How should a citizen respond to a police officer asking to see their ID?

How should a citizen respond to a police officer asking to see their ID?

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Give them your id dumb ass


*Hands officer ID*

what is the race of the citizen?
if black, they should produce an ID.
if white, it is unlikely they are even encountering a police officer in the first place, therefore they would not have to produce an ID.

fight them

>no hablo inglas

This. Why be confrontational? You can be right all you want in the back of a squad car


He wouldn’t have to ask. I’d have my ID ready.

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you? you should stoicaly ignore all the commands for a few seconds, put your right hand behind your pants and then move it away as fast as possible

If they are asking for ID without a valid reason then you say no, anything else you show ID

Why do you need to show police officers ID in america? What the fuck?

>How should a citizen respond to a police officer asking to see their ID?
Am I being detained? AM I BEING DETAINED?

"um sir, you work for me. and i say i'm free to go."

If they pulled you over, show them ID. your tail light might be out and its a non issue after you show its replaced.
If youre walking down the sidewalk and they demand ID, you're not obligated to produce one unless they give you a valid reason. "I want to know who you are" is not a valid reason.

Lawfag here, this is situational dependent upon the state you are in as well as how/when you are stopped. If you are pulled over in a vehicle, as the driver, you must show ID. If you refuse, you are going to jail, and the charges will stick 99.9% of the time. If you are stopped as a pedestrian, the officer needs probable cause/reasonable suspicion to ID you. Some states require you to produce a valid ID, others you can simply provide a name. Providing a false name in most states will land you in jail.

Look into BOTH of the following cases:
Terry v. Ohio
Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada

States with 'Stop and Identify' laws:
New Hampshire
New Mexico
New York
North Dakota
Rhode Island

Do you have a better chance of getting out of a ticket if you address them by their rank? I heard that somewhere. I'm asking as a white man who's never dealt with a cop before.

You don't actually have to. It's more like a pleasant formality that shows you're a normal person who has no particular expectation of having an outstanding warrant or whatever and who doesn't want to spend his time trying to stick it to THE MAN.




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I never got this shit, even as a black/white mutt. Even if I did get pulled over just for being black (which is unlikely), me yelling in the cop's face saying "I'M NOT REQUIRED TO COMPLY" or "MUH SOVEREIGNTY" is just gonna up my chances of getting smoked. I am absolutely in no position to risk that shit.
Hood niggas will always screech and cry about police brutality, even when the person in question was being needlessly difficult.

If you think voter ID is horrible racism then it's understandable that you would not want to show ID to the police. If however you're a magapede and consider voter ID obviously acceptable then you should have no problems with showing it.

Hello sir, have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior today?

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No, they will detect your try hard behavior and give you one out of spite. Just be polite and call them officer. When they ask you why they pulled you over and you know you fucked up, say it, don't deny it. A lot of times they will let you off with a warning if you combine all the above.

>Be me in 2018 WRX
>Driving 80 in a 55
>Cop in opposite lane
>Whips the bitch around
>Soon as I see him turn around I slow down and turn off to a side road and wait for him with hazards
>Asks me if I knew why I was pulled over
>>I was going 80 in a 55 on my way to church, officer.
>"I tagged you at 78... License, registration, proof of insurance"
>Ask if digital insurance is OK
>Drivers license had been expired and renewed, new one was in the mail
>Cop accepts my expired card
>Comes back and asks me what year the car was for some reason...
>"It's a 2018..."
>"WRX, huh? I hear you can haul ass in these things.... Not that you should... Anyway here's a warning. Get to church and don't speed please. Next time you won't be so lucky."
>Thank him and be on my way

And that was that. County sheriff. Having USAA helps, though.


Cops cant radar while moving bruh

With extreme suspicion because we don't have ID cards in the UK, despite the best efforts of fucking Blair

Hand in your ID, it will only take 20 seconds. Don't start playing stupid games with cop, it's not worth of your time.

But they can... That's an old boomer meme.

shoot them in the face

pic related, video it too.

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What do you typically do in circumstances where proof of identity is in order? I wouldn't be surprised if there's some legal magic way around a great many circumstances here, but what if you wanted to open a bank account or pick something up from the post office that was sent in such a way as to produce a paper trail proving that you'd recieved it?

take colorado off this list dummy

In Russia you only have to agree to submit to torture and imprisonment in the gulag, and that's if you answer all his questions correctly.

her ya go, sir.
>mfw i get home safe without getting shot for acting like a belligerent child

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Don't break the law you faggot.

If you are driving, then "yes sir" and hand it over. You can be charged for failing to produce it.

If you're on the street, you need to think about whether it's worth complying or not. You are still obliged to give your real name and address, even if you don't show your ID. If you are doing nothing wrong, I would say cooperate.

Passport or driving licence are the two main forms of ID that are accepted, you don't have to carry them around with you though, even when driving it's not a legal requirement to have your licence on you.

I pull out my dick and tell the cop his mom can identify me with this.

>Here's my id officer
Because I'm not a black nigger that's afraid of cops

que pasa?

Ah, OK. So it's about the same as here aside some technical details like whether or not you're expected to have your driver's license on you when driving a government-owned car on government-owned roads.

No Unless I am under arrest for committing a crime, I am not obligated to do anything you say

Subserviently. Otherwise they will give you shit. I've had good luck getting away with minor things by acting like a naif who is in awe of their tin badge.

Depends on the circumstances. Unless the cop is acting like a crazed dick there isn't much of a reason to say no, even then if you do say no it is likely to escalate the situation.

say here ya go everything is in order officer.

