Killing a child molester in prison

Should a prisoner who does this be considered a hero?

This is a photo of Steven Sadison, a Michigan prisoner who killed a child molester. (Yeah I know he looks oddly like a pedo himself.) He was hailed by many in the media for this killing, and probably by many of his fellow prisoners. Since he was already serving a life sentence for murdering his girlfriend, and Michigan doesn't have the death penalty, he had nothing to lose by killing the child molester. Basically he moved to the top of the prison hierarchy, and got a symbolic second life sentence.

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whats worse, being a jew in prison or a pedophile?

>Murdered a pedo and a roastie
Give the god damn man a medal.

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judging by the number of wrongful sentences, and the #metoo movement gobbling up innocent folks in an effort to purge straight white men from society, id say no, its not ok, as it opens the door to potentially innocent people being murdered.

plus the fact that while 18 is the AoC, in many countries that number is lower, and itd be stupid to go taking action based on fee-fees, and arbitrary numbers.

by all means, screw pedos. but death is not something the innocent can recover from, and is a slippery slope towards allowing the murder of others based on subjective morality.

Not having gets

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He just made life even harder for his other inmates, He will be fucked!

Child molesters should be set free and given a map of the world's hottest toddlers.

Bare ass, bare pussy. 100% toddler smut.

The molester's victim was 9 if I'm not mistaken. Plus he kept trying to defend his crime.

How did he make life harder for the other inmates?

No because murder is wrong and we aren't barbarians. But it doesn't matter. Pedos are kill on sight to any prison gang member who already has a life sentence and is trying to move on the ranks. Usually pedos are safe and are in seclusion, but when going to the hospital, or court, or anywhere besides prison, they get sent to the same holding area as general population. That's where they nail them, and no cop is going to jump into a shanking until after its done for fear of themselves getting hurt.

It's weird, in prison there's a hierarchy. If you're a murderer you get stupid cred, but if anyone finds out you fucked kids you're dead.

probably being a jew unironically. You can survive as a pedo as long as you never have to meet general population. So just never get hurt or need to go to the hospital or court. But if you are a Jew and are serving hard time you might be in trouble. You'll need to play it really neutral and be absolutely apolitical, give everyone respect, and step on no toes. You're obviously not joining the spic or nigger gangs, and you can't join any white gangs because they are all essentially nazi related. But I can imagine that killing a jew is a pretty good prize for any white lifer looking for a reputation.

death is to be relieved

bayst steven

We are barbarians, violence has solved almost every problem of society since the beginning. It is only the temporary restraint of the modern world that is the outlier.

because he made the top folks and the COs look bad. So in return they will lock down movement and any interactions of the other inmates in the prison to including movement in the Pod. So that means food will served in the cell, No prison jobs to earn money for awhile and very limited showers and outside Recreations...they will be super pissed at him unless he was ordered to do this!

because there is a common conception that they are "in the game" and are "already too far gone." Kids are innocent and have a full future ahead of themselves. Also sociopaths and psychopathy are heavily correlated with extreme and unhealthy obsession with defending children and animals, while being conversely being extremely violent and manipulative towards adults.

Chomos should be sentenced to death to begin with. Kill one and get your sentence reduced

Why do we live in a society where we rely on The Degenerates of Society to carry out The Justice we all Want and Need
theres no one who isnt happy when a child molester is killed in prison why do we have to make killers killers again for the sake of the good.

No because only faggots like you think the jew lawyers care if they convict the right nigger. Criminals can be heroes by killing themselves. But, if they did that the Jews couldn't make money off them

i can tell you, there have been so many cases in the USA where a pedo is literally on his last day of prison, literally checking out, and then gets stabbed to death in the holding area, just a few hours before being released. They love to do that shit too. Wait until the absolute last moment to kill them.

One of original leaders of aryan brotherhood was unironically a jew.


I wouldn't call him a hero but I also have no criticism.

