Average poltard: I hate these guys because they are going to make my life better!

>Average poltard: I hate these guys because they are going to make my life better!
>I like my $7.50/hour job at Mc Donalds, and the CEO earned his billions
This power duo scares pol because they might actually succeed in giving even the dumbest of poltards a raise in their wages, universal healthcare, and paid college tuition.

Voting against your own interests.

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>I hate these guys because they are going to make my life better!
you are legitimately stupid.
stop trying to rule over others, it will only get you killed.

We don't work at McDonald's, nigger.

I'm sorry, I should have included Wal-Mart also.

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If you are over 18 and still making minimum wage you should kill yourself.

Hello shill. Do you enjoy posting b8 for free? Do you take this "job" very seriously?

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Market forces don’t care about your feelings

I have a real job faggot
I'm not waiting on some socialist hippy to raise the minimum wage to half of what i make now

they voted to kill babies after birth. let that sink in

>he thinks he won't be the one paying more taxes
They get you with this every time. "Tax the rich" is a buzzword for "increase all taxes".

I was talking to a young man who works at Burger King in Boulder Colorado who makes $14.00/hr. He said the starting rate is $13.00/hr.

I make 6 figures, have a wife and 3 kids, and I dont know why mcdonalds even employs humans as front line workers

When OP is so retarded he can't understand simple economics.

Raising minimum wage makes it more difficult for younger and less experienced legal citizens to get jobs early since they aren't worth the cost for the employer. This is why even jobs that don't need college still require previous experience in that field.

Learn economics and then come back plz

No way. You're an incel.

Min wage increases also increase cost of living, companies wont just absorb it

>I hate these guys because they don't understand basic economics and are going to turn my country into Venezuela
>I like small businesses existing and not having my currency inflated to the point where it's worthless

I live in Boulder and refuse to go to that BK..literally my last option of places to eat there

also they have to pay he employees that much there because it's one of the worst jobs you can have there. It's one step above taco bell

>tax the shit out of millionaires, billionaires and corporations
>they leave the country
>muh ebil rich people left, guess we gotta tax the shit out of the poor to keep our shitty ideas running
>country goes bankrupt
>blame white people
No I'd rather just kill all you stupid commies

You're a fucking idiot if you don't think that this is all as planned. They are subverting the US by shifting the overton window, and I mean (((they))) as in the Bolsheviks who ran to Israel and have been creating a backdoor with Russia and China. Trump was the start, they ramped up Nationalism around the Globe and now they are rolling out the Socialism, once the divide is set (pretty much is now) they will role out what is the "nu-moderate" and all of you retards ,Jow Forums and the liberal faggot left, will vote for a Bolshevik owned and puppeted candidate. The Bolsheviks didn't go anywhere, they have been hiding in the shadows of the neoconservatives and zionist. This was always the plan.

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>kikes leave
>this is bad

>kikes leave with all our money
If they leave in body bags I'm fine with that

My wages are fine. Insurance is a scam. I already finished college. This, “power duo” scares me because they’re gonna raise my taxes, limit my access to firearms, and their, “comrades” killed thousands in my home country.

Destroying America becomes easier every day.

Baby killers

>Voting against your own interests.

You have no idea what money is, do you?
You're a slave to it, but don't understand it.


I am master of my own destiny

you realize that some fetuses develop such bad deformities that they don’t have lungs, circulatory systems, brains, and so on? and that technology makes it so we can see those conditions in utero? and that some states don’t care that the baby will die because of this, and that because it still has a heartbeat, they try to pass laws to force the mother to carry it to term? this is why the law was passed. not to kill babies, but to let them die of natural causes instead of further putting parents through that traumatic experience.

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The last time these tards said they'd raise taxes on the millionaires, they did it to anybody over 100k.

Also muh race based reparations and open borders. That's how you gut wages.

Still over a million mils.


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Thing is, even if elected, neither one will do any of those things. It's all just fantasy.

Fuck off with your worthless slide thread, nigger.

Already donated my life savings to Bernie. Cmon who will match me

Feel the Burn nigger

Eat cock fuck boi.

Stop claiming you know what's best for me.

>they are going to make my life better by forcing everyone into a permanent underclass

Fuck off.

You do know the system is fucked.

