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Other urls found in this thread:

OP was not a faggot today


Provide some proof then?

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The contents page to "the secret teachings of all ages"

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Freemasonry is institutionalized corruption at the highest levels. Silly rituals are just smoke and mirrors.

OP is going full jew

I think so, too

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>ThIs MaKes SeNsE

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Manly P. Hall.

I have his books.

"THE QABBALAH, THE SECRET DOCTRINE OF ISRAEL The written and unwritten laws--The origin of the Qabbalistic writings--Rabbi Simeon ben Jochai--The great Qabbalistic books--The divisions of the Qabbalistic system--The Sepher Yetzira"

perhaps you should re-read his book again.

Freemasonry existed Long before the Jewish influence.

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>Freemasonry existed Long before the Jewish influence.
Its one and the same

Nice try Chaim

Why would a jew call "jewishness for goys" faggotry?

Freemasons are fascists and capitalists.

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Im here. I know you was nost probably waiting for me to arrive in this thread. Ask me anything

Because you study Theodor Herzl and worship him. You also employ the same tactics he advocated, by manipulating antisemites into attacking dupes. You are more Jewish than kosher salt.

>Because you study Theodor Herzl and worship him.
I dont do this tho.........................................................................?

>Terrorists funded by Moscow start shit.
Guess what, if those Moscow funded faggots would have won through, those "fascists and capitalists" would have simply set up shop in the top echelons of the party.

I'd tell you to stop being a retard, but you're a communist, a lost cause.

but its not.

No offense, you havnt actually read Manly P. Halls book then.

Freemasonry goes back to Mystery Schools, as far back as Sumeria and even beyond...

Bill Cooper spoke at length on the History of Mystery Babylon, 43 hours worth.

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You do, you were sucking his Jewish cock just last thread. Don't pretend you weren't spreading his propaganda like it was the gospel in the last thread

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let's be clear about one thing, they're FREEmasons not the original Masons that Hermes Trismegistus founded thousands of years ago.
These modern day fuckers are the shabbos goyim society for circles and nothing like the original concept.

Attached: FREEmasons.jpg (300x252, 21K)

It's all misdirection to nobodies to insulate the Jews in power.

>those "fascists and capitalists" would have simply set up shop in the top echelons of the party.
lol in the GDR anyone who was a member of the nazi party was banned from government and voting and the top leaders all fled to West Germany where they made up most of the civil service.

Attached: GDR.jpg (720x720, 84K)

The Hermetic Marriage

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>try and educate people

complete waste of time.

Reminder that jews have a pluri-millenial knoledge about rituals
Even in the Old Testament there are pages and pages about that
The jewish easter has the blood ritual of killing a lamb to redeem sins
Jesus changed that with self sacrifice, rebirth and ascent to God
If you don't see the difference you are a mason or a jew

It is the peak boomer club: failed ideologies, a jewish voodoo system, a lot of pointless retarded shit and a safe place for criminals to hide.

Based freemasons

>The must authoritarian state in modern history
Wonderful examples you put forth for your glorious pipe dream. GDR is the state that came closes to your definitions of "fascist".

They aren't really rituals in that sense.

Parasites protecting their host against a competing parasite.
That's not based.

calling jews semites IS helping them you fucking idiot.
They are not semitic but persian in origin and they mixed with every race they could to blend in which is why they share genes with southern italians and greeks.
>Remarkably, AJs exhibit a dominant Iranian (88%˜) and residual Levantine (3%˜) ancestries, as opposed to Bedouins (14%˜ and 68%˜, respectively) and Palestinians (18%˜ and 58%˜, respectively). Only two AJs exhibit Levantine ancestries typical to Levantine populations.

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Semitic isn't really a thing, since Shem never existed, dumbfuck. It isn't even used in genetics any longer.

Exactly. They're not semites and Judaism is not a race, but a religion. Don't continue to perpetuate the lies that allow them to use "racism" as a shield against their vile behavior.

WTF I love Freemasons now.

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I was just using the words referred by OPs dad

It's a fucking label for the Palestinians, Arabs and Bedouins who where the first messianic jews when the Sea Peoples union still existed. One member of the union was Shekelesh which became Rome and is modern day Sicily, another Denyen who were the Persians and also went by the names DN, Den, Dan, and Snake, they founded the Vatican, another is Peleset which is Palestine and these were the "Semites" I'm referring to.
Can you understand anything I said? I strongly doubt it

I'd call it a mafia because that's exactly how they act

Only the most Jewish of Jews believe that Semitic is a thing
The terminology is now largely obsolete outside linguistics.[7][8][9] However, in archaeology, the term is sometimes used informally as "a kind of shorthand" for ancient Semitic-speaking peoples.[9]
Not even KIKEPEDIA is Jewish enough to lie about this. So what does that make you, Rabbi?

Freemason here. We don't run the planet, although we do skew to the right, we've just learnt to meter our public speaking on the topic to endure the persecution we already face from the new age Christ cults and communists.