>(Yeah I know he looks oddly like a pedo himself.)

That's just his Jew lawyer

i guess there is honour amongst thieves

The system works.

Death penalty is more expensive than prison sentence. Hero prisoners kill child molesters. Taxpayer saves money. World is rid of monster. Hero gains respect in prison.

Estonia with the 250 IQ post

Sweet. I love justice porn and the colder the revenge the better.

Rape of adult women is looked down on in prison too. Even raping a man will get you brutalized in European or Canadian prisons, but is not looked down upon in US prisons. (Which is a large part of why the US has a lot more prison rape than other countries do.)

when i hit 65 or 70, im going to plan and attempt major robberies. (jewel stores, art, burglary, etc) If and when i get caught, I'll murder all the pedos in prison.

Because fucking kids is morally wrong on many basic fucking levels. You're taking advantage of something weak and it can't fight back just for the sole purpose of fulfilling your little sexual fetish but ruining someone's life that looked up to adults to be protected not hurt. It's embedded in ourselves for men to protect and help little kids who did nothing wrong from people who single handedly want to abuse them sexually. I have ZERO qualms to anyone who killed a child predator. I met one crack head who claimed he killed a child molester in prison and I gave him a 20. We could start a genocide on child molesters and I wouldn't even feel a single thing.

The Nazi gangs in prison are fake Nazi. They let Jews join.

If there were a state sponsored prison lottery to see who gets to kill the pedo then it would be okay in that specific sense BUT it is not ok for two reasons. You do not get to self appoint as an executioner, that gets you the death penalty. Secondly, pedos should be locked in their cage in terror for their entire sentence. If they live out their sentence then their genitals should be removed and an orange traffic cone should be surgically attached to their head so everyone knows a pedo is approaching..

Based Eesti.
Bonerific. That's some sadistic shit and well deserved.

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I don't think they should be let back into society but if they are I agree. They will have to be surgically castrated and present a visual representation of themselves everywhere so people KNOW right away.


Crimes committed against the elderly will make you a target too.
Basically exploiting the vulnerable in anyway.

Pedo's are fair game in jail and prison. Getting your ass constantly beat and killed once you get caught would be great deterrent to molesting children you would think, but for some reason child molesters keep on doing it. Almost like they want to be beaten and killed. I admit that there are probably some innocent ones, but they are probably pretty rare. You see, being locked up seriously pisses guys off, so they need the catharsis of beating and killing someone. Chomos are usually weak so they're easy prey. It's just the way it is in lockup.

They'd be dead in days.
Why release them only to let the population kill them?

There were hasidic Jews in my prison yard and they never talked to anyone else.

No it doesn't stop believing Jewish lies.

nah nobody likes chomo's in prison

You have to make sure that they're actually a pedo. There are some fucked up situations where say an 18 year old fucks his 16 year old GF and he could go to prison under child molestation charges. Should he be killed simply because the state says that he "raped a child"?

>There were hasidic Jews in my prison yard

Really? Where were you, New York?

Some pedo raped and killed a young girl here. Then I remember reading that he was raped daily by the inmates, often with rods

Felt good knowing that desu

Sometimes an ex wife will make accusations to fuck her ex as well. Women are evil

Prisoners shouldn't have enough personal agency to be able to murder one another while incarcerated, regardless of motive.

Because most prisoners have kids of their own. As well as wives and girlfriends. This is why rape as a whole is looked down upon in prison
Raping an adult woman makes you a social pariah. Raping a child makes you get daily beatdowns

>death is to be relieved
This. That pedo's prison life was probably hell. The killer did him a favour.

That's legitimately a fun way to go. I've always liked planning how I'd get away with robberies.

Maybe the murderer of a man who killed a five year old shouldn't be given the same sentence as the man who goes out and kills a five year old but the law still can't support vigilantism in this manner, an inmate killing another inmate.

Realistically, what would happen if you just kept killing people in prison? How much can they truly seclude you?

