Firstly, I'm not a doctor so I can't give you medical advice. Secondly, I've been working in the mental health field for 15 years as a crisis counselor, case manager for the county and program manager for a foster care agency providing supports for 40+ patients. If you have any questions concerning any aspect of mental health in life or relationships I'd be glad to give you my professional opinion.
Mental Health/General Advice
fuck mental health. What matters in this world and life is physical health. You are literally treating people who needs excercise big time. Snake oil salesman.
Medieval attitudes like this are a huge part of the reason I do what I do.
my brother was mentaly ill. He tried to kill himself two times. He was fat and unhygienic. Smelled like piss and shit all the time. One day i took baton and i have beaten the shit out of him when he was fapping to anime girls. He couldnt walk properly for week. I gave him ultimatum either he starts to work out and find work or he will get another round.
This actually treated his mental illnes and he is now productive member of society.
I'm depressed and can't find the motivation to do anything to alleviate it. I've tried lots of times, things like exercising and meditation etc, but I fail quickly and give up, and that further reduces my motivation to try again. I can't afford to go to therapy or visit a professional. I also have social anxiety, and a very bleak outlook on life.
What should I do? How do I even start trying to get better?
the person next ro me wants me to continue my relationship with her after telling me for four months shes been fantasizing about random dicks and her coworkers fucking her, and we've been together for quite some time. she tell me i have too high of relationship standards and i HAVE to forgive her, because to her, since it was "only in her head" it didnt count.
I'd much rather go back to the suicide i had planned before i met her.
im notba die hard monogamist, but i feel very decieved as she has said that it has happened when we have sex, which i guess meant more to me
i don't want to be in a relationship, but she keeps persisting with the idea that "fate" is why i should stay...i know people have thoughts, but to intentionally drag it out over months, and suddenly when i find out and disagree, plan exit strategy, she says she's in love with me.
it's bad for me right now. i was very attracted to opiates and suicide, seemed like better option.
stop masturbating.
what a fucking shitty post. 5 words in and im already bored.
Hi user
Girl with MDD here, and I date someone with BDP and bipolar (type 2 i think but i can't remember)
We're both depressed and (mentally) feel like shit frequently; im wondering what is the best way to help each other. I generally want more attention but don't want to ask for it out of it out of fear of being too clingy, my partner just withdraws entirely, which is kind of hard for me
That being said I don't think pulling away and going into ourselves to ruminate is good but I don't really have any other ideas especially if we can't be physically together at that moment.
I think its normal for people to be attracted to and think of people other than their bf/gf once the honeymoon phase of the relationship ends. Letting those thoughts pass through you as opposed to trying to squash them seems like the better choice since pent up repression leads to mistakes being made.
As long as she hasn't actually cheated i think you should stay with her, especially since she's been so open and honest.
However, seeing a relationship therapist or something could be useful for you two?
so you and your boyfriend are retarded or what.
Eh. 3/10.
Unfortunately, there is no home remedy that I'm aware of for chronic depression. Making any kind of meaningful progress towards treating this disease is going to require some professional guidance of some kind. Do you live in the United States?
Serious question here actually
Well, pretty sure I have PTSD or at least have PTSD like symptoms. So I tried killing myself about 3 times in high school after a severe bout of psychotic depression. Had periods of visual hallucinations and mild catatonia which I never let people know about , and was genuinely insane. Substance abuse and a lot of anti-social personality traits were included. I was in denial of a lot of this for awhile until I started having "flashbacks" to one of my suicide attempts. It's kind of like I will suddenly have hyper awareness of everything around me and get extremely panicked and stressed while I can't do anything but think about that time I slit my wrist. Constant images of seeing my own blood... and if I merely see a knife it sends me into a panic attack. It's an on and off thing I'm regulating with CBD oil but drugs aren't going to solve this issue I don't think.