There are significant market failures, wealth transfers, and exploitations being wontonly committed

We now live in what is tantamount to exploitation capitalism.

Im not saying your wrong, but the system aint right.

We don't consider prostituting our sisters for toilet paper and other basic necessities to be a better life you mongoloid

>be CEO
>go through years of college
>climb the ladder
>work hard to make the company work
>some exjunkie hs dropout complains that he is poor because of you

is this what Jow Forums is gonna be like for the next 2 years? if so, i quit.

Doesn't matter, there will be a recession this year.

This. Trump cuts taxes across all brackets and reduces the ammount of income written down on high cost mortgages and state taxes - changes that will solely effect the rich - and the left complains.
>we need to tax earned income over $10M that will pay for everything
Bill Clinton was the one who started letting corporate executive payouts come in the form of stock options (which are not taxed as earned income). Only a fool would accept a pay package that exposed them to that taxation. Progressives are retarded and unable to predict the secondary and tertiary effects of their decisions. They just lurch from one issue to the next solving one problem by creating three more.

If you didn't notice, Jow Forums is not the place where niggers that work at mcdonalds and liberal studies baristas with crippling college debt congregate.
Nor do we have much sympathy for them.
Now sage and suck cock.

Anyone who still likes (((Capitalism))) or (((Marxism))) is a retard

>Earn twice as much
>Everything now costs 10 times as much
Oh boy what a good deal!

It is not in my interest to be disarmed by millionaire oligarchs and my community flooded with Mexican peasants.

Landlords love minimum wage hikes because that means they can raise rents again to sweep up that extra capital. I hope i can get a few rental properties in my portfolio by the time UBI gets started.

>in their wages, universal healthcare, and paid college tuition.
not interested


I make more than 7.50, I think you're projecting OP

It's 2019 and we still have feudalism.

This is the problem with meme economics
Le Economics 101 had made people retarded.

Like “taxing” the rich 10 dollars will produce 10 dollars more of economic activity.

That 10 dollars will just be extracted by the machine.

Kill yourself you fucking faggot

If you're working an unskilled job for $7.50, your job is as good as gone if they raise the minimum wage. We need to slash land use regulations so we can drive housing costs down, that is the only thing that's going to give any unskilled laborer a shot at a decent life. What you're proposing is that we completely wreck the economy.

Socialism is by no means the worse system ever created. Only retarded people can support it.

Long Live American Dream and Capitalism. Fuck socialist losers.

none of that is a secret. you do realise that the reasoning behind a law being passed, and what it may subsequently be used for may not be necessarily the same thing, or may open the door to unintended uses IOW a slippery slope.


>Democrats are advocating letting migrants from poor countries into America because they need people to fill cheap labor.
>Democrats are advocating raising the minimum wage to $15/hr

How the fuck can they advocate for both?
You realize that millions of jobs would be eliminated if you were to double the minimum wage?

>home country
You have to go back.

let me explain it because you're a loser who never grasped basic finance and economics hence why you are making min wage. rich people don't pay taxes, they never will pay taxes. they will shield their money overseas, they know this. why do you think every billionaire and millionaire is like "YEAH WE SHOULD PAY OUR FAIR SHARE". wanna know who pays it? the upper middle class, that's who, and that's just the start once they realize the upper middle class ie doctors lawyers etc can't pay for their programs, they move to the middle class then everyone else until everyone is paying 30-40% effective tax rates EXCEPT billionaires. that's how it really works, this is just something people like warren and bernie say to fool the uneducated into volunteering to pay absorbant taxes effectively locking themselves and their future children into a sub-par class.

>we're going to take all the billionaires money, so then you can make 8 dollars and hour when equally distributed :DDDDD

Nah you're just racist and supporting billionaires.

plus it'd have a huge impact on climate change. these white leftists are going to learn the hard way that 3rd worlders don't give a fuck about the environment.

Earn $7.50 an hour or be replaced by automation. Your choice

To whom do you owe 82 thousand dollars?

>le voting against your interests meme
It's almost 2020, have you guys seriously still not thought up any new material yet or are you just saving the good stuff for the final minutes?

Dont forget the inflation wipes away their debt

rural retards should stop watching fox

The guy with the Nazi memeflag has qualms about killing humans after birth?


