What are they putting up there?

>be me
>live by BWI my whole life
>see numerous contrails daily
>wake up to this

I have never seen chemtrail activity like this my entire life and have always been skeptical.

Drop some chemtrail redpills for me

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Other urls found in this thread:


Shit is about to hit the fan environmentally ...and like the people they stole the idea and technology from they also going to learn the terrible cost of doing it as a method of weather pacification.

Things are about to go from merely fucked to extinction pretty quickly. This is what happens when you put some old dogmatic crazed religious nut in charge thinking a 'god' will save them if things get really bad. Kind of sucks about their extinction but the test is to see if they are sapient not faithful to illusions. There is nothing written anywhere that states its anyone's responsibility to fix stupid.

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Especially self created stupidity.

Dont worry about it.

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Quit being retarded.

1000s of shit like this too.



we have two suns, one is black. we are getting nearer to it and it affects people. suns are alive and they affect people. they are trying to block it by putting up a spray of heavy metals. they will fail.

'Chemtrails' are water vapour created when you burn hydrocarbons to co2 and h2o.

This is one of the dumber and more boring conspiracy theories.

Come on. Something new.

you know we are going to kill you in the end right?

Well ... It's water condensation ON something. That something happens to be unburned kerosene.
Basically .001% increase in cloud cover

But don't let science stand in the way of your ideas

Moisture mixed with air. Scary, I know.

Everyone dies "in the end" eventually.

some people wil have their minds put into a dmt induced matrix and tortured for thousands of years before they die.

>White trails every other day was condensation
>But TODAY it's mind control chemicals

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I like how people forget that airplane spraying chemicals has been a thing since at least the 60s.
Just because the gobberment says they're doing nothing shady doesn't make it true.
So, did they really stop spraying, or just got better at hiding it like other things?

Just like the last nine times. This has been done many times before and like other times they think it's a nifty hack...until they figure out the atmosphere is also collapsing and the concentration if the chemical becomes lethal for the humans to breathe while sterilizing them. They really are incredibly stupid.

It's literally a smokescreen to keep spy satellites from seeing something on the ground. Hope that answers your question.

looks like you figured out our world is fake too. we win this time though. cheers bud

>I like how people forget that airplane spraying chemicals has been a thing since at least the 60s.
Yet white trails in the sky ('contrails' to the non-retarded) have been observed since the dawn of flight. Really makes you think.

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Coon trails is made of teensy weensy nigra egg
They a gonna hatch real soon
Kangz b fallin like rain

I didn't mention contrails. I'm just stating facts. Chemical spraying from the sky is a well established fact. Odds are, however, that if something is sprayed, it is exclusively by military planes and probably not so visible.

>What are they putting up there?

mostly jet fuel

>Odds are, however, that if something is sprayed, it is exclusively by military planes and probably not so visible.
Wow, someone talking some sense in a chemtail thread..

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dihydrogen monoxide, that shit is corrosive as fuck!

Crop dusters are the only planes spraying chemicals from the air.

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Don't take me seriously, though. I'm still a conspiracy theorist.

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Nanoaluminum is one of the ingredients added to reflect light back out of the atmosphere.

Guess what Nanoaluminum is also good for? Explosives and rocket fuel.

When you spray ton after ton of this shit from the air for over a decade you get forest destroying fires like we saw in California.

So many fucking shill liars in this thread.

Even ppl on Jow Forums don't realize how deep it goes.

Fill up a small, single engine plane and go up and make some of your own. It's fun.

>Things are about to go from merely fucked to extinction pretty quickly.
I really hope it coincides with ice age tier temperatures because if i am going to have to compete with 7 billion people in this climate its going to be pretty hard.

Vaccines and chemtrails bring them out of the woodwork.

barium, aluminum, nanoparticles. also, water vapor goes up and down while these trails go sideways so they are not water. got to use the ol' noodle and you can debunk it easily.

nato sprays that stuff. they do not check air pollution for the substances they spray, pretty clever of them joos no? not really.

got to detox regularly now or you will all get very very sick. check metal detox and all that

>nato sprays that stuff
I never see ''contrails'' like that where i live, just small ones that dissipate pretty quick. Same way they have since i was a kid.

Then you see the pics from the US with a grid pattern all across a milky sky.

it's one part of kissinger's depopulation plan, the other is vaccination. stay the hell away from that shit.

Yup water vapor always does this. As if actual adult humans can tell the difference between contrail & chemtrail.
Pic my house 2 weeks ago

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funny side note: rockefeller patented the zika virus in 1947 from a dead rhesus monkey. obongo sprayed that shit onto commieformia to try out some new diseases. burgers are especially fucked over there, with the flouride and all....


click on history tab. it's all in the public.

The thing is, nobody debates that the government sprays shit, which is probably not even a fraction of the fucked up shit they do. What I argue against is the idea that every white trail in the sky has to be anything other than condensation. That's what these threads are always about:
The reality is, nobody in any of these threads have seen actual chemtrails. If they spray, they do it in secret. They don't rig every single commercial airliner and high altitude GA aircraft with chemicals and spray all day long.

