Realistically, do you think staying physically young for the majority of your life, partying...

realistically, do you think staying physically young for the majority of your life, partying, and fucking roasties like pic related would be a more fulfilling life than raising a family and working a 9-5?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>budget 200 mil $
>box office 270 mil $

>Just increase her eyes, the kawai uguu factor will rake us billions

nearing the end of my life I can say that living the degenerate life means I have no one to rely on when I can't take care of myself anymore.

that's what retirement homes are for

have you ever been to one?
you can't imagine the smell.
I'm going to set myself on fire before that happens

i have. they are comfy

>More fun

>More fulfilling

>More relaxing

>More meaningful

That girl has big eyes

market for this one is east asia and europe

How about staying physically young but maturing mentally? I know a lot of elders who still have a lot of spirit in them but they are prisoners to their dying body.

well not northern Europe that is for sure.

Yes. Maybe doing this hedonistic shit and work on something that makes sense would be even better.

>More fulfilling

you are just regurgitating the hollywood established tropes though

I've had the "pleasure" of working for a construction company that dealt with government run retirement homes.
Every day I was attacked by some woman with dementia, every day random old men would be screaming for help but no one would come, every day people would lay in their shit filled diaper because they only get changed once a day (if even that), every day the invalids would be lined up in the hall sitting in their wheelchairs waiting to be rolled to lunch or dinner, every day the staff couldn't give one shit about anyone they were supposed to care for and some would steal from the old folks too.
One day I was told to plunge a toilet and in the process shit got splattered onto my face and in my mouth, that's when I quit the job.
Like I said, fire for me, but do whatever suits you.

You are biologically inclined to raise a family (not only fuck, mind you, but actually raise kids family from conception to grown up).

Modernity and Holywood especially has always pushed individualism, ie sex as masturbation etc.

>You are biologically inclined to raise a family
As a man? lolno. Fatherhood is a modern social construct, you aren't biologically inclined to stick around as a man.

What is "fulfilling"?

something that makes you satisfied

If the only thing you can think of to feel fulfilled is being a slave and making more little slaves then you're stupid and pathetic. Simple minded men need simple minded ideas.

I think you can do both. Party till you're 30, then get to making babies. Ideally, you would have kids as young as possible, so then you can do whatever you want in your 40's and 50's.

Nature made you to be young and stupid and have kids early because nature is smart.

Having spent 20 years partying and fucking women, I would give back 10 of those years to already be dad and on my way to raising a little redpilled person.

So yes, you can do both. Don't wait too long user.


The reason human beings can grow so big brains is that we are born before being actually ready for life outside the womb (skull not fully grown, for instance).

The ability to protect and nurse new born children the first years of their life is the defining trait of a human being, what separates us from tapeworms, basically.

While the mother plays the dominant role here, the father is also an important part in ensuring that the infant survives and grows up to became a functioning human being.

This both applies to ancient history and today, hence why all kids of single mothers are fuckups.

>As a man
Remember that the picture of men not being with their family is something that has been heavily shilled since conscription. Basically the state wanted to draft as many men as possible for their armies and needed to paint a picture of men as people who didn't spend time with their families (they should die in the trenches instead).

Half your post is not relevant to what I said, the other half is bullshit. Have you done even 2 minutes of research?
Your wife and your mother raise your children. Fatherhood is absolutely not biological, and its not even ancient.

>Fatherhood is not even ancient
Are you fucking stupid? Or is it the decades of commie occupation that still lives on in you to this day.

Fuck off, you are just either incel or 14 manlet who can't be bothered to thing that life contains anything but masturbation, lol.

You will grow up and become wiser at some point I'm sure.

Finally, if your father wasn't there when you grew up, it's not because that is the manly thing to do. It's because he is a weak willed faggot, basically

Almost every retirement home is as you described, at least the ones i know. My mother used to say that she would kill me if i put her in one.

How do you make a post that is 99% empty insults, but is posing as an argument?
Look at the diversity too, from stupid, to communist, to incel, to underaged, to manlet, to masturbator, to unwise, to fatherless, to weak willed.... I can tell projection when I see it, m8lad.

>not Meaningful/rewarding
By what standard are you basing that off, hollywood?

My arguments are in the first post, Bulgar. But since you aren't able to engage with them, there's nothing left but insults.

Where were your father, when you grew up user? Is there something we need to talk about?


