
Someone from my hometown recently killed themselves anons. Not a good friend of mine, but a good friend of all of my old normie friends. It's an extremely unsettling feeling when anyone who you ever knew on any level kills themselves. I worked for his dad for a short amount of time. Have other anons lost people to suicide, or just known people who died? Let's discuss. I'm genuinely curious how many people have been offing themselves lately.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I unironcially almost committed suicide. I was at the brink of slitting my throat and the I realized that if I don't really care about my life, then I can spend it however I want. I dropped the knife and went to sleep knowing that a lot more doors had opened up.

True story

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In this guys case it was a total shock. He had tons of friends, people who loved him, big tall guy, girl friend, vacations, a good job. Absolute total surprise. It makes me think "well if this guy killed himself....."

NEVER FINISH THAT SENTENCE LADS. We fight for the next fresh batch of tendies. REEEEEEE

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I feel that story user. I never had any real suicidal moments, but I can relate to that feeling of just doing what I like to do because of that "just fuck it all" factor.

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Based and Red pilled

>In this guys case it was a total shock. He had tons of friends, people who loved him, big tall guy, girl friend, vacations, a good job. Absolute total surprise.
It was a surprise because you have a very hollywood-esque idea of how actual depression works.

Why do wh*Toids kill themselves? Is it because seeing a Black BVLL cucking them and their entire race's too much for them?

Yeah it's very liberating desu

My family and friends are about to.

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whenever a lot of people commit suicide, there is a large war coming, and they are too weak for the psychic and existential shock of the imminent death.

those who are prepared will rule out of the ashes.

>actual depression
Meeeeh. I was discussing this with a friend earlier.. I think suicide is a very deep philosophical topic. Just because someone kills themselves, does that mean that they were depressed? Does it mean that they had a good reason? Who knows what was really going through his mind. I'm sure those close to him know, but I didn't hear anything about a note or any of that. Some people live through human trafficking and never consider suicide. Some people do themselves in after a 3 month relationship ends. Even if he did have "depression" what exactly does that mean? That's an entire colloquium all of it's own.

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I doubt it . You're a leech on our ass and by "wiping us out" you're only harming yourself . Couldn't even invent the wheel . Think in terms of Haiti , retard . The Chinese will not save you bitch

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He was a jew, don't feel sad

if you kill yourself you wasted your life by not making the world a better place for everyone else that has to live here

Damn, I felt creeped out after reading this. There was always a part of me that didn't believe in anything Jow Forums says, but that part just kept getting smaller and smaller.... Over all things are just bad. It's starting to become obvious that things are bad. I think it's been obvious for a long time, and it's only just now starting to set in for me how real it is. It took some seemingly happy dude just ending it out of nowhere.

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Depression is not interested in success, wealth or physical fitness. It will hit you. A friend of mine killed himself because the Woman he was madly in love with killed herself and he never overcame this. He was a nice, well liked, intelligent and funny guy. But this broke him completly, he was never the same after she killed herself. And yes, they were a couple.

years ago I got word that one of my hs bullies killed himself. feelsgoodman.png

>red pill settling in, gradually but surely present

Probably got cucked


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one of my best friends killed herself in the summer of 2016. one of the worst phone calls ive ever woken up to. there isnt a day that goes by that i dont think about her and what could have been for her. you may never get past the loss, but you learn to appreciate every moment you got to spend with them when they were alive on this planet, and for that I'm eternally grateful. suicide fucking sucks. please no one kill yourself.

Not a crime means the good goyim enforcers spend the time, manpower and money going after other things the Pharasees deem a crime.

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I'm sorry for your lost

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I met some kid, he started eating lunch with us, a few weeks later he killed himself. Yeah I definitely felt weird for a week or two afterwards

Talmudization and FederalReservization are more accurate terms.