That is a legitimate concern. But that isn't the case here. The molester was in his 50s and the victim was 9.

Jews do not usually serve hard time for anything. They even have special prisons in NY and NJ run by Jewish inmates.
And 'Nazi' prison gangs are LARPs, they only exist because Whites cannot back each other up at all without being considered Nazis. They are just White criminal gangs with swastikas, they are not National Socialists (although there are a few members who occaisonally try to embrace the ideology).

>That's legitimately a fun way to go

Kek. I can tell you've never been to jail or prison. There is nothing fun about it, I assure you. Unless you consider shitty food, complete lack of freedom to choose when you take even a shower and being surrounded by total assholes fun.

I suspect that Sandison was put in the hole for a long time after killing the pedo.

It still was probably worth it to him, because he'd be welcomed as such a hero after he was allowed out of the hole.

If he commits another murder in prison, he'll probably be put in the hole for the rest of his life.

>Realistically, what would happen if you just kept killing people in prison? How much can they truly seclude you?
23 hr solitary, food and drink through a hole in the wall, 1 hr in a 'yard' that is just a hole open to the sky. Never in a room with another person except for medical reasons or being moved.
If you kill someone in prison you will usually not get another chance, you will never not be shackled when around other human beings.

I'd put money on the books of any prisoner who beat a child molester to death.

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>what would happen if you just kept killing people in prison?

They would put you in level 5. Basically locked in a 6x10 cell by yourself 23 hours a day. Hell of hells.

It's pretty much well known fact that an 18 year old is going to get shit on if he's convicted of being a child molester but it'll be up to him and his Darwinism to convince everyone it was just a 16 year old and a fucked up situation. So if he goes behind bars he better provide evidence to everyone he knows that it's not a child but a year or two younger which makes sense. But if he's not smart enough to convince even low iq retards in prison he's out.

>I'd put money on the books of any prisoner who beat a child molester to death.

Well there are many to donate to already.

Provide a source and I'll donate right now

Is there distinction between murderers? Is say a serial killer distinct from a hootrat who shot a bunch of niggers from the other side of town?

The fucker in the OP, retard. Walk the walk and post proof on Jow Forums after you donate. I want to see this shit. You could do it right now if you're not retarded.

>Is say a serial killer distinct from a hootrat who shot a bunch of niggers from the other side of town?

Well they beat Jeffery Dahmer to death, so yeah, probably. There is a strange kind of pseudo ethics in jail and prisons in the US. If you kill a man for looking at you wrong or over money you're the man, but if you kill people systematically for keks you're a pariah.

In Fed joints the chomos are generally left alone except for name.calling. beating one is considered a hate crime. Different prisons give you different expienrces. The joint in NC mtns us better than the joint in Louisiana. Having good cellies is key. Getting a job. You don't want to go to the hospital joint. They segregate the races to prevent violence. Drugs are common place. You can get all the same stuff on the inside as you can on the outside. Commissary is good if you got money or your cellie was a meth kingpin outta CA. Food is different at different joints. Some great, some terrible. In the big joints the co leaves you alone. Nobody wants trouble. Everybody just wants to leave. Some count their days. Some don't. If they made prison hard time, they'd be less full.

Manson was brutalized in prison (once getting burned alive), and James Holmes (Aurora, Colorado movie shooter) has gotten injured in prison whenever other inmates are able to get to him. Anders Breivik has been held in solitary confinement so that the other prisoners don't kill him. None of those people victimized particularly young children, unless you count the fetus that Manson killed.

Prisoners don't care if you kill a person for a reason, even if the reason was pretty lame. (My GF was breaking up with me!) They draw the line at killing multiple people (even adults) for no good reason.

ah justice guilty until proven innocent with a jury of convicted murderers fuck you Satan i know thats you

Thanks. I find the psychology of savagery interesting. It's funny that someone like Dahmer was literally clinically insane, yet the guy who kills his gf for cheating is much more morally responsible. I've always wondered why US prisons are so third world tier in terms of violence, but I always attributed it to niggers.

