe.
>I won't because it's a matter of faith.
Well then you have your answer. I don't believe Semitic fairytales without evidence.
i believe the bible
That's what they want you to believe. The Jews represent the synagogue of Satan. Every dead Jew is burning in hell for rejecting Christ.
That's heresy, user.
Same here, lad.
Because I like singing hymns
Former Roman Catholic here.
I hate the rapist priests.
Also they've revised so much doctrine since Vatican II.
Fake Protestantism isn't interesting to me.
I’m not gay.
Because God is a biggest scam of human history, along side with commie.
I’d rather take my spirituality more independently than how you guys do it, like what Jesus would’ve wanted. “Don’t you know ye are gods?” Forgot what verse. That’s 1 reason.
That's my cross in the centre
I don't enjoy cuckolding.
You are worshipping a dead jew who likely wasn't real in the first place. If you are a white European (doubting it at this point), you should return to your pagan roots and stop worshipping jewish fabrications. You need to stop and think about the brainwashing and conditioning a semetic religion from thousands of years ago is making you a moron on Jow Forums right now.
You're referring to the holy spirit working through you.
bro have you seen their nigger love/pedo shit?
Nice LARP. Christians used to burn kikes and heretics at the stake.
And? Protestants and Catholics have killed each other..... YOU ARE WORSHIPPING SOMEONE IDENTIFIED AS THE 'KING OF JEWS' YOU FUCKING MORON. Christianity is a direct offshoot of judaism. You are forwarding an ancient jewish psyop.
Because Catholic doctrine is internally inconsistent, therefore Catholicism is an objectively false religion.
Sure. Many spiritual circles call it different names. I just don’t like the dogma (believe because we tell you), the hierarchy (I think we’re all equals), excess of tribalism (catholicism is the only way and all others suck). You know shit like that. Not even disagreeing.
Just read the Words of Christ, why the fuck do you need a church?
It's pathetic. You're just rooting for a football team. What a disgusting use of faith.
>god comitted suicide to forgive his creation
Sorry fellas, but I don’t think this semen slurping faith is for
>based Christian
yep. so divided and conquered
Um, let's start with all priests are pedos and go from there, user.
But I am
The bible was compiled by Roman ZOG and is gay af.
t. doctorus theologus americanus
Have you ever seen how Evangelical Christians making a tour to Israel look? Like stupid white trash. No salvation for them that I guarantee.
He declared himself king of the Jews because he tried to reform Judaism which was (and still is) inherently corrupt. The Jews couldn't stand the thought of their kikery coming to an end so the Pharisees killed him.
Good man.
If you can supply me with incontrovertible evidence that Peter was the head of the Church, and that it was widely believed as such before 150AD, and that he alone was the head of the church in Rome and Christianity on earth, and that he passed down his individual special power onto one particular person to receive Peter's unique position and power as leader of Christianity on earth, then I will become Catholic.
>back to a theocracy
...meaning, "back to the Dark Ages".
Catholic and Lutheran churches are badly infiltrated and destroyed by the jews.
what dark ages?
Started RCIA classes a couple months ago after my dad died last November. I used to be Episcopalian. I'm afraid I won't be able to just will myself to accept new dogmas anons. I can't intelligently defend my reasons for joining this faith I just felt called to it through so many coincidences and intangible influences. Started going to Latin Tridentine Mass and I just felt a presence I never felt before and I knew where I had to go to get the fullness of my faith. Anons I need more reasons to stick with this I'm turning a lot of my life upside down to pursue this and upsetting my mother and other family members
I honestly don't agree that you need an intermediary to be able to speak with God. Nor do you need relics and such to feel the presence of God.
Jesus H. Christ incarnate surrenders to Islam in the most publishable humiliating way possible
>I used to be Episcopalian
So you just got some more saints and do confessional. You were basically a catholic anyways because you were part of the Anglican church with a rebranding due to the whole revolutionary war thing.
Distinction between venial and mortal sin, the concept of absolution of sings, purgatory, Mariology, all this stuff is novel to me and I am having trouble understanding and accepting it. I am overcome with an incomprehensible conviction that joining the church is what I need to do to be saved but I'm worried I'll fuck it up and I'm just lost over it. Seriously if there are any catholic anons on here with similar experiences or insight into how to deal with such a transitional period I would really appreciate it I just feel spiritually awash right now
You need apologetics, my friend.
At this point if you're a catholic. you may as well just be a muzrat because you're no better. Catholicism is about nothing but promoting islam, kiddi diddling, taking retards money & retconing your own stupid ideology.
He is a jew. Jesus is a jew. You are worshipping a jew. Your inability to see you are being conned by a jew meme is peak insanity.
Because the church is a load of shit and I just don't buy the jesus crap. I'm not an atheist, but all the major religions sound like backward trash to me.
All I want is some sound values and morals without all the 2000 year old jew story nonsense or pagan larping insanity.
Hey dude. Just read the Jefferson Bible. Forget the church. You don't need an organization. You need to live by Love and Good Deeds. You're just avoiding what you must do.
>Hey dude. Just read the Jefferson Bible. Forget the church. You don't need an organization. You need to live by Love and Good Deeds. You're just avoiding what you must do.
cause Catholics are arrogant apes who cursed my church without any legitimacy to do it
t. orthodox master race
Where shines clear Light, of every darkness clean; where not a single soul is drunk, but sober all they gaze with their hearts’ eyes on Him who willeth to be seen.
No ear can hear Him, nor can eye see Him, nor tongue speak of Him, but [only] mind and heart.
But first thou must tear off from thee the cloak which thou dost wear,—the web of ignorance, the ground of bad, corruption’s chain, the carapace of darkness, the living death, sensation’s corpse, the tomb thou carriest with thee, the robber in thy house, who through the things he loveth, hateth thee, and through the things he hateth, bears thee malice.
Such is the hateful cloak thou wearest,—that throttles thee [and holds thee] down to it, in order that thou may’st not gaze above, and, having seen the Beauty of the Truth, and Good that dwells therein, detest the bad of it; having found out the plot that it hath schemed against thee, by making void of sense those seeming things which men think senses.
For that it hath with mass of matter blocked them up and crammed them full of loathsome lust, so that thou may’st not hear about the things that thou should’st hear, nor see the things that thou should’st see.
I was raised Baptist but have been going to Catholic mass with my gf. Honestly, I prefer mass. Still learning how to follow the Liturgy of the Word and other parts.
Because you remind me of radical Muslims asserting that anyone who doesn't practice sharia should die. Honestly tired of Catholics' holier than thou. You act like your God himself by claiming that you know other Christians are going to Hell. Your ready to damn anyone who disagrees with you in an instant.