What is the motive? To sterilize us? Make us weak and get more diseases? Make us weak to propaganda? To cause autism?

Not asking for proof or anything, but what are some opinions

some hard facts on the matter

it's twofold: 1. the global warming hoax. 2. depopulation through mass genocicde.


make a buck of killing goy while making more shekels. sound jewish enough? i think it does.

Yeah, I remember those

pay up so we can gas you.
typical jew shit.

they want to destroy the world and everything in it. that's what communism is really.

Chemtrails are stupid bullshit made up by dumb faggots with 0 education who literally spout off stupid dumb jackass crap like "ya know dat sumbitch hitler? he was on mushrooms i bet, fuckin nazi."

Remember to watch their PROOF OF CHEMTRAILS video that's just some homeless dude shakily filming a plane while spouting off about "shapeshifting goblin demons" for 5 hours. Be sure to scroll through the comments and read all the dumb boomer faggots posting about how the sky is a toilet and how disgusting it is like totally sane people would speak. These are all the same people who campaign for Israel because Jesus said so.

The whole point of this is to delegitimize people who are close to the mark on real, actual conspiracies.

>This is the moment we've been training for, boys! fire up the chemtrails, we have some fellow brits to poison.

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so if we are at this stage it won't take long now for the final judgment because they will not get away with it as we know. we really are close to the end now. better get your faith in order and leave the rest to god. godspeed.


When you live near an airport and have seen air traffic day in day out for past 40 years you get a pretty good understanding of whats commercial air traffic and whats NOT.
I live 45 miles from Boston and the air traffic coming & going has a very specific route runways & approach line up. They leave contrails. The chemtrail planes fly out of current and or defunct military airport which are on totaly different flight paths and leave a very distinct CHEMTRAIL. Pretty easy to tell the difference when flight traffic is at similair altitudes but leave vastly different trails. ALSO commercial /contrail flights do NOT fly wing tip to wing tip parallel paths.

Yeah and when you work on an airport and have a grasp of meteorology better than an infant's you know what they actually are and don't need to just make up bullshit you think is true without actually knowing.

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If you count your years in julian years you would have figured it out after the first decade it was all phony. By the first 100 years you learn to run your dominion by year 101 you're ready to hand it off to anyone stupid enough to want it in hubris to teach morons how to kill themselves on other people's lousy ideas that look good on paper.

I stopped worrying about invasions into tech nDuinne a lllllloooooonnnnnng time ago. Just part of Irish traditions of understanding ow maga people are...maga is Irish Gaelic for retarded in plain English btw.

Oh its beyond fucked. It's all about the oil actually and the methane caps they lied about putting on the fracking zone wells. Basically everyone is getting gassed slowly not to mention they've been pretty quiet on the fact all the fuel now is 1500% above tolerance for radioactive particulates which they ignite in their cars.

They are some of the dumbest species to have ever graced the universe.

I am in Hawaii, in the early 2010 era, those chemical sprays were constant, until Obama was to visit. All the sudden they stiopped.

We just had one recently after a long time. It waas so obvious. It spread into a blanket and I watched it drift down on my alley. Now everyone has a dty cough.

They drop them in accordance with the wind so they mist will blanket a certain area. They drop on the city areas but not on the Hawaii Kai and Diamond Head areas with all the mansions and the DOD facility.

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ya its hilarious how offended they get and how personal they take it. as if you just insulted their moms.

As a flight enthusiast from childhood and now pilot, also with solid meteorological knowledge (required to fly) I can guarantee you have no clue and that they are real.

Oh yeah of course it's real, that's why stupid boomer faggots have to post pictures of flight ballasts as "proof" instead of having any amount of evidence.
You flat-earther tier retards exist to discredit legitimate conspiracy theory revolving around government organizations which actually contain factual evidence that can be cited by playing your fantasy-football tier shitbrained conspiracy as loud as possible over it.

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Man you just said a whole lot of nothing and seem extremely triggered by something that is apparently untrue.
I exist because of my personal observations, including large unmarked planes spraying with several escorts.

It's called cloud seeding.

It's done to engineer the weather/climate to be more accommodating for extra-dimensional beings that are coming in here through portals made at CERN as well as a way to poison the third eye which helps keep the rapidly disintegrating veil between this world and the others in place.


Flat earth is a psyop. The true truthpill is toroidal hollow earth. Read Gianninnis heavily surpressed book The World Beyond The Poles.


