Who team India here?

Who team India here?

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Everyone who's not a discord tranny

Team Chaos here. Hoping for maximum casualties on both sides.

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As I said, it's win/win situation for mankind anyway.

ur under the false impression that it's even a contest/battle.
it's not. pakistan has absolutely nothing.
they can't even manage to feed themselves and they live in one of the most fertile places in the world
pajeets produce their own drugs (they supply almost all of SEA with medicine), weapons/rifles, rockets and so on

>pakistan has absolutely nothing.
This is a underrated advantage. People who have nothing to live for fight and die most eagerly.

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mods pls

Indians are pro freedom in the aggregate. They have a socialist past, but the ones here are full 1776. They have their independence in recent memory. I like that we, the US, stopped military aid to the pakis. Osama lived within a few miles of their elite military academy. Fuckin what.

they have russialand

>mods pls
This thread was tared by a mod.

mods are shills

Some Indian kinos for you bros to enjoy

im taking in these for one last time while the nuclear winter covers the sky




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Thanks my iserali fren

why is Karna so op?

I do dislike them. They have my downboat, but I digress sir.

>but the ones here are full 1776
Dude they were gifted their independence by the brits, they were tired of not being able to make them POO IN LOO and just gave up on them.
I'm pajeet team tho, i want massive death toll on both sides.

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Your ladt 2 digits

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Cause what you do is what you get
Today tomorrow or 100 years later but you will get

Team chaos here.
Hope the curryniggers and sandniggers BTFO each other. Less of both in this world can only be an improvement.

Fuck I hadn't even read the thread when I posted. Good to see I have teammates.

Pretty much everyone desu, we might make fun of them but they are decent people. Pakistan on the other hand.....

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Me, me, me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Team chaose here hope kikes fucks you more upside down creating goblin babies

>gifted their independence by the brits
Sure, but the death tolls were egregiously high on the movement of people across the borders. They had o argue for it in public, and saw the unintended consequences. You have to live it, want it, to have real freedom.

Nobody will take over pepe

Your flag looks like an anus.

Based pajeet

No matter who loses, Team Chaos always wins.

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Team Shiva, motherfuckers

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The second music video literally has curry powder falling from the ceiling
Fucking kek

I'm legit trying to bang this Indian girl at work. Not ashamed to admit it. She's sexy.

Praise the lord of chaose

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can you handle the heat user kun?

There's only one way to find out...

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Pajeets smell & Poo in loo
But Pakis are even more unlikeful & disgusting.

So I'm rooting for India. Team Poo.

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It looks like gulal my nigga
why would they waste so much curry powder duh

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*blocks (((India)))'s path*

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The guy on the left looks like he dyes his hair. I'm not afraid of somebody that dyes their hair. Just saying.

I support the country who fires the biggest missile at the other.

No it's a spinning wheel influenced by Ghandhi je

Jai Bhole Ki

t. mämmi

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India and Pakistan suck............says the Brazilian.

Self-Awareness level = not found

Yeah he's too old to still have jet black hair.
But Trump applies copious amounts of orange paste to his skin every day. That's way more pathetic desu.

Compared to Brazil your country sucks.

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me fuck pakis

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I have room in my heart to hope that both are destroyed.

Brazil you cannot talk shit since you are below the blackest niggers even in Africa. You are sub human in my eyes.

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India sucking has no bearing on the fact that Brazil sucks too. Does that logical statement register in your nigger brain ?

Hope that China gets the bomb too.


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it hurts more that you guys had potential yet squandered it, while they never had potential at all

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Stop trying Brazil. We are above you in everyway which is IQ, low crime, rich history and we are rich than you favela dwelling chimp.

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But if one should survive, let it be a greatly diminished India.

Wish the both aligned and nuked the US.

>But Trump applies copious amounts of orange paste to his skin every day. That's way more pathetic desu.
Source? I heard he did tanning and skin tanning in the 90's, but I think he just has a lot of beta carotene in his diet or, most likely, its genetic. You get orange,(If you're white) if you're low on beta carotene then take a shitload of it. I'd assume its a genetic thing, but the "orange" color is a well known thing for people that take vitamin pills in the first few weeks and were lacking in vitamin A (I believe its A).