Hollywood encourages individualism

>realistically, do you think staying physically young for the majority of your life, partying, and fucking roasties like pic related would be a more fulfilling life than raising a family and working a 9-5?

yes. i would trade being married with kids for a party lifestyle and slaying pussi on the reg. my kids are little shits. fuck zoomers.

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My father is at home, I'll see him this weekend. I'll make sure to tell him about that one retard on the internet.
Your "argument" is not relevant. Yes, people have long childhood and require care. This doesn't mean fatherhood. It means motherhood. Mothers take care of the children. In an ancient society/tribe, the women and the elderly are with the children, and the men are away from the children, doing shit like hunting and war.
The ability to protect the tribe's women and children is not fatherhood, you aren't protecting just yours, and even childless men participate.
You've said nothing else, just throwing insults. Reread your own posts if you think otherwise, perhaps you are confused and think you've made an argument, when in reality you are just projecting your personal failure on an anonymous poster on an anime forum.

I wanna go hermit mode (comfy hermit, not wilderness hermit), as long as i get to experiences like that ‘ancient one’s touch’ in dr. Strange. Im set.

at least hedonism is fun

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they really should have focus tested it first, it's uncanny as fuck


>1.define meaningful
> can you prove any other made up philosophy is more meaningful than others???
>3. ???
>4. profit

>and the men are away from the children, doing shit like hunting and wa

See this is where you have been brainwashed

Motherhood and fatherhood is not a dichotomy. Mothers are indeed more important but without fathers also helping it wouldn't be possible for humans to become humans.

Why men are away on hunting and war (dying for the jew), 80% of their time was spent with the tribe. And when they were with the tribe they were with their kids. Just look it up, it's really not that difficult.

When you get your 30 min weekly session with your father be sure to think about what a failure he is, how he left you with your mom and how you finally were raised by a woman without any of the necessary masculine traits needed for becoming a successful human being

Like a cg girl with impossibly large eyes? Tf are you talking about?

I'm interdasted as to how you'll stay young.

Can confirm - worked in aged care. Expensive and not the way I want to go.

>le based high school student

There's no transcendental meaning you bum. But there is the feeling of meaning, which is as close as you can get.

You need the men to protect the women so that they can properly raise the children. But more than that, it is a spiritual familial bond. This is what holds societies together

I'll take either

>stealing women from other tribes 20000 years ago is "dying for the jew"
>but i am brainwashed
And stop projecting, you have no idea how empty it is. You don't know me, and I am nothing like what you are writing me down as. You are just being insecure, my dude.

Meaning its not a biological imperative, meaning Denmark should stop posting nonsense.

I took care of my mum at home until she passed away because of what I learned on the job. It was hard but worth it

my plan exactly. My Grandma went in one and it was one of the better ones, but 2 minutes in their and I was depressed as fuck. And it still stank and some old aldy still tried to rape me. And STILL the nurses were shit. I can't imagine what it's like for older people who have their minds intact. It's suicide for me when I fulfill 2/3 of the following criteria:
>Shit my pants
>See my mind slipping
>Need a machine just to keep living

Gonna go on a rant here so tell me if I'm out of my tree or something. I think this phenomenom of super old age and collapse of the families comes from the French Revolution, or further back with the Whigs.

The whig verison of history is greater and greater freedom each era, power dissolves down from a King, to an aistocracy, to a Parliment to liberal democracy. And the means of doing this is technology. Democracy is a kind of technology and creates greater freedoms and dissolves hierarchies. Then there is actual technology, like agri-tech that liberates you from the land and medical tech that lets you keep on doing what you are doing forever.

This leads to what we have now, the Whig dream, the Boomer. They are entiteled to the whole world and everything in it, which is why they live in the suburbs, which are just micro-castles. It's why they have multiple cars, so they can never need to depend on a community. It's why they are obssessed with gadgets, so they can view and hear anything they want and nothing they don't. And why they are so entitled.... "How dare you say I can't go to college, I'm a human being, I am a law unto myself, I'm as important as anything and anyone".

Eventually, people belief they have the right to exist in any form of life state forever hooked up to machines, sucking up their kids inheretance and probably having it backed by the government too (I know it is heavily here in the UK).

If you are anything like flag related, I think it's your moral duty to exit gracefully. For the good of our people.

The eyes... how retarded were the film makers with this idea...