Earth is hollow with polar openings that lead into its hollow interior. Outer Earth governments know about this, but are not telling the masses.
Daily reminder that there was supposed to be a voyage to the North Pole in 2007 to find out if there's an opening at the North Pole that leads into the Inner Earth World (and thus prove once and for all that Earth is hollow). The leader of the expedition was Steve Currey and he suddenly died from a brain tumour shortly before the expedition began so all of the money they got from people who were going to join the expedition was refunded. The new leader of the expedition was Brooks Agnew and the new expedition was meant to be in 2013, but shortly after THAT expedition was about to begin, his film crew suddenly vanished without a trace so THAT expedition was cancelled too (and, once again, the money they got from people who wanted to join their expedition was refunded). The expedition was/is known as the 'North Pole Inner Earth Expedition'. Here's a link to the official North Pole Inner Earth Expedition page:

Also, Terry Smith was an Alaskan bush pilot associated with this expedition who agreed to fly directly over the North Pole to see if there was an opening there but he suddenly died in a plane crash on August 9 2010 before he could make that flight. NONE of these incidents are (((coincidences))). There is a world inside our world. There was also the 2007 expedition where they chartered a russian ice-breaker to get into hollow earth that was cancelled.

As for chemtrails, watch this - it's real

Yeah they sink down and spread out causing an oily sheen effect. I had an outdoor job and would watch them go back and forth in pairs. Once one of them flew directly overhead at low altitude with smoke trailing out of an engine headed to the city airport. It was a white four engined jetliner with no markings other than an N number on the tail.

>uh why are you so mad about me lying and spouting bullshit all the time and sliding threads with my stupid brainlet tier dipshit posts
How about instead of spreading chemicals the most idiotic fucking way that would cost the most amount of money and be the most apparent thing on Earth with a massive amount of evidence to do it they instead do one of their trillion better plans for wiping out, poisoning, controlling, or generally destroying a population in ways which don't involve a fucking giant flying highly visible way of administering it?

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Freezing temps at high altitude asshole. Chemtrails take place year roundm


Try using a flight-tracker app on your phone whenever you see suspicious planes making long trails that spread out, a lot of the times they wont even show up on flighttracking data...

gee its almost like your shilling at the wrong person on purpose because you're doing exactly what you claim im doing because geoengineering is real and you want to invalidate it.

see this attempt to tie geoengineering to aliens

>I have an unskilled labor job with no form of education but I know what I'm talking about in this specific field which requires years of education to become qualified for because "I seent it"

Hmm why do I see this same exact message so often only in threads on these kinds of idiotic subjects? It's almost like you people are fucking morons.

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Right. Shills would have you believe puc related is shopped.
Real interior of chem-plane

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Admiral Byrd said as much.

yes they are often plain white, they stand out like a sore thumb on a sunny day even at 20,000+ feet

>globe earth

Ive come to believe that the weather control/poison/nanobot stuff is disinfo. It's something spiritual , angelic and/or demonic . People have seen "'chem" trails spread by orbs and other things that aren't planes. The Bible talks about signs of smoke and vapor in the end times.

The chemtrail Conspiracy theory is a cover for something far deeper

I have a military job.

Would guess Southern Air Transport or whatever they go by now.

Hmm it's almost like cloud seeding is an archaic technology and they don't need to do it anymore.

You work with literal niggers who couldn't get a practical job so instead had to beg the federal government for a pension.

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Gravity is a lie
Space is a lie
There are no aliens
There are interdimensional beings.

Let me quote Gianninni
"This work provides the first account of why it is unnecessary to attempt "shooting up," or out, from the terrestrial level for journey to any of the astronomically named celestial land areas. It relates why such attempt would be futile. These pages present incontrovertible evidence that the same atmospheric density of this Earth prevails throughout the entire Universe. Such a feature proves that, except for the presence of a gaseous sky envelope and underlying oxy-gen content equivalent to that of the Earth, we could never
observe the luminous celestial areas designated as "star," or “planet" It is shown here that in a determination of realistic cosmic values the observed luminous areas of the Universe about us represent celestial sky areas, and that they are
as continuous and connected as all areas of this Earth’s continuous and connected sky. Hence it is shown that there are no "globular and isolated bodies" to be found throughout the whole Universe: they are elements of lens deception. Accordingly, the absence of celestial "bodies" preclude any possibility of bodies “circling or ellipsing in space."

Alright so if Jow Forums organizes a crew to attempt to see whats going on in the poles chances are the planes will crash with no survivors. How do we figure out whos causing these things? Could we bait them out?

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Fuck you asshole shill cocksucker.

get a load of this guy, acting like he knows something but everyone else is a moron. you can hire cloud seeding and is still actively used by governments, but you claim haarp is used instead? gtfo, fucking clown

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it is probably the kikes, its always those dirty fucking kikes

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>Could we bait them out?

It would be extremely painful


too late fag, you've been exposed. completely transparent.


Massive amounts of trails is a US thing. They simply do not happen here

Sounds like fun!

Trips of truth. Take your meds, op.

Americans everyone

Such your bf's cock

Wasted. Nice going, kike.

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Jesus you chemtrail niggers piss me off to no end. Can you provide even one (1) singular piece of evidence proving that what we see in the sky is not just water vapor?

Slamdunked kike