The thing is, I've recovered a lot. I mean I'm autistic as all hell because of social inexperience and an inability to relate with most people's experiences and all that , but I've been pretty healthy emotionally for 3 years since all of that happened so I'm not sure why this is happening now. What can I do? I can't talk about this to any of my friends and most of them are starting to drift away from me because they just get the sense that I'm fucked up. I've only been that way around them once it scared them pretty badly.
I think the main issue here is your suicidal thoughts, depression and/or whatever it is that is compelling you to end your life. To put it plainly, the kind of person who allows themselves to be treated so poorly typically do so because they don't think they deserve any better. This person in your life seems to have all the latitude she needs to harass, manipulate and demean you simply because you don't have the energy or the will to stand up for yourself. On some level you must believe that you don't deserve to be treated any better than this. I think that being in a relationship is not the main issue right now, your mental health is. I highly suggest you detach yourself as far as possible from this person and seek some counseling. I have a feeling that once you're able to address your depression then the issue of keeping these kinds of people in your life will more or less fix itself.
What a useless advice. I just told him to stop mastrubating this will help him and treat his mental illness (it it's even clasified as mental illness according to your jew education) . What a shit doctor you are. This is why America is in such shit pitiful state. You learn for 30 years in some shit school some retarded left leaning shit then you proceed to give shit advice with nothing of substance. I know how to treat it with no problems. Im more doctor than you ever will be and i dont even have education.
Shame on you faglord.
>im wondering what is the best way to help each other
The best way to help each other is for you both to seek individual counseling. The danger about emotionally unwell people in relationships is that they are extremely prone to dysfunction and codependency. Simply put, you both need things from each other that you are both incapable of giving each other at the moment because of your diagnosis. This is the same reason that drug addicts in relationships are so incredible dangerous. Their dysfunction plays off of one another and, typically, the only hope of getting them both treated is to pry them apart and get them to focus on their individual recovery. This is what you have to do. Neither of you will be able to develop any kind of stable, meaningful relationship if you haven't taken care of yourselves first. The last thing you want in this situation is for both of you to try to use each other as life preservers. In that situation, typically, you both sink. Go to counseling. Work on yourselves and, if needed, go to counseling together and work out these feelings you have about your relationship in a safe, clinical setting. That is your best chance.
Fuck off back to Jow Forums plz
Okay thanks....we've both been in therapy in the past and we both take our psych meds; I'm still actively in therapy my partner isnt iirc
But yes ty!
No i wont. Im actually doctor too. How about i counter larp this shit? You saw the response dont you? "Uh i-i don't know there isnt treatment for chronic depression" Who in the fuck even said anything about chronic depression in the post he replied to. This is who they educate. People with no intelligence to even comprenhend the sentence they are reading.
You need to see a psychiatrist immediately. I say this because psychotic depression is a very serious mood disorder, user. It is very unpredictable and, in my professional experience, absolutely 100% must be regulated with some kind of medication. You may feel comfortable and healthy right now but trust me when I say that a mental break or another manic and/or disassociative episode can happen before you can anticipate it. This is when psychotic disorders are most dangerous; when you are unmedicated and unprepared to deal with it when it arrives. You have to see a doctor. This kind of condition can be stabilized but please believe me when I say that you can't do it on your own. CBD oil is not a treatment. Maybe it can help mask your symptoms but it will do absolutely nothing to bring you back should you have another episode. Drugs aren't going to "solve" your issue but they can, at the very least, stabilize you enough so that you can start building up your mental health as opposed to just maintaining it. If you were to walk into my office right now getting you into a psychiatrist to be screened would be priority #1 because your biggest risk right now is having another mental break and, god forbid, doing something you regret to yourself or another person. I'm not meaning to scare you but the stakes are pretty high on this one, user. Please, see a doctor as soon as possible.
(copied from a thread I made because I'm lazy)
I'm worried I might have ADD
Whenever I try to take notes, or read a book, or just focus in general, I always start daydreaming out of nowhere. I've tried putting on music and tried going to sleep earlier but nothing has worked and I have no idea what to do.
stop masturbating.
