I'm just here to give a very simple tip

I'm just here to give a very simple tip.
I discovered that when you start to actually DO SOMETHING to solve a problem, reach a goal etc... might seem shocking but things start to happen, maybe success is not guaranteed but for sure you'll feel 100 times better.
Most ridiculous thing is that you already know what to do but you are too busy over thinking or feeling sorry about yourself.
So now lift your lazy ass and do something.wonder why it us always so simple.

Yeah I know this is a very basic thing but so far it's the only thing that worked, no secret self help philosophy, or obscure Asian wisdom Good luck

Attached: tumblr_n5zqu9h6NC1s5tkayo1_1280.jpg (854x1280, 250K)

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nothing good comes from my efforts even when i succeed
surely i have pissed off the gods

You don't feel good even when things work out?

I agree, people usually think they are doing things when they are only thinking about doing things

Attached: Sing_Cause_Happiness.png (225x225, 7K)

see they dont work out and if they do its not in a way i like or it comes to bite my ass later
its to the point that im even conditioned to not get that little rush for doing things right its always well it could have been done better or i guess its ok cuz when i actually feel like ive done right it falls into what i mentioned above

>Try thing
>Fail miserably
>Try again
>Do kinda okay
>Still hate myself
>Try again
>Fail miserably
>Give up
That's the summary of my life. Idk how to feel okay with myself. I think I just deserve to die.

I have several tasks that I want to accomplish asap but I feel overwhelmed to think how many they are. Recently I adopted a different approach. I just divided my tasks into smaller and easier ones, so I feel like I'm actually making some progress. I think that might also help

Nothing causes happiness for me.
Earning money. Spending moneys. Personal development. Helping others. Nothing.
No matter the accomplishment, big or small. I don't feel good about it.
Everything is just another chore.

I'm not sitting on my ass either. I do fuckloads of shit that lead me nowhere.
I have zero ambition, zero will to continue, it's all pointless, so why tf would it make me feel good?

Sorry. But thanks for trying.

No, they don't.
>be hikkineet for 8+ years
>decide to get off my ass and get back into uni
>be an older loner in the corner, extremely envious of all the young normies having normal social lives
>still no friends
>still no social or romantic experience
>more sad than before
I went from a peaceful shut-in to a potential school shooter.

Just be vocal in lectures and they will see you as older WISE student. You can get a lot of friends that way, but you have to really study not sit on ya ass.

No, it doesn't always work this way. For example, I've been lifting for a year now, and have forearms smaller than my 15 yo sister. I'm 22 btw. Some things in life you simply cannot change, like your gender, genetic makeup, intelligence, height, bone size, etc. No matter what your mum told you, not everyone is born the same. You thing some nigga born without limbs or some other dude with an IQ of 80 will have the same life prospects as someone born without deformities? Some are prone to depression. It's simply their chemical makeup in the brain. You cannot change it. It's set in stone. Yes, you could potentially use drugs to try and mess with it, but it's unnatural, it's not who you are.

All I'm saying is, your tip is gay.

so many people like me here
makes me finally wanna do something
thanks you worthless bunch of faggots
even though I'm just as bad, atleast I've got the decency to kill some other folks before killing myself. Gotta make sure you try to end the world with you. But until I can end every lifeform on earth, might aswell just start making homework..

Only pussy faggots do suicide. If youre going down then go down with a bang.
Try to succeed again and again till you succeed or get killed. Dedicate yourself wholly to one particular thing and you will see how fast things can change.


I am one of the most vocal students there.
I am also trying to socialise, and basic greetings and comments before class and during breaks are fine, but they normies won't accept me or invite me for anything beyond that.

Then try to talk with them about other stuff than uni. Its very weird... maybe youre just very ugly.

user I've never succeeded in anything before. I seriously doubt I could do something as successful as dedication to a particular subject. The only skills I have is an almost endless well of negativity and the ability to spread it around. What's that kind of garbage skill, user? no one you love could ever seriously ne around you, you'd just push them to suicidal, like you push yourself. Only I'm a weak ass faggot who doesn't do it because I'm a pussy. Others are braver so they might actually do it. Am I not a bad influence, user?

I would actually be very good looking if I wasn't a bit overweight.
My height is above average for my country.
I dress well.
I'm always clean and make sure to smell well.
I'm trying to never show awkwardness and keep a good posture.