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Keep those good memories user, its tragic how often this people feel alone when they in reality are appreciated a lot. Stay strong and best wishes from somebody who lost multiple people through suicide.

not all suicide related but death nonetheless.
my mom died when i was about 11 and ive been an npc, coasting through life not caring since then. just now waking up at age 29.
my best friend was point man for some recon in iraq stepped on a pressure plate ied. another friend i went to basic training with drove his motorcycle into a semi apparently. an older NCO i knew who was a good father figure killed himself not too long after his dad died, not sure why. life isnt easy, especially when you have no one to talk to. strangers on the internet are not a healthy substitute.

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thanks fellas

I dont know about Singapore, but here they have to investigate to rule out murder/crime. Its just tragic and sad losing good people and friends through suicide.

Think of how many leftists, commies, and other assorted degenerates you'll get to waste in the future.

That's what keeps me hanging on.

Wow user, that is tragic. What's crazy is this guy I know who killed himself had a fuck ton of friends, and I'm the one who doesn't seem to have any. I've had people tell me to kill myself. At this point though user I'm not the type to seek pity. I want to fight, and help others. You cant help others if you can't help yourself. Hell I got legit Satanist commies on my ass, why the fuck would I do their dirty work for them?

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Sometimes people give up. They don't know what to do. They feel alone and keep their thoughts and feelings hidden. You can't help someone until they ask for help. Otherwise you're just guessing at what they may need. Everyone should know that there are always people who care and will listen to them. Emily Dickinson wrote, " I did not wait for death, but death waited for me".

It seems you are not a suicidal type. Be glad for that and whatever keeps you going through this world, keep on doing it. Your mind can lead you to very dark places. Best wishes for you too user.

You're fucked user, one need a strong mind if one wants to brows /pol


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Suicide is just attention seeking
Same as trip fagging

The extent and time as much as investigative techniques vary from nation to nation.
Partially off topic, but..
One of our senior leaders likes Merkel enough to echo her.
Rules-based international law is something our leaders love to echo in favor of. IMF, World Bank, United Nations. The rootless cosmopolitan clique sees this and rubs their hands at good shabbos goy who are herding and milking the goyim to the bone
>“Tariffs are protectionist measures. The US invokes a provision of WTO rules that allows countries to impose trade restrictions in the interests of national security. True, the tariffs are also being imposed on US allies. But the allies can negotiate for exemption or lower tariffs. So, as German Chancellor Angela Merkel says, “It's purely business,” wrote Goh

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Suicide is selfish. Boo boo I’m sad everyone look at me. Fucking faggots, all of them.

Look how much this guy who killed himself has impacted you, someone not even very close to him, negatively. How do you think his family and close friends feel? All of that negative energy for what? The guy probably had 60 more years left. In that 60 years he’d be a better influence if he did just one positive thing in that time period. Instead he decided he’s better than whatever positivity the future holds.

Shhhh bitch

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Life is a big fucking joke

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This goes all the way back to Rothschilds and the Napleonic wars.
Kikes playing both sides into conflict and the two emerging weaker from it for long-nosed tribe to profit even greater from their kiked states.
This is from our local Lugenpresse.

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Suicide is just one of Nature’s ways of disposing of weak pussy genes. There’s nothing bad about it.

There are no suicidal type persons, the best human quality is to adapt. Even in hell we could adapt. I think the problem is that if you don't love yourself and you don't do anything about it, then you will tend to become an introvert person who despise secretly everyone because they don't understand you. Then the question emerge : "how would they react if I killed myself". After this, you will start to fell in darker and darker places.

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I am petrified of death I can't understand why people want to kill themselves.

Ftr im an obese 22 y/o neet who stays home all day living on his massive inheritance playing vidya 24/7

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Bro, this post is why I even feel anything at all. I'm pissed that this guy would do this to his family. I worked for his dad for a week straight on a labor job. He was a good fuckin guy, and doesn't deserve this shit. I"m just pissed man. I became a hard little dude over the years. I wouldn't want to put this burden on people.

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Kek. You made my day leafFag

What if you're like me with not a single friend in the world and no relatives who want to contact you? When I kill myself no one's going to be mourning me. No visitors at my funeral. No one will cry over my dead body. No one. Just a cheap cremation arranged by the state, hands are washed, that's it. In a way it clears my mind.