Yeah, your partner 100% needs to be in therapy. Its extremely destabilizing for your relationship for either of you to use each other as a therapist. You both need an outlet to vent to that isn't each other. Working with him to separate your mental health issues and your relationship issues into two clearly defined categories is going to be your greatest tool. It won't be perfect but, obviously, knowing if an issue is something you should bring to your significant other or if its an issue that you should bring to your therapist is going to help sort through your inevitable conflicts with each other. Getting him back to therapy is priority #1. Good luck.
Have you seen a doctor about this issue?
also by music i mean classical and ambient stuff
not yet but I've been considering it for a while
I guess I'll do it then
Well, I was never officially diagnosed with psychotic depression because I never reported the hallucinations or catatonia to anyone. They weren't regular occurances, in fact they only happened maybe 4 times during a year long period of diagnosed depression. It mostly occured from stress.
I haven't had anything like this in 3 years and honestly I've dealt with the side affects of these medications for too long to go back to them. Hell, the main reason I developed serious depression was because I was over medicated with Vyvanse for years. I'm not doing serious medications again, I've lost all trust in pyschiatry as a practice. Is there any way I can manage myself and these PTSD like symptoms beyond becoming a drugged out zombie again?
Most of those problems can be fixed easily. Be this jew doctor will stuff you with drugs and send you to "consueling".
Its worth a shot. It could be some kind of ADD issue or it could be something else. Its really hard to tell until you see a doctor and possibly try some medication to see if that helps.
>try some medication to see if that helps
getting really sick of your shit.
Yea I'll schedule an appointment
thanks for the help OP
i don't feel human emotions and use people up and move on.
i want to know what freindships and love are
i see people as tools
Yea ummm. Go to doctor yea and umm yea medications. Probably psychopath very dangerous. Yea umm dont shoot up school.
My lone sexual experience was female on male rape and when I was a child one of the girls from the neighborhood was inappropriately aggressive with me and neither of our parents seemed to care. I'm seeing a therapist already, but I'm curious about what other things I can do in my time to make myself more comfortable being around women and in sexually charged situations.
My gf still talks to her ex even though he's an alcoholic who has been arrested and cheated on her. She even slept with him once after they broke up but before we got to together. I feel like she is trying to save him or something even though he's beyond and should no longer be her problem. What's the best way to let her know I don't like her talking to him without pushing her away?
>Well, I was never officially diagnosed with psychotic depression because I never reported the hallucinations or catatonia to anyone. They weren't regular occurances, in fact they only happened maybe 4 times during a year long period of diagnosed depression. It mostly occured from stress.
Regardless, I cannot stress to you how dangerous it is to walk around with an undiagnosed, untreated psychotic disorder. Whether or not it can be classified as psychotic depression is rather irrelevant given your symptoms. Again, I'm not meaning to scare you but people in your situation are typically the ones that I receive the most referrals for from the state; people who are unmedicated and undiagnosed who were either arrested or put on a hold because they experienced some kind of psychotic episode. It is a very volatile situation, user, and I cannot stress enough how much of a risk it is to remain untreated simply because things seem to be stable right now.
>Is there any way I can manage myself and these PTSD like symptoms beyond becoming a drugged out zombie again?
Not wanting to feel "drugged out" is definitely something I hear a lot from the clients I treat and I most certainly understand. Medication, especially for psychotic disorders, can be very tricky. A lot of anti-psychotics like Haldol or Depakote can come with some pretty serious side-effects but working with a doctor consistently to find the perfect combination of medication that works for you is the most effective way to address them. The fact of the matter is that not being on medication, for you, is extremely dangerous. On the other hand being heavily medicated and sedated is a deal breaker for you. I completely understand, however, you can't treat a psychotic disorder on your own. Whether or not you go back on medication right this very moment is not as important as, at the very least, going to see a doctor and having that support structure in place should your symptoms suddenly get worse.
No problem. Good luck.
Cool thanks again.
We don't really vent to each much at all, for better or for worse we (especially me) just bottle it up.