If you think Freemasonry is a baby sacrificing satan cult, join it. 'Reform' what you have a problem with from the inside. If you don't include the Roman Catholic Church, or Freemasonry, in the long march we need to catch up on then you're handing it all over to the far left.

I have noticed more and more SJW's joining in the last 2 years, so hurry the fuck up and stack us back to the right before it's too late.

We are the defenders of Christendom, the shield and sword against the Moslem menace. We defended you for a thousand years, now it's time to pay us back and make sure we don't fall into Islamic or Marxist hands.

Blood rituals are effective
You should know that

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Oh it's a racket, there was never any doubt about that for anyone who actually cares to glance a bit behind the curtain.
You see the same shit they're pulling with "semite" happening in Europe today with muslim and how critique of Islam is conflated with Islamophobia which is "racism".
Which is really funny, because I never heard of the Islamic race.

Fremasonry - Encyclopedia of Freemasonry
"A Mason is obliged by his tenure to observe the moral law as a true Noachida."
We contend, without any sort of hesitation, that Freemasonry is, in every sense of the word, except one, and that its least philosophical, an eminently religious institution.
Pure or Primitive Freemasonry of antiquity —the word pure to the doctrines taught by the descendants of Noah in the Jewish line, and that of the latter class the Spurious Freemasonry the word spurious to those taught by his descendants in the heathen or Gentile line.
One of the earliest deviations from the pure religion of the Noachidae was distinguished by the introduction of sun worship. In Freemasonry, the sun is still retained as an important symbol. This fact must be familiar to every Freemason of any intelligence. It occupies, indeed, its appropriate position, simply as a symbol.
Freemasonry rests upon or is derived from the House of the Lord at Jerusalem. So closely are the two connected, that to attempt to separate the one from the other would be fatal to the further existence of Freemasonry. Each Lodge is and must be a symbol of the Jewish Temple, each Master in the chair representing the Jewish King, and every Freemason a personation of the Jewish Workman.

>You should know that
I wouldn't, but apparently you do.

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just a heads up, listening now but the narrator brings up Moses being friends with Hermes but he didn't exist but rather a myth created to perpetuate the propaganda that the tribes were let out of Egypt by god when in fact they were the Hyksos dynasty, their army was the Hittites who were oriental in origin and they all got chased out of Egypt by Ramses II's decree:
>Expulsion not Exodus

Arab slave trade is probably where they got the Sicilian women then worked with Netherlands and Dutch slave trade. Blacks have been subservient of the Jew since forever lol

What blood rituals have you performed?

when I found out that the Shia were just a rehash of the Sadducee jews and the Sunni were the Pharisee jews and the way they islam seems eerily similar to the ancient jews started making a lot of sense to me. For example taqiyya and pilpul are two sides of the same liars coin

do some research on the Sea Peoples union and it will start making more sense, the mixing happened before the Barbary slave trade even existed

>For example taqiyya and pilpul are two sides of the same liars coin
One is avoiding the truth and/or lying, the other is arguing with nonsense for lack of a better term.
But yeah, I consider Islam and Judaism to be two fucked up cousins on a fucked up branch of the fucked up tree that is Abrahamic religions. Same shit, different coat of paint.

Personally I hope the jews win.
I’d settle for the Masons though

Just as long as it’s not any of the retards who believe that they’re the same thing.

Authoritarian for who? Workers? Not at all. Capitalists? You bet.

there is over 43 hours+ worth to listen to.

Keep jumping the gun if you want.

Tired of showing people shit they never actually listen to.

Christians made Jews the richest people in Europe through the enslavement of Europeans and sale to Jews who then sold them to Arabs in the era of the Carolingian Renaissance and well into the Renaissance.

How about for everyone? Snitching on friends and family was the fucking national sport you nonce.

I'm not in that shit
But literally millions and millions were, all around the world... Indus are still doing it

Not very

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Hope you're not "counter-revolutionary", comrade.

The link between ashkenazi jews and Rome is when Constantine married Irene of Khazaria back in 750CE and had a child name Leo the Khazar, this was because usury was considered a sin in Christian societies but having jewish converts run the banks would bypass that sin and such was the birth of the Ashkenazi jew and this is how the European banking cartel was born. This also benefited the Khazar/Ashkenazi because they didn't want to convert to Islam.

Constantine V*

Left and right are going to clash. The center can not exist.

The center is the state and the status quo.

Money vs anti money

If you're a capitalist terrorist you absolutely should be snitched on. West Germany was sending thousands of terrorists into East Germany every week to sabotage equipment, bomb and kill people and spread subversive propaganda.

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Jews were some of the only people allowed to practice usury in Europe and were protected by Kings. It's a shame so many Europeans had to be sold by their own kind to Jews to get raped by Muslims.

I am not very fond of Abrahamic religions because of this.

