Official Root For Indian Thread

Based Hindus, Sihks and technology customer service representatives.

We of the world support you in your endevour.

Let your missiles flight poo and straight. Take a shit on the enemy. Stomp them in the mud patch.

We are with you brothers!.

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root for India you say? why might I ask should I root for India sir?

The plop heard round the world

Atleast we're not muzzie

Go forth my streetshitting brothers and wipe the Poopistainis from the anus of the Earth.

because pakis are literal fucking snakes. they were hiding bin laden for years while also basically extorting us for cash by threatening to relieve pressure on terror groups who try to hide out in the northwestern part of their country (guess what? they take our money and let them hide out there anyway). also they are muslim and all muslims are shit

200 million muslims less would be a good start. Nuke parkistan!

They are pro American and anti-Islam.

Why would any American root for Pakistan? Are you aware Pakistanis hate you? They harbored Osama Bin Laden FFS.

India should be 2nd world power not China

What crime did Bin Laden commit? I dont recall there being a trial with evidence presented. We all know Israel did 9/11.

Good luck India.

as long as they shit up their own country... I mean, as long as they make India stronger IN India, I'm rooting for them. I'm rooting for every group of people, actually. I would like to see Africans doing good IN Africa.

I hope paki tries to burn some poo
So the poos can really get busy dropping turds

Fuck off Nip.

I hope China mustard gas all of these abo street shitters and settler colonizer Shitland, they it could finally be a superpower by 2020

he had been wanted since the 90's you goddamned nigger. do you think 9/11 is the only thing he was ever wanted for?

If paki retaliates that'll be their greatest mistake. No kidding.
Current PM is an absolute madman.


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I would skullfuck that

>they were hiding bin laden for years
Bin Laden had already died the winter of 2001

Bin Laden was a patsy, faggot goy

Wanted for crimes commited by the CIA and Mossad? Do you mean to tell me that in 2019 you still think all those major "Islamic terror attacks/bombings" in history were actually planned out by Muslims?

Theres been a jew behind every major event/disaster/attack in the US.

You need to go back to India.

>they were hiding bin laden for years
kek. Bin Laden was a CIA asset and used as a bogeyman. He's probably living large in a palace somewhere with a name change

Godspeed to you all.
Wipe the goat-fucking Pakis from the earth

shut up reddit


Mossad uses the hegelian dialect with 9/11 and every other "islamic terror" incident.


Follow through raj

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unironically rooting for pakis
they clean themselves and know how to use a toilet

mudslimes belong with their god, there is nothing wrong with hastening the process. i support nuking all of the middle east.

they clean their ass with their fucking hand while they strangle and murder European women and children with the other, so fuck you traitor.
rooting for mudslimes is treason against your nation

i always side with the side which is cleaner

Take some rest based bro..

>Dean of the Diplomatic Corps Amb Hans Castellano "we want to congratulate #MEA for quickly briefing us. Message was a direct one... It was a non-military preemptive strike. India wanted to target terrorists, not civilians. India behaved responsibly"

Based and blessed poo's will win!

I'm convinced

fuck off kike
you're typing this while ahmed is raping your wife, aren't you?

fuck that, nuke them all
if they love allah it would be in their best interests to be nuked

the west is cleaner, side with whoever has our best interests in mind even if it is incidental

*mooing intensifies*

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Poos rape teens while Pakis rape everything that has a hole


CIV V was actually redpilling us all this time that india gonna start the next nuclear war.

Ah wait fuck forgot to put on my Australian flag. MOOO India you cow worshippers.


You've poo'd in the streets
You've poo'd in our hearts
You've poo'd in the heat
You've poo'd under stars

Now go forth
My toilet weary friend
Poo on the middle east
So that it may mend

~My pooem~

We will kill you all, Bjorn

Modi pushed for building the biggest statue on Earth, of a nationalist. It just got completed.

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I'm rooting for Pakis

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who gives a shit. i hope they rape more of the nordic women

based pakis THOT patrolling the thots

Very cool pooem, thanks Australia

Yes my fellow Muslim, me too. Praise Islam.

good enough for me, give them hell pajeet

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id rather be a double-super nigger and sandnigger than an indian

No argument here

Looks like India super power 2020 is right on track

Good in my book. Annihilate those goatfuckers

Because they're hindu and not muslim

Dirty fucking terrorist

Pakistanis are OBVIOUSLY the Aryan folk who created the ancient civilization of that region, who then were slowly pushed out by the Aboriginal Austranesian scourge who became the majority of India and turned into the shithole we know today.

Attached: Pakistani-girls-in-traditional-Pakistani-dress.jpg (720x616, 105K)

Give 'em hell, based pajeet.

This is what all indogs look like, dark brown insalubrous subhumans, closely related to Australian Aboriginal

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I'm pretty sure those are Gujarati
or maybe our dresses all look the same

show flag faggot

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Kill them all. Then give the entire Punjab to the Sikhs.

Typical Pakistani woman

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It's already given to them

Typical Pakistani man

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Punjab in both countries are already them you yellow teeth low IQ retard

That's emraan hashmi, degenerate cunt

>India over Pakistan anyday, good luck poos

Daily reminder that Shitland's most famous monument, the TAJ MAHAL was built by MUSLIM ARYANS, the Abo Indogs are not capable of creating worthy buildings even in their own fucking nation.

Daily reminder that the man who started Shitland nuclear program was a MUSLIM ARYAN

this nigga nukes

>that file name

"pakistani" sure

Are you inbred too?

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seething paki cunt can't handle their POS embarrassment of an air force got assraped by us

The great land down under supports you in in conquest, pajeet

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I'm really glad we could all come together to hate the paki equally!

This is truly a special day for Jow Forums

Go get em, pajeet!

I dunno, hearing India talk over the last few hours they seem just as batshit as China. Though yes I would prefer them as number two as well mainly because they are actually somewhat our allies, buddhadharma is the shit, and vast portions of them seem like genuinely good people, street shitting aside. On the other hand literally EVERY chinese person i've ever met is almost hollow in terms of individual will and self-interest. They are fucking drones. Honestly the more i think about it the more i want a nuclear exchange between pakis and poos so the chinese eat a huge bag of radioactive dicks

Those are gujarati

fucking knew it
Half rajput here

full gujju here

Where from?

Rooting for Indians. All the anti india posts popping up only verifies my suspicions that /pol has a muslim problem

We always side against moslems.


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>Pakistan is ran by Sikhs


not doxxing myself GJ03

There are a lot us, but your call m8

I'd take mindless drones over mudslimes any time of day.
You can program drones and turn them into your culture, while all you can do to Mohammeds is somewhat manipulate the blast radius.

Give em hell, fellas.

I said GJ03


Nice pooem, user.



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India > Pakistan/moslems

What's the difference between Indians and Pakistanis or Muslims and Hindus or difference between their race?

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MH, father is Marathi brahmin

I support India. Remove the muslims.

Pakis deserve this shit for the suicide bomb on Indian military