I'm a pretty successful middle-aged man but I'm feeling more and more like somewhere in my life something went wrong and I'm quite unhappy. I used to feel like my job had value, but more and more I'm seeing it just a means to make more money so I can quit my job and start some type of new, more relaxed life without being burdened with making a living.
My wife thinks that this won't help, though, since I'll just be at home all the time with nothing to do. While I agree with her to a certain extent, I think that type of time off is still necessary. And an extended cut of low-pressure time would help me find my "next step" and develop more meaningful goals than just stack more cash.
What do you think I should do? Is this mid-life crisis, general fatigue, or something else? How do I find that thing that will be meaningful?
Unfortunately, without knowing you and your history intimately its hard to say exactly what kind of things would be most effective in normalizing you to sexual contact. Childhood sexual trauma, as you've come to find out, is earth shattering to a developing mind. As far as how ready you are to start delving back into relationships and sexual situations, I don't know. Generally speaking and without knowing your specific case I would say the best thing you can do right now is be as communicative as possible. Develop a dialogue with a woman, should you decide you want to try being sexual with her. Tell her whats on your mind. Be open about your feelings and try to find someone who is going to work with you to address these issues as opposed to just white-knuckling your way through it and hoping your partner doesn't notice. Its not going to benefit you to pretend as though nothing is wrong. Silence and repression were big parts of your trauma therefore should not in any fashion be apart of your recovery. Regardless of what stage you're at in your recovery I think its going to be important to find a partner who you can develop a trusting relationship with.
>What's the best way to let her know I don't like her talking to him without pushing her away?
By telling her exactly what you told me. The unfortunate truth is that people who are normalized to being treated like garbage are very hard to get through to sometimes. Being coy with her is not the way to go on this one. On a personal level, if it were me, their relationship would be a deal breaker for me. On some level, she must choose; to pursue a new and positive relationship with you or to remain in the past and try to save her broken ex boyfriend and fulfill her fantasy. She can't exist with one foot in each world. Be very open and honest with her. If your honesty pushes her away then it sounds like you have your answer.
I am kinda depressed, because I have no close friends where I live. I do have a close friend, but he Is studying abroad right now and we talk regularly. Is this a healthy way to live?
I mean, look, I was experimenting with different medications for depression at the time by advice from my psychiatrist so I'm not even sure if it this was caused by influence from medications or by myself. Either way, I've not had any kind of psychosis for 3 years.
All I have now are the mental scars from my suicide attempts. I just want to know if there are ways beyond heavy medication to manage these panic attacks/ flashbacks. Is it something I just need to let heal with time or is it like in the movies where I just have to deal with these every now and then for the rest of my life?
I've lost all interest in people. I am a 24 year old female and have not had a friend aside from my bf and drug dealer in 1.5 years. I have stopped trying to meet friends and barely speak to my family and when I do I feel paranoid of them. I don't even get joy from or feel love for my pets anymore, my dogs and hamster are a burden. My boyfriend feels like a burden, I barely act like a gf anymore, surprised he hasn't left me. I have been unemployed for over a year, can't get past the first interview. My fear is so intense I can't walk the dogs by myself (pitbull almost killed my dog last summer) or go to the store by myself. Sometimes I have good days and think I am normal and can do erands and think I have thought myself out of things then the next day I am a ball of nerves, pacing my house, crying, screaming at my dogs, nervous of my neighbors, afraid of strangers, only able to do do one thing for like 12 hours like read manga even if I want to do other shit it's like I get STUCK. I used to shower every day and now it's a struggle to maintain basic hygiene. I tried to get a psych evaluation but the chucklefuck hippy doc just took $1000 of my parents' money out of pocket and told me "idk it's too unclear because of all your trauma, i'd reasses aftera year of therapy LOL". I am an overgrown womanchild floundering, losing all interest in life, no happiness anymore, only happy if I am piss drunk or stoned, no passion or hope, thinking strongly about suicide lately. I don't know what to do, I don't care if you guys make fun of me, someone please tell me what to do please
It really sounds as though you know what you need to do but are currently just trying to figure out how to rectify that with your relationship and your life. What you want to do is stop doing a job you hate and pursue something that makes you happy. As simple as that sounds you are obviously old enough to know that with a wife, a house and bills, it takes more than just a whim to make something like that happen. I think the money issue is obviously something you should work out with your wife but, ultimately, I don't think that this goal of seeking this time to yourself is something you should let go of. I am personally of the mind that our current culture that promotes endless working and productivity over happiness is extremely toxic. Even if you take some time off and end up going right back to your job afterwards I think its really important that you are able to acknowledge that you need a break. Your body is trying to tell you something and its important that you listen. Hopefully you can continue this dialogue with your wife and help her understand how important you believe this is for your overall mental health. Long story short, if you need the time to yourself I think you should find a way to get it. Don't ignore your unhappiness.
