White History - BLACKED

>Television adaptation of Victor Hugo’s classic novel which follows Jean Valjean as he evades capture by the unyielding Inspector Javert. Set against a backdrop of post-Napoleonic France as unrest beings to grip the city of Paris once more.

Hollywood is hell bent on niggerizing white history. You know (((who))) is behind it.

Recently (((they))) made a show about the first Swedes and it has a christnigger in leading role. It's not just about Germans, white Americans, Swedes and French. The Jews are attacking the white race as a whole. There are Jews in Italy who are promoting Italian women and black men Race-Mixing. There are Jews in Ireland same thing. This time we fight as one against our common (((enemy))).

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Yeah. I noticed.

oy vey

Oh well I guess I can never watch historical dramas made or set in the West again

Hey Jimmy

Its their attempt to get nigs to watch hisrorical shit
Nigs only know washington lincoln hamilton jackson grant and franklin

This they pretty much ruined the only Hollywood movies I would watch. Better for me :/

You're gonna waste that crab gut?

I pretty much only watch old movies and tv series these days, modern stuff is so tiresome.

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There were nogs in France at that time but not in positions of authority.