I want to know what those poor mexica-- I mean dreamers are gonna do after they get replaced by automation

not an argument

how cucked do you have to be to blame literally everything you do on immigrants? get a job you worthless trumpsucking pantywaist, holy shit.

Frighteningly, the best way to discredit them is ro give them a little rope. When Occasional Cortex tanked 25k jobs on long island for no good reason it gives voters a clue

I'm a "leftist".

I don't agree with either of them because neither understand basic elementary school economics.

Money has to be generated/come from somewhere.

The economics declaration they make are supernatural nonsense.

Walmart for instance only has a 3% margin of profit, and they're one of the largest companies in the world.

These idiots don't have a clue as to what "economic head" is. They don't get it because they never ran a business, they only live on donations and academic salaries.

Two facts of economics they don't understand:

1. You have to spend money to make money
2. You have to spend money on head (more product/services, upkeep, investors, employees, leadership, expansion, legal upkeep, etc)

They honestly believe employers all have an infinite amount of money.

It's the only way to reason their supernatural economic belief system.

But money finite. There are cycles, but they're not a sure thing, and the cycles for business and payout aren't the same thing.

When they sit down with an economist and convince them of their plans, then I'll vote for them.

Minimum wage is a scam to keep poor people poor.

I work in a warehouse and I don't deserve the $9/hr I get. Most of the guys are lazy af and smoke weed

they can kill the labor market if they want. idc. trumps doing enough damage that by 2020 people might actually die off mostly in the americas. both north america and south america. you dream of 2021. that year may not have a united states of america on any current map

I vote against giving handouts to niggers, nigger.

i make $33/hour. also, not an argument.

>Sucks dirty, diseased third world dick
>Calls other cucks

LOL this guy very stupid
he still on that blue pill thinks his pathetic attempt going to make us dumber like him

I have a masters degree with no student debt and my employer provides my healthcare.... you poorfags can die in the street for all I care.

Can someone explain to me how more than doubling the minimum wage won't result in massive layoffs in employment and/or effectively raising the costs of goods dramatically? Pretend I'm a retard that's capable of learning, because I genuinely don't see how raising the min wage is a good idea since my first thought is that it would badly harm the young and inexperienced people who want to at least step foot into the workforce by ensuring that they're pretty much never gonna get in unless they can outperform machines. Educate me.

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do you like hunger nigga?

And yet if you look at all the states and cities run by democrats, what you will find is people living in shitty conditions.

Crime is rampant. Homelessness at levels never seen before. Cities like Detroit are basically ruined and in places like Flint you can't even get a drink of clean water anymore.

But tell me again how great it is living under a democrat.

you're strawmanning by presenting ridiculous arguments without context to make it seem dumb. What sort of socialist would believe in open borders but not strong climate change reform? Can you name even a single one? Its like saying "what if you stole a car, but it had the brake lights out? Now who's the real criminal, you or the owner???? checkmate libruls!"

The only place you find these silly reductionist arguments is with right-wing propaganda like fox

you stupid
you a cuck
its the alpha winner trump supporters with the jobs that dont want to pay taxes for your beta loser leeching waste of space scumbag existence

all you faggots do is talk about how niggers are taking your jobs.

>niggers are worthless
>niggers are taking my job

the only possibility here is that you are literally more worthless than a nigger. pathetic & degenerate. you deserve the rope.

>you poorfags can die in the street for all I care.
this is the state of "patriotic" conservatives

It simply doesn't work, Everywhere it has been tried it caused a lot of people being fired, but of course dems don't care since they prey on the retarded and ignorant

How do you make less than minimum wage? Oh, because you are larping.

Who said anything about niggers? I'm talking about spics. Mexicans belong in Mexico. They do not belong in America. And I'm not voting for anybody that doesn't see this as common sense. Such people do not have my best interests at heart.

another beta cuck loser on the blue pill of stupidity
probably leeching off its parents doesnt know the real world

Fun fact in medieval europe peasants had one third of the year off for religious holidays.

Politicians who want to tax more do so for their own benefit, not yours.

Has the govt. improved its efficiency with increasing tax dollars? If not, where does the idea that giving it MORE money will fix its inadequacies?

>make my life better
How? I make six figures and am excluded from almost every tax break as a single earner. All I get is the standard deduction. No socialism thanks.

most of the democrats running in 2020 support the green new deal which includes abolishing ICE. fucking retard.