I think it isn't good that the absence of one person in your life is causing you to feel severely depressed. Isolation can be very damaging. I don't know anything about you personally but, generally speaking, no. It is not a healthy way to live.
In the past this would have been a deal breaker for me too. I've dropped girls quickly for a lot less. But I decided to take a different more "mature" and understanding approach. To give her a chance. And of course I fell with her. To make matters worse her body is insane and she's the hottest girl I've been with, and always puts out. But I know that's not the most important thing. And I know quite honestly you're right, even if it's not really what I want to hear. It's a bad situation and she does have to chose. I just hope I'm her choice because I could see her being my wife, and I've never had that thought about any of the other several girls I've dated.
Well, I dealt with depression far more serious than yours is. Not a doctor , well EMT actually, but I'd advise you to take some Vitamin D supplements and stop drinking / smoking weed altogether so that your brain can better regulate dopamine levels without any outside influences. THC is mildly psychoactive so if you want to avoid increased anxiety I would cut it from your consumption ASAP. Once you start this diet it will take maybe a month of feeling pretty shitty to start feeling uplifted again. If you have trouble keeping tasks, have your boyfriend keep a calendar and schedule for you.
If your BMI is abnormal then consider a diet as well.
Like I said, whether or not you go back on medication right now is not as important as at least having a doctor that is aware of your situation and is available should your symptoms get worse. I can say that, from experience, "time" doesn't heal much of anything. Whether or not you've had your psychotic episodes 3 years ago or 3 days ago, your underlying disorder is still there and it still is, for all intents and purposes, untreated. Yes, there are ways to manage anxiety and panic attacks without medication but those options need to be explored with a medical professional. I would not recommend under any circumstance that you should attempt to treat yourself without the supervision of a physician. As far as your psychotic disorder goes, no, there are no ways that I am aware of to manage it without medication.
Talk to her. How understanding you are with her should be entirely dependent on how she responds to you and what her behavior is like. On its face, user, its not a good sign at all that she is so addicted to the chaos of an abusive ex-boyfriend that she's willing to jeopardize her relationship with you over it. That's a very serious issue that needs to be addressed.
What would you suggest I do? I am not so depressed and lonely all the time. It depends on how stressful the day Is and this is one of the days, so it might be my depression talking.
I'm just trying to avoid a diagnosis of PTSD honestly, it would be disastrous for my career and people wouldn't look at me the same way if they knew the kind of things I used to do.
I'm more worried about the stigma than the disease honestly. I can deal with intrusive traumatic memories and monthly flashback where it's hard to be around knives for a bit. I can't deal with being isolated or shamed because of my condition. Is there anyway for me to contact a doctor and keep this a secret from employers? I'm sure doctor patient confidentiality would comply here
I'm trying to improve my thinking patterns, but a problem I'm having is that when I'm in a really negative mood I lose any interest in being rational or helping myself. It's like I'm a different person. How can I avoid this?
Secondly, from what I understand it's essential to internalize the belief that I'm in control and responsible for myself. People that believe this tend to be happier, more successful and be in better health. However, I dont believe this in the slightest, either internally or intellectualy. As far as I'm aware things are governed by physical laws, and whether I do something or not depends on whether my brain was primed for it to happen. Is it possible for me to change this belief, or do I just have to hope I can pretend it isn't true?
