China isn't a threat and Trump has owned them and is winning

First of all Trump has been winning the trade war, playing 5D chess basically.
He just owned the Chinese a few days ago in a meeting and made them sign a binding agreement instead of just a MOU.

Also China isn't a threat as they are not able to invent things themselves, remember that intellectual is our property (hence intellectual property theft). So whenever you hear news of China inventing something or getting ahead in some area, they didn't really do that themselves. They merely hacked into American servers and stole the inventions.

This is the same with the 5G tech, the media claims China is ahead in that tech. But most of us in the Anglo world know that this tech was almost certainly invented by the USA decades ago and was being planned for release. Yet the Chinese hacked their servers and stole it and released it before it was meant to be released.

Basically this is how the world works, Americans invent pretty much everything. But they can't release everything as once, so the US government has tech beyond our imagination pretty much kept secret until many decades later until it can be released. This is to make maximum profit from a slow steady increase in advancement of technology, instead of giving the population super advanced things straight away.
You release the 100GB HDD, then later the 250GB HDD, then the 500GB HDD, then beyond a TB later. Then eventually you release SSD's as well. Though we all know the US government had invented most of this and had this tech even 30 years ago.

You need to disconnect your servers from the WAN, you need to keep them only on a local LAN to make sure China doesn't steal your inventions.
Apparently the US already has tech to make hand gun sized lasers that will render traditional firearms obsolete, the US government already has teleportation devices as well and artificial gravity tech etc.

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The key to stop the advancement of China is to just stop letting them hack and steal your inventions, get your act together. The rest of the Anglo world relies on you Americans.

If China wasn't able to hack American servers then the Chinese wouldn't be a single day more advanced than they were in the 50's today.

The Chinese are thought to have possibly not even been self aware until western people came along.
Self awareness as you know is the ability to be aware of yourself and be introspective etc.
The Chinese before learning this from westerners were more akin to mere robots or animals.

So it's our stupid fault they are even self aware now, and the USA really needs to get it's shit together and stop allowing your super advanced tech to be hacked and stolen by China.
If China gets too much of white technology then they may be a threat.

They aren't a threat, as long as we don't let them steal from us.

You see they will always be a step behind us as they don't have the genetic potential to invent things like the white human brain does (they basically lack imagination because of a different brain shape).

But even if they are just 1 step behind us after stealing most of what we have, they are still then a huge risk as there is like 1.3 billion of the buggers.

China is the future.
Dont doubt it.

Each time the Chinese so called "invents" something, they need to be shamed by Anglo countries for stealing it more. And Anglo countries shouldn't give them a pass, just out of not wanting to be embarrassed that they hacked our servers.

It's more important to let everyone know they hacked us and are theirs. We have the intellectual rights to basically all technology that exists now and in the future (even if another people or country comes out with something first, it's our intellectually property as we know they can't invent things and had to steal it from us).

> You need to disconnect your servers from the WAN, you need to keep them only on a local LAN to make sure China doesn't steal your inventions.
It doesn't work like that
t. infosec pro

China isn't the future, that's just what sold out people that the Chinese pay off in the US media say.
China has never been the future, they have more round brains and lack creativity. This is explained in phrenology, the white brain is a more long oval shape which allows for creativity and inventions and morals etc (all things that east Asians lack).

China can only be the future if white people literally die out, and then that's a useless future for the world.

Yes it does, you can't hack into a wired LAN network from the internet (as it isn't even connected to the internet WAN). You also can't hack into it from any kind of wireless tech either, as it simply doesn't utilise it.

This is why all secure systems in the USA with confidential information need to be on wired LAN networks that have no internet access.
So many companies and governments belief their so called security measures are enough (advanced firewalls, passwords etc), but they can all be hacked.

Chinese are like robots a bit themselves, so they really relate to things like computers and are good at hacking. Chinese are basically like biological robots. Never give them a chance.

Go ahead honey, tell us how you would hack into two computes with no internet access and no wireless connectivity that are merely both just connected by a physical RJ45 connector?

You can't you low IQ retard, there is no way to access it unless you break into the facility. You can't access it from the internet when it isn't even connected to the internet you low IQ moron. There is no way to hack it, sorry.

sure do, westerners are creative amirite
if (((white))) brain was creative enough, they wouldn't be sending money to israel
explain to me why slavs make better games and chinks make better cartoons

nice try at shitposting, CIA

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