>climate change isn’t rea-
Climate change isn’t rea-
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It's called seasons dumb ass, there are four of them.
nice strawman you got there fucktard
Welp you convinced me, time to give up everything I have and go back to living in a wood shed while it continues to happen anyways because China and India
>one single climatic anomaly due to a rare combination of factors such as an el niño year meaning a stronger North Atlantic current and a high pressure system sat stationary over the British Isles for a week bringing warm air northwards causing a föhn effect
>also happened in 1998 but no years since
Don't be a fucking spastic.
Spring, Summer, Fall, and Fires
IN JULY?????
just keep nuking africa over and over again to drop the temperature of the planet
You guys obviously need a Carbon Tax. Our government brought one in and now we have one of the coldest Februarys of all time. Instant impact by our glorious leader Trudeau. -35 today!
20 of the last 22 years have seen temperatures rise. It's enough to have the Pentagon worried about their artificial bases disappearing into the sea