0.9 = 1

I was thinking:

Is 0.9 = 1 another one of Goldberg's trickery, Jow Forums?

>deposit 1 dollar at Silverberg's bank
>ask to withdraw 1 dollar
>get only 0.90 back
>confront Bronzeberg
>oy vey don't complain! that's how math works! what are you anti-semetic?!

Attached: images.jpg (262x192, 16K)


Is this another 0.999...=1?

Also, what? Who do you bank with?

yep. op is just a retard.

This is why I dont like populism

Like all nazis & racists you're a fucking idiot

Trump supporters are great, you're just GARBAGE in the universe. Delete yourself mate.

Wow man thats quite antisemitic of you not cool 0.9 equals whatever Goldberg says it equals

0.9 is not =1
Its 0.999...=1 a nine followed by infinate nines

^^^ this is the correct answer. it can be mathematically demonstrated as a PROOF that .999999..... actually equals ONE