/bts/ - beat the system general

The only way to win at life is to spend less and pay less taxes.
What are your ways to legally pay less Jow Forums?

I myself have found out today that they have cheapest flannel shirts in home depo shops. Love em.

Side note. I think I'm slowly turning into a hillbilly and I like it.

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Make my own wine and vape juice. Coupon clipping.

I get carryout to avoid tipping

>What are your ways to legally pay less Jow Forums?
I'm just poor and have to live frugally. Things work out in the end.

I stopped vaping because fuck being a slave to nicotine. Fell great ever since.

I have money. You live a modest life to focus on things that really matter in life.

never bought a knife in my lif make em myself also non processed foots have less tax yield

No better way to stick it to the man than using foodstamps for winemaking.

lmao Amerishart

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go through the paperwork to legally harvest wild food
if you actually go out and do it the bullshit loicenses pay for themselves several times over

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>tips $2 on a $7 meal
>can own guns
you win some and you lose some

Being poor certainly teaches one to focus on the important things, unless one is dumb

Rich, spoiled humans feel no need to take the red pill.

>they call me artist
>they call me idol

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Contractor in bongistan, register self as limited company, make company ''''expenditure'''' equal to company intake (buy loads of shit under the pretenders of it being needed for the business) don't turn a 'profit' as expediture matches intake.

We have no foodstamps in Poland. We aren't a third world country.

dont work , get government support ,they help pay everything for you.

I grow maggots in my drawers in the closet and then eat them to scare the girls away.

>get government support
Are you retarded?
You won't even have for rent with government "support".

Your memory serves you well :)
New mealworm farm this Spring.

I'm glad you got rid of those nasty and disorganized tools. That would have caused any man to punch you in the face and call you a faggot.

What tools?
My tools are the best.

I believe these count as tools in Poland.

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I only own the clothes on my back. Everything else is held in a mist like web of foundations, trusts, companies and cryptos spread all over the globe. I pay next to nothing in tax.

user you forgot 500+ and karta dużej rodziny

A set of drawers are a tool now?
I still have them.
Stick to the Jow Forums topic, stalker.

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> pay next to nothing in tax.
Everything you buy is taxed.

Well, I did buy lemon juice yesterday in order to try your magic potion. But then when I got home I realized that I don't remember where I put the baking soda, so my plan for the day is to buy baking soda.

Wastefull go look for it

>Everything you buy is taxed.
Yeah but comparing the tax I pay on day-to-day items to my net worth it amounts to almost nothing.

Wood ash is also basic. Go burn down some trees.

isnt food and alcohol dirt cheap in poland? btw this is an easy way to make vodka

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I have to finish cleaning the house first. It's more disorganized than your drawers. This should also help me to find my glasses. I buy my glasses from zenni because my perscription hasn't changed in years and they cost a fraction of paying for health insurance.

Wood ash goes in my garden to make the plants more nutritious.

Alcohol is heavily taxed. Making your own cuts the price by 3/4 minimum (cheapest store bought wine). I don't like vodka outside of weddings. I prefer sipping wine daily with dinner. Drinking vodka daily would lower my IQ in a jiffy.

I brew my own beer and milk wild deer for milk

You should grow weed. Weed makes you smarter. (I learned this from a pothead.)

I might make wine next. The only problem is storage space and how long time you have to wait until you can drink it.

how about don't drink alcohol?

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It doesn't. Fuck weed. It damages your ability to plan for the future, ie makes you not white.

And what are the things that really matter in life?

So does alcohol. It reduces prefrontal cortex activity (same as an orbital lobotomy) and also starts messing up your dopamine sensitivity by way of the GABA cycle.

Hunt and fish. And don’t believe the people who say you need thousands of dollars worth of gear to do it.

2-3 weeks fermentation and then remove fruit and wait for the sediment to drop. If you are in hurry then drink it after one month and fuck it. It won't taste the best but who cares. Tldr, buy an alcohol meter and after you get 7-10% start drinking. If you want to be cool, wait 2-3 months separating wine from sediment from time to time. My larger wine started on 17 January and is around 10% and good to go.

Can't deal with female retardation without alcohol...

Great things that will remain after you die.

I never really thought about it, but couldn't you trap deer? They're kind of a pest animal sometimes. It would really just pretty much alarm the neighbors to see bambi writhing in the yard.

whats that bud?

It also makes your penis harder. Everything in moderation.

I don't have a problem with that. Kegels are free if you want a momentary pressure increase.

you don't trap deer cityfag, you shoot them

What a fucking normie answer, no great man ever thought of his legacy, he was focused at the moment he lived. Fuck off out of here faggot

what is that??