A lot of people I have known killed themselves. No, it's not a Finnish thing, I'm just hypersocial with a penchant for gathering broken people around me.

You get numb to it at some point. First frend killed themselves at 16, it fucked me up royally at the time, but it eased up over time. Human nature is a weird thing, what scares me the most about it is how far it can morph to cope with the situation it is presented.

Let the pain come and don't desensitize yourself to it, or you'll find yourself without the capability to feel, love and live like you once did.

Think of how much better your life would be if you were a semi-in shape need living off massive inheritence playing vidya 24/7. Life is short bro, buy an elliptical machine (you got the dough) and learn how to do HIT workouts. You will enjoy NEET life that much more.

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Divide and conquer , play both sides and you'll always win .

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That's why you're still alive faggot, so thank your non existent social network and the anons for this

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No wonder whites and asians get along so well

I pretty much lost all of my friends user. I've learned the importance of family. My mother loves the shit out of me, and my father would feel like a failure if I did myself in. I hope for their sakes that I live to bury both of them. Not out of a fear of death, but of a fear of my parents morning me. I fear my parents morning me more than I fear my own death. I'm about to go to bed anons....... but i'm honestly 99% sure I uniorincally believe what I just said.

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>Let the pain come and don't desensitize yourself to it, or you'll find yourself without the capability to feel, love and live like you once did.
I'm sure that's what fags tells futurfags before doing them

I’ll cry user, don’t leave us. If you died we’re gonna have a memorial thread just for you on Jow Forums and we will kick all the normies out

It’s starting to sound like a Finnish thing Finn user

We wouldn’t even know when he killed himself

No joke, I'm pretty sure this guy was finnish. Something to it anons.

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My close friend overdosed on heroin a couple of years ago. Probably it was not direct suicide, but surely he was looking for death for years, and did drugs because of that.
Nothing happens, actually. Life goes on.

When I was younger, we had a large group of friends that would hang out together. There was this one total butthead that I did not get along with, and he would constantly make me the butt of his jokes. He was also drugging our female friends and having sex with their passed out bodies. A real charmer. He killed himself last year, and his death came and went, and nobody even noticed. I heard that he had a mental problem with loving really young girls, and he was a middle-aged, broke bald dude, so no chance of reciprocation.

Honestly, I'm glad he did it. I can only guess why he did it, but they are really good guesses.

Just know that not a lot of people are going to care, if you're a butthead. The guilt of the bad things that you do eventually destroy your mind.

Seriously user, I’ll be your friend.


Not really, it's a matter of empathy and selfloving, look at psychopaths, they do horrible things but never suicide

>Dude in my hs necked himself
>teachers start talking about being there for someone
>students basically assumed that you have to hang out with the lonely people
>get surrounded at lunch by a couple of people

They picked the one week where I sat alone purposefully to study

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Let me guess. Youre from berlin right?

Nah. Sounds like some faggot from Hamburg. Every other week some bullshit like that is happening in the port.

>A lot of people I have known killed themselves. No, it's not a Finnish thing, I'm just hypersocial with a penchant for gathering broken people around me
Apart from being hypersocial, I'm kinda like that too. I feel like I'm a lightning rod for weirdos and outcasts for whatever reason. Shit fucking sucks, I just want to have a normie social circle instead of being surrounded by fucking junkies, artsy types and mentally abnormal people. I've cut ties to a lot of them, but it's really hard to get along with someone who's idea of an interesting conversation is what happened in the last Game of Thrones episode. Needless to say over the years many friends and acquaintances have offed themselves or OD'd, but for some reason it's never shaken me much.

Sounds like neo-sodom to me aka berlin

Yeah this is the reality. Ask me how I know you're a white man. Ask me how know he was a white man.
You will eventually learn to forgive him btw. Shock becomes sadness becomes anger. Prepare for it

>Depression is not interested in success, wealth or physical fitness.
This, I have nothing, I'm a polysubstance addict and I'm the happiest person in my town. Someone else feels divine euphoria 247 but is soul crushingly empty inside.

ill be your fren user, you up north?

