Jimmy Dore is a fraud and a pedo-appologist.

He just released a video calling Matt Watson a scammer and ranting about losing sheqels. Doesn't even know what he's talking about, dindu fuck-all research (says "it doesn't matter").
I thought (and I know I'n not alone on this) he's the only leftist with some common sense left. BUT HE ISN'T.
He's a pedoscum and deranged degenerate who doesn't give a shit about anything but his sheqels.

Just so you know. Fuck this pedoscum jew.
I'm not linking his video bc fuck this jew, you can watch this instead

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Other urls found in this thread:

yeah jimmy dore is clearly a poser and the people that don't immediately realize this are suspect as fuck


imagine my surprise ...

>Jimmy Dore is pro Russia and appears on RT
>Pedoshit is a big Russian psyop

>Jimmy "we need do ban all carbon emission" Dore
>common sense

He's has always been a moronic shill. He's always spouting "End the Wars" and "Free Healthcare" Blah Blah Blah. Yet he shilled for Bernie, who's voted Pro-War every single vote save 1, and even that 1 vote was just to got to war with more countries involved.

He was celebrating Amazon pulling out of NYC like an economic child.

And he shills for the "muh global warming" globalist cabal non-stop.

The only thing I can remotely respect him on is that he calls out the bullshit "muh Russia" narrative.

No shit. Jow Forums didnt dig hard enough and had to rely on Keemstar for exposing this failed YouTube fraud.

I wonder how fast his life is about to spiral out of control, I'd wager fucking fast

Every time Jimmy Dore lures me in by saying one thing I like he turns around and says two things I hate.

Kill yourself

So basically every YouTuber is a pedo then?

Because all i see is hate for Matt on every channel.

Alt left and alt right is all Russian intelligence operations you can only trust stuff like Prager U and Fox News

Yeah, that too. He's shilling russian propaganda on Venezuela. Fucking pawn.

Dore is only good as far as lefties go. He's maybe 50% right instead of 90-100% like most of the dissident right. I don't know why we care so much. "Old" lefties like Dore and Martin are at best 10% of the modern left. The rest are shitlibs and globalist stooges. Fuck 'em. When push comes to shove they're never going to side with us anyway.

Dumb fuck. Jimmy is pointing out that people like this will only cause more and more censorship. Also those aren't pedo videos but parents recording videos of their children as they grow up. It's not their fault some pedophiles comment about it and who the fuck cares. Also that guy "exposing" those videos is a faggot who concluded those videos are posted by pedo's, which is a smoking gun when judging his credibility. Fuck youtube, fuck twitter, and fuck all those corporations who keep manufacturing problem causing reaction from the retards like you so the solution is censorship. And fuck you for being a faggot shill.

>Destruction of a country is totally ok.
Fuck off shill.

lurk more newfag
2 years mandatory lurking before posting or you get gassed

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Bernie is a sold out cunt, you guys hardly have anyone with integrity to vote on, few people there is simply get bought out.

>So basically every YouTuber is a pedo then?
I didn't say anything even close to that you fucking retard. Don't try to put words in my mouth. Fuck off back to school and learn to read and understand what you read, you delusional junkie dumbfuck.

You'd think a pollak would be more sympathetic to people trying to blow their country up.

The Matt Watson guy is the real weirdo. Bless Keemstar for bringing all of that info to light. Fuck this Matt Watson guy. Clearly there is a problem, but fuck the way this faggot is going about it.
Also, fuck nu/pol/. This place is worthless now.

Thanks for clearing it out, based remover. I don't have time to watch his 20 min video.

If you want to find some dirt on Jimmy then watch his videos about the border wall. He looks really fucking stupid in them.

youtubers should point out the hypocrisy of the mainsteam media having kids show and promoting trans kids shit.
i mean some pedo surely jerked of to some dan schneider show. also didnt disney have some pedo guy as producer

Yeah, cause he needs to follow up the accepted leftist narrative. I don't agree with their denial of tribalism between races or ethnicities, open border and rest of the shit. But I'd argue left and right economics, solution is somewhere in the middle imo. Everything rest left has to offer today is literal cancer, but Jimmy isn't focusing on social engineering like rest of the left is, so has that going for him, also his judgment about the news was credible so far for me. Wish he went solo w/o that shill network TYT became starting just a few years back.

He understands rich vs. poor is the more important fight I think.

Exactly, it's all about class warfare, anyone denying that is denying reality. But today's brainwashing is done in a way so people don't focus on economy and instead on social issues, which is done on purpose to divide and manipulate the public easily, because they don't want another "wall street" march, like 10 years ago which would unite left and right under a common cause, like yellow west's are in France.

Can't we all just get along long enough to kill the super rich? We can kill each other later. I like Dore.

This faggot fucks children.

Hey Matt. You shouldn't take critiques so harshly my friend. Donald also called you a faggot.

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lol imagine being this fucking stupid

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