No shit. That's why I never wondered about trapping deer before. It ought to work, though, don't you think? Of course you'd still have to shoot it later.


all the traps i've seen that are hardcore enough to trap a deer are considered inhumane and thus illegal

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Deer can be pretty impractical if they start eating your shit when you're not hiding out in your deer stand waiting to open fire.

Suck my fucking uncircumcised dick you fucking kike i can't even bother to tell you how wrong you are
Throw yourself in the oven

deer can jump over like 10+ ft fences so I'll just assume you're talking about some kind of snare trap? pretty sure that would be illegal.
outside of boar hunting trapping is only used on fur-bearing animals and 99.9% of those traps are kill traps like conibear traps
also, baiting with the intent of killing is illegal
IE you can't put a salt block down and shoot a deer that is licking it, and baiting would be crucial to trap a deer
honestly this is a reddit tier discussion and I regret interacting with you

>he was focused at the moment he lived
Was this "great man" a nigger?
You need a great mission, an aim, The ultimate goal.

When i make cider it's done fermenting in 2 weeks, but i generally let it sit for 2-3 months before bottling it. Removes the yeasty taste and helps it become clear, also removes carbonation.

I store mine in the bathroom during fermentation, doesnt really smell bad. Just funky.

Eat 500 calories of brown rice and black beans every day as a mid afternoon snack. Eat eggs and whole grain toast for breakfast. Saves so much money, fills you up and keeps you from getting fat.

Why would you bait without the intent to kill? Seriously, some of these laws are completely ridiculous. It makes you wonder why somebody had to take the time out of the day to write laws like that.

Get buckets, install the gas valve on the side, stack buckets on top of each other.

thats a lot of carbs


based kikel

you can bait them with the intent to eventually kill them, but you have to wait like 6 months after the bait is removed to hunt an area
these laws exist so city faggots like you don't make the remaining wildlife in america extinct

I am a leach on the system, have barely earned enough to pay above 10% tax when I do work, and getting gibs... Though I'm less inclined to the latter nowadays... But then again, pic related.

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Who defines what "eventually" is? I don't think it's much of a "hunt" if I baited some stupid pest animal onto my property and then sat through some waiting period while it's being a pest on my property and then killed is later. Is this some kind of Bugs Bunny cartoon?
>no it's ok officer
>it's duck season
>but I'll wait to kill it after I get home

Depends, what's your flag?

Fasting for 5 days and eating for 2 days saves you more money and lets your digestive tract rest.

Bitch, nobody ain't nobody gonna tell you shit with a flag like that, Agent Smith.

eventually is defined in law that why I specifically said you have to not hunt an area until 6 months after whatever bait is removed
deer are not pests
things like boar and muskrats are pests and can be poisoned, shot, trapped, etc, out of season and with no tags (on your own property)
this conversation is just making me gladder and gladder that hunting laws exist

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>deer are not pests
The hell they aren't. Why do you think we even have a deer hunting season? Sure, it's great for some people as a form of food or recreation, but they no longer have a sufficiency of natural predators to keep the population in check.

Start an insect meat farm in your home. You won't regret it. 100% legal, no license required.

I can't do that, and it sounds quite dangerous.

I got married so I don’t have to take thots on dates and pay for hookers

Then do 5 days eating and 2 day fast,'. Fuck.

Also, it's 2 pm and I'm already drunk xD

its kind of a loan though since you pay nothing for hookers now and lose 50% of your material possesions later

>I hit a deer once with my car so the entire species must be eradicated

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Hahah VAT faggot

Ahhh, that Jewish iq



Hey, If they lock up my wife in Psychiatric hospital I get the children and don't have to give her 50% of my shit right? Sounds like win-win.

If you have a problem driving your car on your own property without crashing through deer all the time then you wouldn't need to bait them any further. Problem solved.

Fasting is very easy after the initial hump. I’ve gone 4 days fasting and felt just find, really no difference at all. Eating everyday is a meme. But when you do eat, eat 2000 plus calories. Meat is great to break a fast.

why do you consider deer to be a pest?

you beat the system with collecting your piss ?

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based and redgreen pilled

I adopt pet pigs from shelters and turn them into delicious foods.

Crabbing is comfy

Oi you got a license for that lmao XD

This: fuck the brits

You need to learn how to make more money, not how to spend less
Fucking commie

They don't care that you take a pig every month? Also we only have dogs and cats in white Poland Of you eat dog some retarded women will surely snitch on you to the police. Vegan females are cancer.

Tipping is optional dumb fuck

>You need to learn how to make more money

Mo money, mo problems.

Tipping is immoral.

fasting, AKA self inflicted starvation is part of the reason africans are brainlets

I moved to the middle of nowhere, set up my neetbux for the govt gibs.
Grow my own food etc and work for cash money.
I'm totally fucking done paying income tax.
Fuck the system, just escape.
The freedom is better than the money I used to earn.