Just donated $50 myself. Who's going to match me?

Just donated $50 myself. Who's going to match me?

Attached: VHsghlA.png (1876x544, 435K)

I took out a loan. I sold all my bitcoin. I'm giving it to sanders. Please match me.

Attached: 1543591425676.jpg (902x1090, 413K)

I sent him my foreskin.

I sold my child to sex traffickers again to donate to Bernie, again.

Math me timbers!

No refunds goys..

I donated my college fund, $30,000. I figure when Bernie is president college will be free.

Sell your kidneys and stuff. Healthcare will be free too!

Did a 27$ donation earlier. Will continue to donate to the only candidate that stands a chance against Trump


Attached: Z2UhPu5.jpg (1125x2436, 256K)

Bernie is a cuck Jow Forums is a YANG GANG board

Thanx. Just bought 100k

You should of sent him a letter urging him to sell a beach house and his sports car...

So you sent money to Chang?

We are a Bernie, hilldawg and yang board

Attached: 1543976239432.jpg (824x565, 438K)

Based Gang Bang Yang Mang

Attached: KTVUPrank.jpg (510x297, 120K)

Act Blue Express

When this main was lost his rigged election, he didn't even try to stand up for himself, he just let it happened. What makes you think this time would be any different? He'll make a bunch of money off stupid people, then lose again, and walk off with all your money, because you're fucking retarded.

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Good goy

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He got told to stand down and make way for Cankles. And the exact same thing will happen again this time. Because it was HER FUCKING TURN.

I just donated 50 zloty to Lil Moe the nigger street gangsta part time hustler, its a more MAGA investment than yours.

Attached: Gangsta as fuck.jpg (309x385, 12K)

Are you retards trying to get used to ```donating``` so when a 50% tax rate gets introduced it won't feel as bad?

Seriously. Yang is just Bernie but 30 IQ higher, less baggage, more years left to live, less of a commie ironically despite having commie blood, and he hasn't jumped on the intersectional politics bandwagon yet.

very good of you user. figured you'd donate $14.88 4 times.

I donated $100 the day of his announcement

That would put him at around 90 IQ

>We need to to donate to the please, please, please buy me a car fondation

How does anyone support him and reconcile what he does with donor money

I scrounged up loose change I found under the dust around my shantytown, converted it into paypal at a 25% tax rate and sent my $27!

We'll get 'em this time Jow Forums!

This. All the NEETs, high iqs, chads, gamers, ronpaul bros, honkpilled are on the YANGGANG ride. Trump is for the evengelical cucks and boomer GDP drones, bernie bros are the eternal low test cucks. /ourgook/ getting 500-1000 YANGGANGERS a day on the ride to making the democrat party a YANGGANG.

Attached: neet pepe.jpg (499x499, 41K)

Justice for Jussie !

People donating to this fraud again lmao

Just wow.

I sold all my guns for cash and donated $7k who will match me?

No refunds

Post receipt

I'll donate the proceeds of selling all the guns I own too!

I donated the $1500 I was saving for some anal lube, a chastity cage, feminine clothes and dragon dildoes want to match me?