It's just that, normies can smell loners from a mile away, no matter how well we hide it. And normies make sure to steer clear of normies, to reject them from society and throw them back.
Especially female normies.

Anything I ever got in life that was worth anything took dozens or hundreds of failures and rejections. But good on you for giving it three tries champ.

>The only skills I have is an almost endless well of negativity and the ability to spread it around.
Become a politician or late night radio talk show host.
This, so much. Every failure is another opportunity to learn what not to do.

>become a politician
based user
you think I actually could
i think I'd be too extreme in alot of aspects, among which my negativity

Damn you have serious self esteem issues. I had the same problem, but then i stumbled upon Jordan Peterson videos. Hes advice changed me and after reading hes book 12 rules for life i made my own plan. My life turned by 180 degrees. I was unfit, unhealthy pathetic looser who couldn't stop fapping at least 3 times a day. I knew i can do better, but i was too weak and my computer game addiction and porn addiction was too strong.

Now im fit, i havent masturbated for at least 3 or 4 months and i have been on several dates with girls. Also i found job and created a plan for me.

My problem was that i was still living with my parents. I was 25 y/o who finished uni when i was 23, but couldn't find job cause i barely finished it. I got the diploma, but no education. I forgot everything. My teeth were disgusting and crooked (thats why i was too shy when it came to dating). I thought that im too old for anything and i already missed my boat. I drifted around aim less with no particular goal in mind.

I too had this pessimistic "cant do anything" look at life. I felt suicidal and pathetic, unworthy. But Peterson changed my look on the world, gave ideas about planing and reorganizing my life. Also very good tips about socializing with woman.

Go on Youtube and watch some. It might help you, if you listen to what hes saying. And remember that everyone fails. It usually take several failed attempts to get something done. Dont be afraid to fail. Also make clear what your goal is and dedicate your whole life to it. Make it your religion. Become fanatic. Every single billionaire did that and thats what made them billions, every single one of them failed at something, but didnt stop. So dont stop, keep going and remember each set back teaches you what not to do if you examine it and understand what was the problem.

If i could do it. Then you can too.

Stop browsing Jow Forums, mate.

I'm sorry user. I've known Peterson for a while now. I know what I gotta do, I just simply don't have the motivation to do it anymore. You're doing good though user, maybe I'll be able to do as you did one day. You talk about what my goal is, I don't have one. Well maybe ending up rich and having loads of kids, but women nowadays are trashy as fuck and I'm nowhere near any sort of wealth. I actually like it when people acknowledge that I have problems. One of the things that make me smile is when someone gives up on me, realizing I'm so hopeless that they cannot fix me. I don't know why I want all of that user. I've been fucking up for over a year now, and my momentum is towards fucking up more. I don't know how to fix myself and every psychologist I've spoken to doesn't know either.

>ending up rich
Literally shittiest goal ever. Such a non answer. "Oh, I want to be rich," no, you don't. Being rich is always a mean, never an end. Ask yourself what you would do if you were rich. You will never need more money than you can spend, so decide what you would like to spend on, find a job and get to it. Don't wait until you reach an impossibly high and unattainable level of wealth to start living. Get off your back and keep your feet on the ground.

Okay i will help you understand Peterson ideas.

> I just simply don't have the motivation to do it anymore
You start slowly. Ask you self what i have to do. (For example you have to wash dishes, but youre too lazy. can you at least wash one dish? No? Can you at least look at hem? Can you at least walk to the Kitchen? Can you at least Stand up from ya chair?) Its all small steps and if its too big take a bit smaller step. With easy day improve. You bould up your motivation.

>Well maybe ending up rich and having loads of kids, but women nowadays are trashy as fuck and I'm nowhere near any sort of wealth
Its waaay to broad, you make a specific one like a profession or reaching a milestone (becoming millionaire or smth), but realistic.

>You talk about what my goal is, I don't have one.
Most people dont have one and they just drift aimless. Thats why they dont amount to anything. You have to think about it, or at least just pick one randomly. Like i will go to army. I will become Major in 20 years and i will have two tours under my belt. Thats doable and respectable goal. Then you have to dedicate yourself (thats a mind set) you have to brainwash yourself to become fanatic about it.

> realizing I'm so hopeless that they cannot fix me
Its not for others to fix you, its for you to fix yourself with tips and info given by others. Every time you smiled at those helpful people you actually smiled at yourself cause they didnt fail, you did.