Apparently they were just trying to stay true to the source material

would prefer to be a thot than to fuck one desu senpai

You'll achieve that by moving to Sweden and telling everyone you meet that you're gay

shes a martian and a cyborg they made the eyes big for greater visual orientation and was true to the manga. it's a good movie maybe download it illegally because i know how much everyone doesn't want to give money to hollywood

You like thot pegging?

This movie was not made by hollywood. Thats why it dosnt have the usual agenda in it.


It doesn't need to be that polarized.

You can be like me work part-time and get laid maybe a few times every other year.

making her eyes bug and not that 1 cycborg she fights that was like a 30 second clip in the anime is a mistake. hes like just some normal guy who lifts size and not hulk level

true to the anime my ass

I read through the whole thing without even seeing anything wrong with her eyes. I think these idiots took like 1-2 jokes and blew it up into her looking like that.

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Battle Angel previewed by Bennet the Sage.

it'd get so old so fucking quick, don't you want a family?

I don't think fucking a bunch of sluts would be more fun long term then having a bunch of kids and going on trips with them and other families. Sure, the first 5 years of just fucking around is probably more fun the first 5 years with a kid but after that? Nah.

Relaxing? Dealing with a bunch of crazy bitches doesn't sound very relaxing either.

random sluts are humans too. they can be just as fun to hang out with as your adolescent and adult children.
they aren't 'crazy bitches' most of the time

in regards to that picture, hollywood productions and film in general provided quite a nice money laundering op for the mafia and other organized crime individuals in the 60s, and i have no doubt that it is a similar setup today.

can't wait for Akira to have son goku eyes whenever they remake Akira.

very sobering writing there, and good analysis. there are at least several very proper ways to live and perhaps a few proper ways to die, and i don't consider wasting away in a commercialized or government socialized system to be honorable in the slightest. one should pass away heroically for those lucky enough to be given such an opportunity, or gracefully otherwise. preferably in the company of one's kith and kin

I've grown up and have a grown-up career, but fuck raising a family. I'm not marrying some broad who can and likely will leave with half my shit on a whim, nor am I investing my time and money into raising kids who will likely end up being fuck-ups, degenerated, and roasties.

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That's why you buy a gun and kill yourself.

It never looked that fucking weird in the film, it seemed natural.
I maintain they fucked them all up for the trailers or were using pre-production models.
I have watched this film three fucking times now and not once has the eyes seemed so large.
Maybe they're just natural in-motion, I don't know. I think it's the position of them on her face more than anything.

Fucking UHD blu-ray when? I need to settle this by watching these scenes, rewinding, and pausing.
As for your shitty question, no.
Roasties are boring as fuck and don't look anywhere near as cute as Gally.
I have not enjoyed fucking a roastie since I was a teenager, they're just emotionally dead and the sex brings me no joy.
I'll go to a brothel from time to time rather than fapping, but I'd much rather pour my energy into my creative endeavours than spoonfeeding a whore who knows nothing more than netflix and spotify, interrupted only by fuckposting on instagram.
>"Why didn't you respond to any of the hundreds of duckfaces I posted today? Don't you care about me?"
If I was just doing it because I wanted sex, like some porn-crazed american, sure. Fine. Maybe it's cheaper than your unregulated streetwalkers over there, but here, if I'm only fucking once a week anyway, I'd rather pay a quarter of a days wages to have it with someone who I can trust will actually give me a pleasurable experience.

If I ever found a girl who I genuinely enjoyed spending time with, who actually emotionally bonded with me, who had enough IQ points to elevate herself above the level of a fucking animal in a zoo that does nothing but eat and sleep, or at least have the self-awareness to consciously evaluate her actions, rather than acting on nothing but impulse, then yeah, I'd probably fuck her. But that would be so far down the list of desires it'd be nothing more than a pair-bonding exercise for the sake of bringing her joy, and feeling closer to her.

One word


A lot of them will be upset when they fuck you and realize that you have no interest in anything more, then will feel used and start to act crazy, which is actually normal.

Alita looks like a tiny dog, or some chick with microcephaly.

no shit, i feel creeped the fuck out. i can't look at it for more than 3 to 5 seconds. it creeps me to no end. this shit works in mana/hentai/anime whatever. but in live action it's so fucking uncanny vally ..gghhh

I worked myself into physical fitness in my twenties and helped bring countless young and impressionable women into whoredom.

