/atg/ - Anti-Trump General

>stop the caravan
>end DACA
>pass the RAISE act
>end Birthright Citizenship
>make E-Verify a law
>make Mexico pay for the wall
>build the wall
>repeal Obamacare
>defund Planned Parenthood
>invest $1 trillion to improve national infrastucture
>drain the swamp
>pass the travel ban
>raise the taxes on the rich
>close the Wall Street special interest loopholes
>put price controls on prescription drugs
>stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American election
>resist bombing Syria
>pull the U.S out of NATO
>Anti bds law
>built the wall
>replaced Obamacare
>stop jobs from leaving
>employed Americans
>decreased taxes
>rebuilt the crumbling infrastructure
>withdrew troops from the Middle East
>tariff trade war with everyone
>Increased trade with China

Imagine being anti-Trump in the Year of our Lord 2019

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>Quick support the agenda of all these kikes
>it's the only way to fight the kikes
>you hate us kikes, right Jow Forums?
>if you don't hate Trump you're a kike

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Death to Israel.

>voting is useless and does nothing
>that's why you really really really need to not vote for Trump

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inb4 only commies criticize the president

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If you literally don't impeach Donald Trump right now then Chuck "Guardian of Israel" Schumer is going to be really mad

You don't want to make a Guardian of Israel mad, do you? We need to impeach Drumpf

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Trump hates the first amendment.

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Trump hates the second amendment.

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You're right, better vote in people pushing for hate speech laws and gun bans

Ya got me

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Trump puts Israel before the American worker.

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But really, a wall is useless and has been useless ever since someone climbed over the first one ever built.

We need to support our Guardians of Israel, that's why I'm voting for Chuck Schumer to help imbleach drump

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Caeza e' pichi

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There's a write in section you know. You don't have to vote for the pedo swamp if you don't want to.

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>just don't vote for drump, okay?!
>just fucking stop

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Nice flag

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Did you get banned too?

Not everyone that hates Trumps is a shill, but if they instead support any democrat candidate, even if they claim to be accelerationist, then they are almost definitely a shill

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Remember to vote white not kike

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>thinking anybody's going to read this d&c

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What? President for a second term?

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Ha ha ha ha ha ha them yanks up in Jersey put the smack down on that losers ass ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaa.....

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No, the mods are just Trump shills.

What we really need in this country are more 10yr old strippers. That's why we need democrats

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Yes, considering the US is the hottest economy in the world right now I have zero regrets for my decision to keep Hillary out of office

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I didn't utilize that false dichotomy. (((You))) did. My goal is to not sway voters - that's futile. My goal is to correct the record so that we don't have a 40 year repeat of boomers praising that cuck Reagan. My war is against lies.

>In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is...in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to."
>-Theodore Dalrymple

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sure thing

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I like how all these the_donald posters don't know how to deal with people on the right hating trump now so they just spam these anti-left memes and talking points. Trump dick riders don't know how to handle this shit coming from actual right wing people.

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>when your shit memeball doesn't disprove that you're a npcommie

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State your opinion on the second amendment, and if you view as necessary, state why.

>mfw the EU poster got banned twice because of me

But no really, Trump is done for. He'll never be President so stop trying. It's not rigged, you're just losing

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inb4 I 'll vote for Trump again because he triggers you libtards

Fuck Trump
Fuck Israel

So is this the discord tranny thread. So many are spammed. Thought you guys were more organized

Nah I'm voting for him because he seems to trigger a disproportionate amount of Finnshits

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Is this board really playing host to left wing views?

>not liking Trump makes you a leftwing stooge
Fuck off back to your ass licking israeli golem general you low IQ git.

Nah this is a troll atg

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Bernout detected

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It appears that and pretending to be right wing are the goals of the current wave of shills. Little do they know...

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Based thread

Yep. I'm whatever you want to imagine and believe. If that's how you cope fine by me. It still won't make Trump any less of a jewish cock sleeve or his brainless lemming cultists any more likable.

You can believe Trump is a jewish cock sleeve all you want, it doesn't make you any less of a useful idiot for the kikes

Don't forget to throw Andrew Yang a vote in the Democratic primaries.

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You couldn't tell me the difference between Classical Liberalism and modern day Liberalism without using Jewgle you low IQ retard

Have fun getting banned a third time.

This kind of arrogance is going to cost you clowns 2020, your train is crashing and rather than try and save it you're throwing supporters off the back end. Let's be real though. Once you leave the Trump cult its unlikely you will ever return, as nobody willingly seeks out kike balls to suckle upon.

Where's the row for MIGA?

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It's only in the kike playbook, you may not have noticed we're not all useful idiots like yourself

There isn't one because this board been coup'd by kikes from reddit.

>Trump cult
Ask me how I know you're a leftist

Patrick Little 2020, got it. Trump is the biggest kike Zionist ever to be president.

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Ah, the Ben Shapiro argument. I like it

Hello newfren. Enjoy your stay.

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A bit rude to talk like that to the country that hosted your president graciously because we did like him and we shut up those who kept sperging out about not accepting a literal Hitler in.
But do continue acting like the democrats did in 2016, with their narcissistic superiority of 97% chance to win.
What can possibly go wrong!

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You don't know anything about me, cleo the fortune teller is more accurate than you could ever hope and she might not even be alive anymore.
That's all you have. Just baseless assumptions. Accusations. The thought someone could abandon this jewish ass licker is a foreign idea you can't comprehend. It must be the satanic tranny demon shills. Yes, that's it.

Finding it hard to bake? I didn't see one of these in the catalog for like half the day, no good links still?. Very low energy bread trannies.

I don't see putting Israel before your own self interests, and volunteering as jidf, anywhere on that image.

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Cultist will be cultists.

People who support control should be fucking shot.

If Trump is the biggest kike Zionist ever to be president, why hasn't he made a bigger attempt to topple Assad? Explain pic related
>inb4 I don't have the attention span I need a TL:DR

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>the general needs a cluster fuck of dead links from 2017 blowing our orange kike puppet

If only you followed your pic instead you shill for Zion don. I suggest route 4 for you pick up some books by Evola, GLR, and of course Uncle Addie

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More salt please, finnshit
Mhm, mhm, go on
You're right, better do the bidding of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer if you don't want to do the bidding of the kikes, right?

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Pretending is the best strategy, user.

Just look at your piece of dog shit country.