Why are we still in Afghanistan?
Why are we still in Afghanistan?
The war wasn't designed to be won. It was designed to be profitable.
>Why are we still in Afghanistan?
you like being beaten to a pulp by the taliban
Are we really just growing opium? is that our only objective there now?
No thats a stupid conspiracy. The problem is we cant win cause the only people in the region that are willing to ally with us are the illiterate pedo faggots. The taliban is stronger than ever and its a complete shitshow.
I don't know if you guys are actually growing it or not, but protecting it for sure. When Hungarian soldiers went there as a foreign mission to train locals and shit, American troops, especially officers told them where not to go... (If you know what I mean)
go back to your mexican shithole Pedro
>is that our only objective there now?
its a economy in progress ...
mining is about to be a huge industry there