Well, I'm not a doctor so I can't even begin to form any kind of diagnosis but I can say that the symptoms you describe are very similar to the symptoms of my clients with depression. Also, as far as your psyche evaluation goes I would actually agree with, at the very least, the concept of what he says. If you have a long history of trauma then its often very difficult to discern whether or not symptoms could be caused by your unresolved trauma or some kind of underlying disorder like depression. Seeing a therapist and tracking your progress is a really good way of discerning whether your issue are pathologically or psychologically based. That may seem like a very inconvenient option for you but I honestly think that would be a good idea. There is also no harm in seeing an internist and trying out an SSRI. You may really benefit from some chemical supports, especially if you're feeling so bad that you can't even leave your house by yourself. If you feel like you want a second opinion then I highly recommend you go get one. There is more than one way to skin a cat, if you will.
Thank you for your response. Yes, I don't intend to let go of making my time off happen and I'm taking steps to make sure that happens without us taking too much risk. We're planning on downsizing to a smaller and less maintenance-heavy home and keeping investing to boost our rental income as much as we can. To get more specific, I guess I can ask "Is there anything else I can/should be doing to prepare for this upcoming time of reflection"? I think my financials are decent, I'm talking more about personal actions.
While I can definitely understand being afraid of a diagnosis I think on some level you understand that you've already pretty much accepted it. Labels can be scary but I don't think you'd be here talking to me if you didn't understand on some level that you can't continue to live the way you have been living. There can be something very cathartic about being able to quantify your symptoms and face it head on. Also, unless you work some kind of sensitive government job I don't see how anybody at your place of work would find out about your private medical records. I don't know about the laws in different countries but here in the U.S. medical records are federally protected. It is 100% illegal for any doctor to share your medical records with anybody without your consent.
I finally got enough courage or whatever to get a therapist but I can't help feeling I'm just not bad enough.
I'm not suicidal, I don't have crippling anxiety or depression. I may, and I stress may, have adhd or similar attention problem, but that's about it.
But I have no friends. I've been out of high school for 6 years and have been basically too afraid to go to college. (Fear of failure because I did so bad in high school AND I have no idea what I want to do with my life). I've had a part time job for the past 6 years.
so I don't know. I've only had two meetings with my therapist and we've just kind of discussed some things.
>Unfortunately, without knowing you and your history intimately its hard to say exactly what kind of things would be most effective in normalizing you to sexual contact
Is there anything I should tell you? Like how my parents divorced when I was 13 and the rape happened a year and a half later after I'd moved across the country? Or how when I ran to our mothers after the one girl had exposed herself to me in her room when I was 6, I was the one who got in trouble
I will say that after thinking about it some more recently, I am not ready for any sexual contact just yet. The progress I have made has brought up a lot of the negative emotions that come from women being forward with me or trying to take the initiative myself. I reckon I will have to get those under a degree of control before I can open up.
Why am I so shit with confrontation?
I really hate the way I avoid it and I think I almost seek it out at times but my mind goes blank whenever I'm in a confrontational situation. The only thing I want in this situation is for it to end immediately and I forget, or maybe don't realise yet what it is I actually want from the scenario.
As well as this, when I start to consider all this I start to see possible slights everywhere, even if a memory I had did not bother me in the slightest it suddenly will to the point where I can't even trust how I feel anymore.
It is possible that the transition of losing your friend has just been difficult for you. That is understandable. I would say that if your depression gets too bad to see a doctor but for now I think that developing some new relationships to replace the one you felt like you lost might be a good next step.
>Is it possible for me to change this belief, or do I just have to hope I can pretend it isn't true?
Its possible to change, yes. I don't believe that pretending things aren't the way they are would be helpful. I think you may benefit from some counseling. It sounds as though being stuck in your own head is an issue for you and having someone to talk to may be a good way to reflect on and interrupt these negative thinking patterns.