>Apart from being hypersocial, I'm kinda like that too. I feel like I'm a lightning rod for weirdos and outcasts for whatever reason.
Because you are one of those people too.

I stopped being suicidal when i threw away my emotions. Some people, men especially, have a calm rational/logical personnality that is not suited for feelings. In my case they totally fucked me up, i had the brain and brawns to live a successful life but my feels crippled me. I was ridiculously anxious, obsessed, afraid, avoiding, shy, paranoid, demotivated. I long thought i had mental or psychological issues but every psychologist said i was completely normal and it turned out to be the same for my personnality. I am now realizing my error and climbing back the mountain but it's a difficult journey. I'm getting 21 in a handful of days but in my mind it's like i barely lived my life, i don't even know if i'll make up for all these years but i'm trying my best. I hope you guys all make it

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I was going to have a go at suicide. It's a strange state of mind to be in, not 'muh sadness' as much as complete loss of will to live or do or care about anything.
>how many
It's more common than most people realise, it's the lead cause of death in some age groups, much higher than murders and traffic fatalities, and white men usually have the highest rates. Unlike murder media tends to downplay it so unless you knew the person or they were famous you don't hear about it.

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Good point, but there are defintly people haunted by suicide thoughts from very young age, while others never in their life experience that. But i also think there are multiple ways that lead into suicide. One is depressiv, one loses everything he has, the system you believe in breaking, etc.

Hell no, im from a small town in western Germany. He was just broken after that. Doesnt most of Jow Forums fantasize about commitment and stable relationships? Theres a loyal soul, breaking over the loss of his love and you call that sodomite?

I knew a guy that died at 25, he had just been married. It was really sad because he was one of the nicest guys you could have ever met.

(((They))) want you dead, remember that.

Blacks are like animals and have no higher understanding of the future. Don’t worry once we’re gone you will all die.

Animals don’t kill themselves ( except Dolphins) because they run almost entirely on instinct, niggers are animals.

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I remember that moment, it was before I even knew about pol. As much as this place pisses me off Sometimes, I am still glad to have found it.

I beat mine up years later.

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I had a close college friend commit suicide over Xmas break. I used to see and talk to him every day. He was a goofy bastard, but a good kid; really smart. It really fucked me up for a while. Took me 3 years to move on with my life after college.

I was a frequent visitor of mental hospitals , everytime you came back you heard x killed them self . The worsed one was a guy we where with for weeks we were celebrating that evening and giving each other our phones numbers so we could meet up again . And then one guy killed him self in the room next to us............

>Because you are one of those people too.
Highly doubt that, at least not in any meaningful way. I think it's some social cue, perhaps just the fact that I reject pop culture.

That’s the biggest red pill. That you can do it any time. It’s alwats an option. And it’s very freeing in a way.

>Someone from my hometown recently killed themselves anons
LOL, happens ALL the time here bro. I know plenty of people who have done it, all ethnically white, all educated, all non-smoking and no drugs, and no criminal history.
all white heterosexual males.

That's progressivism for you.

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It’s probably because we invented everything to.

i was almost killed with a ninjastar once, while growing up in midst of somalis and rapefugees in norway.
>the endless joys of multiculturalism never ceases to amaze

He was dead the next morning . overdosed on pills he stole

It was in 2004 but i still remember his first words . I Got the golden pistols from God

He was crazy we all where but he was doing much better . I never understood why

There was one guy in my outer circle that killed himself 10 years ago. Wasn't close enough for it to affect me that much, but it brought an uneasiness.

I have friends that died due to drugs, and my ex gf died of an accident( we weren't together at the time, but still it's my biggest loss)

>im ready for war mom..
you forgot pic related

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More will end up doing it, especially once your peer group hits your 30s and 40s you'll probably lose at least half a dozen.

this manlet chad I knew hung himself because his bird left him lmao

Then his mum hung herself 2 weeks after which was kinda sad desu

they'll never get that chance, war is more or less imminent now

I killed myself once but I am immortal

Props to those who hang themselves or slit their wrists, i can't trust myself not fuck that up. The only thing worse than suicide is a botched suicide.

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