No they absolutely do not. Putin loves modi

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learn English first you fucking retard

Why don't your sacred cows moo in the loo? Checkmate street shitters.

Seriously, no one is bellow Africa. Also, Brazil is clean compared to India, and have dozens of millions whites and Japanese.

>autistic memeflag
slice your wrists?

Nothing is going to happen.Don't get your hopes too high.

I mean honestly can they both just nuke each other so that Indians can stop taking all of our goddamn tech jobs with their worthless degrees?

What the fuck is even happening
This all seems like literal nothing

God india deserves to get nuked, and we shave off 1.5 billion off of the world's total population. It's a win-win. And the radioactive dust cloud ain't as bad as all the shit (both figuratively and literally) those faggots dump in the ocean.

You are an embarrassment, you are only proud of football but you lost badly by Germany in your home country. How ? 7-1 lololol

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probably everyone
poos are sorta charming in an autistic sort of way. they are kind of likable hence our concern over their lack of plumbing. we dont even meme about pakis because we don't really care about them enough to do so.

woah ranjit, no need to get upset, I'm just stating facts.

You literal nigger, you wish you lived in Brazil, Next time you try to argue about an american country i suggest you to look out your window you nigger.

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>ITT: Shitty third worlders compare which country is the shittiest

Brazil and India are both hilariously grim places, come off it lads

it is nothing. It was all about politics from start.

Indians with worthless degrees are taking your job?Lmao how shit must your life be?

but look at closeups of his face
there are clear cutoff points around his eyes etc
that's why it looks like fake tan to me
And cmon, you really think trump eats carrots? lol he eats junk, everyone knows that.

Kashmir is rightful Poo clay, may the ghost of Ghandi wash the Pakis in his glorious curry shits, establishing the Greater Poo Reich 2020.

>organized campaigns of warfare controlled from central command posts
war is hell, and there is chaos. but you don't win wars with chaos, both sides will be fighting within an organized structure

>Brazil is clean
Largest ghetto in the world.

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Oh excuse my unfortunate misspelling, however that small mistake does not distract me from my main wishful expression of the alignment between these two Eurasian countries for the joint nuclear annihilation of the former thirteen rebel colonies who decided to enforce their worldview upon the whole earth as they ran out of destiny to manifest, that is indoamericans and buffaloes to kill. That is worded more nicely, isn't it?

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dumbest shit ever if india and china went to war it will be a virtual stalemate

>literal shitskins
>organized structure
>a fucking leaf... im guessing a chink


Not saying you have no point. It looks weird sometimes, especially in the summer. But idk, I had an "orange" week when taking vitamins as a teen. It wouldn't surprise me if its a genetic issue, in fact, that makes more sense.

get nuked poo

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>however that small mistake does not distract me
>implying retards can focus
Shut up

you are like kids fighting over which country is better on internet.In the we all live in a hellhole compared to Europe.

Why does pol want India to win again? No doubt they will, but why aren't we rooting for Pakistan?

>Pakistan is Muslims - Muslims kills jews and combats Israel, which should please the Nazi's

>Pakistan is invading the U.K. which should please the Anglo haters

>Pakistan is buying Russian weapons which should please the slavs

>In Pakistan women are property which should please the NEETs


>India destroys the ocean
>India steals American Jobs
>India steals all the H1bs from white immigrants
>Indian shits up Dallas

Nigger please tell me why you faggots like India, theres no fucking reason Pakistan represents everything Jow Forums is and the only people against Pakistan are globalist Neo-cons/neo-libs evangelicals

Stop falling for the shill propaganda

literally all of us.
India is the source of unspeakable amounts of culture. what the fuck has Pakistan done exactly?

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Two rape baby countries thinking they are better than anyone. Mexicans and Brazilians are no different from killing people in brutal manners and being psychopaths from their native people being raped.
I love Mexican women though

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