It all starts with Cain and Abel. Abel's sacrifice is accepted by God while Cain's sacrifice isn't and Abel's wife is better looking than Cain's wife, making Cain jealous. Cain let's Satan take control of himself and becomes the first murderer by killing his brother Abel. He thus invents violence, a tool he uses to win in life.
You can't say you know anything about freemasonry unless you've red about Tubal Cain. Tubal Cain invents the sword but he curses himself as this leads to killing and violence and invents the plow next. The technology of violence and letting the devil influence you to gain leverage over your brother is the secret of Freemasonry, this is their secret craft. Before the flood, their followers came of know that God would destroy the Earth with Fire and Water. They needed to preserve this knowledge which they did by inscribing it into stone tablets(monoliths) which you see in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. Kubrick was the biggest freemason ever.

This is actually very true. Rosicrucianism represented the most recent incarnation resembling true free masonry, but that died when the Rosicracuians "departed from Europe."

>Irene of Khazaria
That is not a Rome connection but an Instambul connection
Constantine V was the east roman emperor

Dude, stop. I can only laugh so hard. Don't try to discuss cold war Europe with someone who lived through it.
Fact is your wet dream of a state was the worst authoritarian surveillance state in existence that had everyone snitching on one another and that was the only way they managed to keep it from dissolving.

Totally. They're programmed. You just need to let them die, and, until then, tread over them. The youths will always lead the revolution.

The world has changed. Money is losing power. Automatization and UBI are the future. Capitalism is on its last breath.

>true freemasonry
>wasn't even a real thing until it ripped off freemasonry

UBI for Whites only. Everyone else must be physically removed.

You can't even get yours lies and slander right. The stasi was one of the most advanced intelligence agencies in the world. Well, other than the CIA, who's job it is to literally oppress workers and kill anyone who wants to do something different from neo-liberalism.

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In homogeneous societies of nation-states socialist economies might work, but unfortunately in a world filled with niggers its a terrible idea and will continue to fail just like always.

Are you illiterate? If something resembles another thing, then it's by definition not that thing. Rosucrucianism has more in common with traditional free masonry than with the more modern egalitarian variety of freemasonry.

This way of thinking is what ruins the movement. Everyone should get it. No exceptions. Anything that divides is a win for the rich.

The world is not filled with niggers. Yhis is a blatant lie.

Keep lying to yourself all you want, kid.
Rosicrucianism is and was only legitimized through copying Freemasonry. Today it still persists in the form of Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, and you have to be a Master Mason to join.

>The stasi was one of the most advanced intelligence agencies in the world
Aimed at its own citizens. Other intelligence agencies don't have that as their primary job.
Stasi were spying on their own people, disappearing them, torturing them. All in concert with the KGB. That's your glorious communism in action.

Take off the memeflag. Show us what kind of fag you are.

Our countries sure are and theres no reason they should get a place in this fantasy future you're dreaming up.(and that will probably fail just like communism has every single time it was ever implemented)

I suppose you could give UBI to everyone. That would be best as far as popularity goes, but you'd need to take away the civic rights of non-Whites including their right to vote, hold office, demonstrate politically, have influential roles in major institutions and run political activist groups. Work visas would be offered but immigrants would be accepted in extremely limited quantities if at all.

Countries are an illusion. There is only the planet. The sooner you see this. All world politics becomes clear to you.

What's your problem with it?

Ofcourse you can give UBI to everyone. Many people have proved this many times over. Capitalists dont like sharing wealth.

>Countries are an illusion
Said the non-country.

>Ofcourse you can give UBI to everyone
Why would you want to reduce incentive to do things? How many successful dole bludgers do you see?


It wasn't "aimed" at its own citizens, it was aimed at subversives and terrorists.

>Other intelligence agencies don't have that as their primary job.
Err... you mean like the NSA and CIA? And the Italian government who was collaborating with the CIA and MI6 to spy on citizens with left wing points of view?

Incentive comes from inside. Not from money.

Nothing, because it accomplished nothing, I just find your ignorance of history laughable.

Ah yes, those big-nosed capitalists with their international capital reserves, who move around numbers through hedge funds and speculation. Where have we heard this before? Something about a painter.

Give a man a fish, and you'll just create dependency. You're just punishing the workers.

>Ofcourse you can give UBI to everyone
>Many people have proved this many times over
And you call me an NPC? Finland tried a limited test run of UBI a couple of years back, they ended it and said this shit is just not working.
And you want to extend it to the entire world + removed borders? Are you fucking insane?

>it was aimed at subversives and terrorists
>"As long as I call them counter-revolutionaries it's all good, comrade!"
Memeflag off or shut the fuck up.

Not all capitalists are big nosed. But they do lie.

You're arguing fallaciously. A modern version of a system does not necessarily reflect an older one. Just because something maintains the name of an organization doesn't mean that it continues in its practices.

The pass and compass symbolizes the male and female sex organs, and the G stands for Generativity, which is another word for sex
Yes they are kabalist jew golems

That is indeed the truth.