It has been 7 years

It has been 7 years

Rest in peace Trayvon

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>It has been 7 years
Why is time going so fast?

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Trayvon and Gamergate ruined America.

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Rip bro...
Too bad that Nazi country can't help its minorities...
We the European proletariat will protect the marginalised blacks.

That's why I say "Hey man, nice shot. What a good shot, man"


why are you doting on this dead nigger





Nobody wants to hear your racist bullshit. FUCK OFF

I miss him every day, yo.


Go kill some kurds.

Very sad the Jussie story has been taking the heat away from Trayvons legacy.

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Who the fuck names his child Trayvon? where do niggers get their names?

by now he would completed his PhD and would have soon received his nobel peace prize
but he was taken away from us by the white devils

TFW your favorite 90s alternative music starts being played on the "oldies" station

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funny how you fucker make fun of a successful black guy qith a college degree

You're getting old m8... that's just how it works... 2018 felt like all of 2 months for me...

Amen.. when they brought that guy up in court and called him a "white Hispanic.." that's when I knew the agenda was real..

Jesus Christ how the fuck has it been seven years

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Trayvon is that gorilla that got shot because a kid fell into his enclosure, right?

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Make lynching niggers great again.

It probably doesn't feel like it since it's been less than 5 years since the Zimmerman trial in 2014.

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7 years since I was redpilled and went full Jow Forumslack

its a meme flag kike slide thread

Rest in skittle pieces

>spic kills nigger
>niggers nog out
fuck white people

sure. kys

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Stupid nigger