> I've been fucking up for over a year now, and my momentum is towards fucking up more
You are what you think and do. Downwards spiral is natural that is for everyone. Its like swimming, its natural to drawn, but its up to you to swim to stay above the water, it up to you to swim and get to the shore.

> I don't know how to fix myself and every psychologist I've spoken to doesn't know either.
Like i said. You are in self pity mode that gives you this kinda good, but at the same time worthless feeling. You kinda do feel a bit good when you fail, its similar feeling for emo kids when they dedicate their mind to depressive music - make belief that turns into real problem. Its up to you to solve youre problem and fix your life.

Choose a goal even if its a random, create a plan how to reach that goal and then dedicate your mind, brainwash yourself into doing that become fanatic.

you did brainwash yourself into thinking youre no good and that youre a failure and everything you do is not good enough. SNAP OUT OF IT! Now you have to brainwash yourself to be successful.

Also you already did start the treatment process by acknowledging that there is a problem. Now you have clarified your problem - you have no goal, no motivation and no willingness. So you already have done first two steps. Keep going, your next step is to choose your goal, then to make a plan, then to dedicate yourself.


true, getting rich to sustain a lot of children is how I should have phrased it.

Even smaller steps? I'll give that a try.

Isn't 14 kids raised in the same wealth as an high upper class family a realistic goal?

How do you brainwash yourself, user?

>Every time you smiled at those helpful people you actually smiled at yourself cause they didnt fail, you did.
I think you're right.

Why is there even a problem? Maybe it's better to just die? It's not self-pity (well posting on an Mongolian basket weaving forum kinda is) as long as you don't accept help and just keep harming yourself, right? Why shouldn't I make that my goal? It feels so wrong and so right at the same time. Goals are what you choose them to be. You could choose to be a terrorist, incel, or a successful business man...what should you even choose if you don't know what to choose?
also thanks for the help, user

>was 25 y/o who finished uni when i was 23, but couldn't find job cause i barely finished it. I got the diploma, but no education. I forgot everything. My teeth were disgusting and crooked (thats why i was too shy when it came to dating). I thought that im too old for anything and i already missed my boat. I drifted around aim less with no particular goal in mind.
Yeah, People saying "I'm too old for this, it's over" just make me cringe. Jesus christ my father had ti start over from zero 3 times. Got fired from a big corporation due to bankruptcy, started a business but had to shut it down to go on cancer treatment, now he started another one and so far is going well, like seriously people who believe that at 25 life is over are just pathetic.
And btw this site is not really the best way to get motivated since everyone here likes to bring each other down. It's kinda like those cancerous incel forums they claim to be "support groups" yet every time that somebody tries to do something about the situation they start to mock him or telling him to give up...

You do know you're helping binging others down? All I can say is you're right. I am pathetic, so why not just kill myself. Your father is a better and more deserving person than I could ever dream to be.

Thanks OP this made me motivated to take action. Unfortunately this board is filled with incels and betas that will hate on your post.

How am I bringing you down? You should get inspired instead. Now close your browser and go do what you have to do please.

>Isn't 14 kids raised in the same wealth as an high upper class family a realistic goal?
Its waaay too broad of a goal. Those can be nice additional goals, but not the main goal. Just like being wealthy. Doesn't mean much, but a nice additional goal, but can never be productive main goal.

Youre goal has to be very specific and realistically reachable even if it looks really really hard to archive. Like becoming CEO of company worth at least 10 million by the age of 45.

Why? So you can make realistic and very detailed plan on how to get there. The more detailed and thoughtful your plan is the bigger the possibility of success.

>hat should you even choose if you don't know what to choose?

Wife, kids, family. Those are nice additions and self evident expectation of any successful or even semi-successful man.

Imagine what your perfect life is. Loving traditional wife who can cook, love you unconditionally, make you feel manly, is feminine. Kids - as many as you want 3;5;10. House in country side where you can see them grow up and you teaching them skills necessary for life, teaching them to be decent human beings. You seeing the fruits of your work when youre old man and feeling that your life is fulfilled.

Isnt that what all man wants? Responsibility that brings great rewards?

Its all possible. All doable. Life is the most amazing thing when you come out of your self destruction mind set and see what is possible when you start taking responsibility for your failures and start working on fixing your life. So set yourself a goal that will allow all these additional goals (wife; family; etc) and make a plan.