I never got into the party scene and avoided drugs and alcohol for the most part. Bunch of nice QT Asian college girls who transferred from worst Korea, Vietnam, and Northern China.

After I turned 26, I settled down with a 22 year old trad girl.

It was privately funded by James Cameron pulling favours from 40 fucking years of filmmaking, paid for by people who didn't expect their money back, but made so much on his other films they really didn't care, if it'd mean they could make more on his next ones, and only possible because Robert Rodrigues can multiply the quality of a film to twice that as if it were directed by anyone else with the same budget.
This is the one non-holywood film made in years, and probably the only one with more than a 50 mil budget, let alone 200 mil, ever.
If you want the independents to start funding films, people that won't use the fact they're funding it to push their narrative into the film, for fuck sake, go see this in a theatre.

Referencing , did you ever get bored of the whores?
Was it just you found a girl you didn't think deserved corrupting, or just one day decided "I'm doing this properly for once?"
If there was a pause between manwhore and Jesus incarnate, how long were you celibate?
Your end goal is basically what I'm aiming for now, just curious how it all worked out for you.

Uh.. depends. Do you mean a Dorian Gray situation where you live a normal life span and stay young forever? Maybe.

Do you get old and die like all mortal men? Then definitely family.

family and 9-5 is better than the other option you mentioned. 100% percent.
Just don't live the shallow bullshit life. If nothing at least raise a family.

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you stay young until 60 years old and then die

You take that back you fucking cunt. She is pure and innocent, willing to sacrifice everything including literally her own heart, for her love. That is the exact opposite of dirty disgusting 3dpd. Fuck you faggot.

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That's tough. Do I get money?

80 years median with some standard deviation then so you are uncertain of your death day

Why would I want to fuck some bug eyed freak?

Russia with the fake news lmao.
Not only do most countries not have a predominant haplogroup, and not only are haplogroups not spread according to modern borders, but the map doesn't even show the most spread ones accurately.

Wish you nigs would at least check the source for whatever blogpost map you are meaning to post and repost and repost on Jow Forums for weeks.

Her eyes are ugly as fuck. At least she looked halfway cute in the Anime. Totally degenerate now.

>little wing
Can't stand looking at that image, I get this sensation to fight or flee. The only time I've felt that way is when I met a jew

I need to see this movie again. Dam it was better then I expected. I saw it in 2D at pretty decent theatre. I heard 3D was better though. Should I go see it in 3D or just go to 2D again and save a few bucks?

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>roasties like pic related
>some kind of cgi thing

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you only get 1 shot on this planet

knowing me I'd miss
my pan is to offer myself as a holocaust to myself
maybe in he next half century but not any time soon

pan = plan*

Quads confirm Alita a pure waifu. OP and the rest of the degenerate scum in this thread BTFO!

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Depends, 3D essentially doubles the resolution and makes some CGI objects appear more realistic, as the unmapped point source reflections no longer flatten objects, all at the cost of it being slightly darker (However, as in your pic, detailed objects are all already very light, and will only merge down to a better contrast anyway)
If you wanna enjoy all the details possible, watching in 3D is a must.
It'll be fucking great in 5-10 years when VR headsets can display true 3D, without darkening anything, at full resolution. For now, cinema is second best.

Are you retarded? Who in their right mind would ever disagree?

I've watched this film three times and that image is still fucking beautiful to me.

if you've seen it in 2d go see it in 3d. was the most well done 3d movie i've ever seen.

does she even have a vagina?

i would probably have to install a fleshlight or something into her chassis

>i would probably have to install a fleshlight or something into her chassis
This can probably be arranged.

BRB, obtaining Vagina

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That's an interesting question senpai, as I have done both. Now I have a wife and two daughters, and as satisfying as it. Is watching my kids grow up. Some days I long for banging roasties.

i gotta say this was a really fun movie that keeps growing on me; took me completely off guard. the whole time i was thinking, "when are they going to go off-script from the manga" and then here comes a scene literally story boarded from panels. what a fucking treat. one of the best adaptions period -- definitely the best manga adaptation ever made. they just nailed everything. every cylinder was firing for this one.

my single complaint is they didn't put it to an 80's rock soundtrack. that's it.

>being a wage slave
pic one, faggot.

Raising a family is a different story. That must be very fulfilling

i think you're far less likely to raise a family worth a shit working a 9-5 tbqfh.