Vote McAfee 2020 - Fuck Drumpf

Why aren't you voting for the true /ourguy/, pol? Why can't you see the truth that the future is McAfee?

Abandon that JIDF shill Duhrumph and vote for a real man!

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literally who?

wait I looked him up, fuck that guy

educate yourself, user. The lame stream is too chicken shit to cover him since they know he'll get the vote

cry more. Taxes are for pussies

eat shit ACtard

John McAfee is even more anti-white than Trump, so fuck them both.

He’s a bigger delusional blowhard than trump.

At least McAfee is willing to take on the government instead of being it's bitch

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Wasn't he involved in a sordid affair with a prostitute who murdered his neighbor? Lotsa skeletons in that guy's closet.

Maybe by being a fucking faggot that everybody hates

>implying that fucker wouldn't tax the shit out of you plebs

Who are you voting for then? (((Biden)))?

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Probably Trump again if nothing better comes.

He paid a poor Belizean girl to shit in his mouth

Nah, that was the guy who fucked Rand Paul up

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That dude is legit insane. Not even memeing. Literally insane.

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a charitable soul

Insane enough to be President

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Just because he is a man and admits he did a lot of bath salts?

Don't mind that fag, user. He's just afraid that McAfee loves his women, his guns, his crypto currency, but most of all...HE LOVES HIS COUNTRY

Doubt it from a guy who's refused to pay taxes his entire adult life

Am I tracking this correctly -- Man A (who tackled Rand Paul) was involved with Prostitute B, and Prostitute B killed Man A's Neighbour?

My favorite quote regarding McAfee:
"John McAfee has never been convicted of rape and murder, but—crucially—not in the same way that you or I have never been convicted of rape or murder."