Well, that's the thing. I just passed EMT basic and plan on becoming a paramedic for some personal reasons I'd assume you can guess why. Im not sure how it will apply to that. I can manage high stress situations fairly well, with exception to having a flashback which has only happened a few times but man do they suck.
I can work through a busy work schedule while having a panic attack by focusing fairly hard on my task. I've worked as a cook for years , being around knives and etc other things so I can learn to regulate myself and keep important tasks in focus even if I'm having intrusive memories. It's worked fairly well, working as kind of an exposure therapy.
I see, thanks. I'm unable to afford it right now, but I'll consider it in the future. I'm not sure how I'm going to come to believe I have agency when it's empirically untrue though.
There is no such thing as "not bad enough" to see a therapist. Don't think of therapy as something reserved for the mentally ill. All therapy is, at its core, is hiring someone who isn't an all emotionally invested in your life to hear you out and give you objective advice. There is no downside to having someone to vent to that you don't have to worry about driving away or alienating.
To a certain extent, being uncomfortable with confrontation can be perfectly normal. There are plenty of people who just don't know how to navigate confrontation that are for all intents and purposes mentally healthy. It can be a personality trait or it could be a symptom of something different. How far you're willing to go to avoid confrontation, however, can become an issue. Figuring out how deep this goes is probably going to be best figured out through counseling. Even if there isn't anything, for lack of a better term "wrong" with you it still might be beneficial to have some kind of external reassurance in the wake of situations that you were unsure about.
I was clingy too, as he was my only close friend. But now I have none, but then I realize that most people don't even have close friends, just regular friends. Anyway I think might have some sort of personality disorder
Yeah, it would be illegal for your doctor to share any of your medical records with your employer. You can be confident that being diagnosed with PTSD would not affect your career as an EMT. While I applaud your efforts to manage your symptoms throughout the year I still encourage you to see a professional. As I've said before the last thing you would want is to have no kind of support structure should your symptoms get out of control. Its great that you've found ways to work around your disorders but whatever your next step is I highly suggest that it happens under the supervision of a professional. I think you and I both know that, medication or not, you could use the guidance.
>Anyway I think might have some sort of personality disorder
Well, if you're beginning to feel like these feelings and issues of yours are growing beyond your control then there's no harm in seeing someone.
Yeah, you're right. I should call a doctor sometime next week. Thanks for your time
>I guess I can ask "Is there anything else I can/should be doing to prepare for this upcoming time of reflection"?
Honestly, it sounds as though you're doing everything you need to do. Not knowing you at all there's nothing at all I could suggest to you that you don't already seem to have a grasp of. You know what is bothering you, you know what a possible solution is and now you're working towards it. I can definitely understand your anxiety but, at the risk of sounding seriously unhelpful, I think you're alright user.
>I will say that after thinking about it some more recently, I am not ready for any sexual contact just yet.
That's a great conclusion. My only suggestion to you is to continue listening to your mind and body; continue being mindful. Keep making progress and checking in with yourself. The person who will be most knowledgeable about what you are ready for and when will be you. You have a lot of trauma that needs to be worked through and it sounds as though you're well on your way.
You're welcome. Best of luck, user.
I know. I just hope I can change something. I'm not depressed per se but I am a very self loathing type of person so that probably contributes to the "not bad enough" and "not good enough" feelings.
Thanks buddy
>I'm not depressed per se but I am a very self loathing type of person so that probably contributes to the "not bad enough" and "not good enough" feelings.
All the more reason to go to counseling.
No problem. Best of luck to you.
seeing how most relationships fail, I wonder if I should just get a fwb
I’ve been thinking about going to counseling because I took the Burns depression checklist and scored 40/100. A lot has been going on in my life that’s not good, and while most of it is not in my control it’s gotten to the point where I developed a lot of symptoms of anxiety/depression that are affecting me daily.
My question is, should you tell family members if you are seeing a therapist?
My question is, should you tell family members if you are seeing a therapist?
Do you want to tell them or not?
>Wants more attention
Have children and stop being a slut