>be me
>going 45 in a 50
>in lifted jeep wrangler
>sometimes get wobbly when I go fast
>get pulled over
>see hand in my window followed by "just a traffic stop, license and registration"
>look out window
>copper is looking up at me like I'm 7 ft tall
>he walks past muffler
>blow out his eardrums
>hat blows off into ditch

Piss and shit all over yourself, then say sorry i was speeding i had to go to the bathroom.
Take that money you would've paid for a ticket and use it to clean your car.
Save the poop and pee, then put it in a cooking pot, simmer for 15 minutes and eat it.

Based and redpilled
Not accurate.

>hey could you just...

Go on....


Because driving without a license on public roads is crime.

Two options:
1) comply
2) do not comply

But there are two variables:
1) good cop
2) bad cop

1+1= good day
1+2= bad day
2+1= bad day
2+2= bad day

Logic states that compliance gives you a 50% chance of having a good day. Non compliance gives you a 0% chance of having a good day.

It's no more illegal than walking without a walking license. The loophole is because the government owns your car.

Depending where you live it is not difficult to find out where local cops live and if they are married with children.

Yes sir, of course. It’s here in my back right pocket, may I reach for it?

These guys have one of the most wearing jobs on the planet. Give them a little courtesy and patience. Respect goes a long way with them.

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Depends on the situation. High IQ people know when to show identification.

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For what i've seen in various vids from USA there are basically two type of scenarios:
>European looking person
"Sure officer, there it is" the cop make his checks then return the card "have a nice day sir" - "thanks officer, you too"
"yo dindu nuffin why yiu want Id ya racist white people" *end up shooted, after some dumb reaction no one, with at least two functioning braincells, will make in front of a cop*. The day after media call all cop racist, meanwhile other niggers chimpout destroying their own district.

Attached: Italian police dealing with niggers.png (919x864, 1.37M)


lick those boots

>They are just doing their job
>"may I"
Go bootlick elsewhere.

What if I say hi to the mailman? Does that make me a bootlicker?

Do you need to show ID to board a plane?

and doing the right thing.
Thank you for your service.

Is the request a lawful order? If so then pass it over, if not then a simple 'No'.

>You don't actually have to.
yeah sure, except if you don't the cop will immediately deem you suspicious and won't let up until you give him id or you are in handcuffs

Give them ID and your PBA card.

reenact the video with the Vietnam vet

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Like a normal White man. That way you reduce your chances of getting shot. Act like a nigger get shot. Simple.

Did a nigger ask this? Are you a nigger OP? If an officer asks you to do something, FUCKING COMPLY! How fucking stupid are you dumb fucks?

This, and if that doesn't work then Pic related

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You're old as dirt.

I ask if they have a licence for that.

Police have the right to make you identify yourself for any reason. Refusing is just going to get you arrested with a obstruction of Justice charge.

Let them see your ID you retard

You tell them they don't have the right and that you din du nuffin, after that ask for their badge number and how you can contact their superior

Why the fuck wouldn't you?

Only bonganons will know this feel

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Ask for then officer to supply a federal badge number.if they arent a fed and fill out a W2 theyre a private entity impersonating a federal officer

If black, they should chimp out and go to jail.

Same here. Cooperation is the best way to avoid a ticket.

Its more that police routinely check everyone they stop for any warrants if they can. Many killers have been stopped because they got carded during a mundane stop.

Worst land

How soon do you think you have until your internet gets china'd?

If you are driving a car you have to give it. If you are walking you don't.

If you are antifa then never give it and spit on the cop. Be sure to record it so I can jack off to you getting your ass beat.

This. Fucking based and redpilled

This thread is shit

Do they have a right to ask? Then show them an id.
If they don't? You have a right to remain silent under ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.

Why would they do that. They will turn us into homosexuals and then we will be spreading lgbtq love across the internet.

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Theres no incentive to be a dick to a cop. I got pulled over the other day because I was swerving a little texting while driving. Officer thought I was drunk, asked for my license and registration, asked why I was swerving, I told him I was sneezing and gave him my info. He told me to go home and try to keep my sneezing under control lmao. If I had tried the sovereign citizen b.s. I would have gotten a ticket probably.

If I'm being ticketed I show ID, but other than that I don't talk to cops about anything.
Cops are NOT there to help you. Cops are NOT there to protect and serve.
The less you say the better.
Most Cops are low IQ idiots, this is why they are cops.

No. Never follow a police officer's rules. They don't have authority over you. Don't be a fucking cuck. If they tell you to stop and show them your ID,call them a pig and run away as fast as you can. You'll be fine.

This is not true. The people have mandated a required minimum health and skill to operate a vehicle in the form of a licensing test and an eye test. You are required to produce proof of that on request if you are operating a vehicle on public property AND have violated any of the ordinances placed on that operation.
And I support that system because I don't want a bunch of unlicensed 13 year old spics and blind 90 year olds driving with no consequence.

Do your cops spread the love?

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>Police have the right to make you identify yourself for any reason. Refusing is just going to get you arrested with a obstruction of Justice charge.
It's true. They could be after someone and you fit the description. I was outside a bar and a cop approached me asking me to identify myself and prove how long I had been there. She was nice about it, and even a little embarrassed. She said I fit the description of someone they were immediately after.

I tried to get her phone number, but no dice.

>Do your cops spread the love?
This is why i don't talk to cops.
>Supreme Court Ruling: Police Have No Duty to Protect the General Public

Why the fuck you wouldn't show your Id/Passport? Just show it pussy.

Should have used the BLM flag