Life is painful,and full of misfortunes, danger and tragedy. So you man up, grow stronger, learn, adopt, and build your own world from all available options you have. Most importantly you have to find reason, responsibility. Its necessary for man to be alive, its your meaning of life. It can be what ever you set your goal to be.

It's very rare to see a user here that for once is not an annoying nihilistic faggot. Thank you very much for your post dude.

Not bringing down, just admitting that you're right.
wait so how is 14 kids not specific enough?

>Isnt that what all man wants? Responsibility that brings great rewards?
what if you fail your responsibilities? isn't it better to make sure those responsibilities are being held up, even if that means giving that responsibility away to someone else?
eventually you end up with no responsibilities and no rewards either.

>wait so how is 14 kids not specific enough?
Thats not a main goal. Thats additional goal. You have to build your plan as a structure thats designed to reach the highest possible result that you are capable of, if you do everything correct. Also why would you want 14 kids? That a mockery goal. you have to snap out of this (i will find a problem for every solution) type of thinking. Not healthy, very pessimistic and unproductive.

>what if you fail your responsibilities? isn't it better to make sure those responsibilities are being held up, even if that means giving that responsibility away to someone else? eventually you end up with no responsibilities and no rewards either.

You clearly are missing the point. Its about meaning of life for man, the driving force. the fuel that keeps you sane and going through the harshest times and happy/joy full at the best times.

You dont give responsibility away, cause by doing that you would give your driving force away. Without finding a new one you would collapse and go down the spiral of destruction. You dont do that.

You choose your goal, like you choose your responsibility. Its your motivation, you lack it cause you are not responsible. Studies show that humans only mature after they have kids (or parent like experience) 'cause you are forced to take responsibility and care for someone else.

good option: Take a dog from shelter and take care of it. Take him out to park, take him when youre running. Its random move, but it will help you find reason to live, responsibility and motivation to start improving. You will see that if you take care of that dog, he will grow healthy. Dog will help you to cope with your emotions, they have this skill of making people happy.

It's true for alot of things though.
I wouldn't expect some normie who never had this issue to understand, but if you miss the boat on socialising and relationships with females, you're done. Normies start avoiding you like the plague no matter how well you hide your loner status.

Exactly when does that boat sail?
>birdies avoid you
Yeah that's because you reek of loneliness. I solved the problem pretending to be a sociable guy, believe me it was emotionally exhausting in the beginning but for sure it paid off a lot.

Sorry, fucking t9.

How can I tell if I do, if I never know how it is to be normal?
I do my best to pretend, but normies can still tell.
Look at

It's all in your head. Chad up your mind and become more confident in yourself. Only thing they can smell is lack of confidence and beta maleism.

subscribe to an acting course, it's literally what they will teach you, how to realistically express your emotions
also they mostly smell losers, loners are considered ok by all normies

They're sort of the same thing.
If you aren't hyper-social with thousands of friends on goybook and likes on instacuck, you're considered a loser by normies anyway.
Even by normal standards though, I am by all means a loser just trying to recover from it, but it seems impossible since society rejects me once again.

They can't tell shit. I've been a NEET loner schizoid for ten years and no one suspects a thing until I start revealing things about myself. But the first impressions, they have no clue, and I even have bad posture.

The bass and the tweeters make the speakers go to war
Ah, the mighty trumpet brings the freaks out to the floor

will tell you about this friend of mine
was very social, not the internet kind of guy, phisically social, always out to party would come to your house to ask how its going etc, really social
he gets a gf and long story short she's nuts and forced him to cut ties with everyone and never go out, not even for friend getting married
now he obviously got cheated on and is alone, tries to recover all the lost bonds but people can smell both the loser on him and the overcompensating act he's putting up
unironically the "bee urself" is good advice but work on how to be a decent yourself

on the other side im a standard loner, who always kind of meet with friends not so often but i never cut everything and i was there in the important moments, so im still considered as "in" when a social meeting happens

A lot of goals or projects are the accumulation of many smaller tasks that when looked at individually seem insignificant. Many people tend to snide at those smaller pieces; "Waste of time, I'm going to skip to the 'good' stuff'." They then become overwhelemed and paralyze themselves.

Do something little everyday. Even if you think its insignificant, something is more than nothing.