The OP said he would do it at 70
If you start at 70, have a decent 5 year run, I doubt you'd get sent to maximum security, especially with no priors and no violent crimes

Then you just an hero after 5 years of playing mahjong

>I doubt you'd get sent to maximum security

Maybe not but it's still a living hell. Check out jail if you want an idea of what to expect. Jail is worse than prison but they're still similar. Shitty food and surrounded by assholes.

It should be legal to kill pedos in general. Sadison is based and redpilled.

We ought to at least send him some cigarettes and a case of Pepsi.

That isn't a crime though. 16 is the age of consent in most US states. If it is a crime, that's pretty ridiculous.

When I was 18, I slept with a girl who was 22. If we had met just two years earlier, would she have been considered a pedo? That's just dumb and arbitrary.

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I get the idea now

Nice try pedophile country

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How can I get into prison to kill child molesters? Sounds like a good life.

I dont know if thats true. Psychos kill and torture animals all the time, and the pedo cabal are most likely a majority psycho. Psychos have no feelings for anything other than themselves, and people with NPD (a subspecies of psychos) abuse their kids/other kids all the time

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>They draw the line at killing multiple people
Don't try to pretend they're doing it out of any real sense of justice. They just want to feel power over someone else.

Of course. Old school criminals have a very strict moral code about these things.


can't believe the video hasn't been posted yet.
based steve sandison

i mean if you're gonna talk about literally Jeffrey dahmer sure, but I'm talking about the population that makes up the majority of prison inmates. "criminal with a code"
Also dahmer was murdered in prison for hurting children.

have a very low iq and have a set moral code that they enforce like when serial killers kill hookers

No, and it's retarded people think murderers are good people in any way.

It's more about why you kill people than the number. A Mafia member who killed 20 people in order to get money will be toward the top of the hierarchy in prison. Somebody like Breivik or Holmes who kills just for the hell of it will be at the bottom of the hierarchy.

there are many like dahmer they just are not infamous

many famous psychopaths are said to be torturing animals in childhood and you really think that people in prisons are psychopaths? Inmates and criminals who were raised in low life enviroments (like black ghetto) think like primal cavemen - killing children is bad, cause they cannot defend themselves and its nothing to be proud of. Child rapist is like policeman who is also hated by criminals, cause they are strong in unfair game

i think everyone is wrong. he looks like a massive fag and probably took the pedo as his gay lover, and they did the "i love you" faggotry in prison, and the pedo then begged his lover to kill him over the torture that prisoners were hefting on him for being a pedo, and this fag agreed because he was already in prison for life

Edgy boi! look out

Why not just kill pedos on the registry outside until you get caught then kill more inside?

But almost every serial killer started with torturing animals if their histories are to be believed. Just because they go after a certain victim doesnt make it like a moral code, it's just like a fetish for their psychoness. A certain type like only women prostitutes is just for logistic reasons and because itd be harder than preying on say, gang members

My opinion.
They should live their whole sentence and the day before release someone should kill or disable them.

Shameless self checking, triple threes of truth Goku ID

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>sociopaths and psychopathy are heavily correlated with extreme and unhealthy obsession with defending children and animals
Hollywood tier shit

But he killed his own gf, so he is only marginally better than a kid fucker

t perfection plays a role in some cases. Some killers seek to “improve” something. They often see a category of people, such as women or prostitutes, as “unclean”, and see their removal of those beings as improving the world. Or, they think that killing the victim, usually in some sort of a ritualistic manner, redeems the victim their wrongdoings. In that case, the killer is a special being and the victim is “chosen” and should be grateful. They often find the victim’s ingratitude infuriating, though unfortunately foreseeable

so someone who murdered his girlfriend also has pedophobic tendencies
i see i see