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big black tyrone will rape you for this treachery, Cohen
oh yes he will, we'll make very certain of it
>cheating as a "private" businessman
In other words, nothing is happening. Hopefully, the best korea/US talks tomorrow and Thursday bring some interesting news.
>breaking the law is fine for republicunts
Wow, Cohen and the meida have literally played you before with this bullshit and your coming back for more. Starting to believe the theory that he's running interference for Trump.
>being this hyper autismo assblasted
This is going to be a fun week.
Do Trump have at least one white christian friend?
You fucking idiots have had three years....imagine what I could find on your traphouse laptop in three years....they still havent found shit
>they still havent found shit
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, shit for brains.
Practice some patience....think Watergate.
Any day now
Watergate didnt take this long. Were almost at a 9/11 commision length of time. It should not take this amount of time to dig up evidence of russia collusion if it happend, they are grasping at straws here.
"alleged" criminal conduct = he's full of shit
Haven’t found shit? Trump’s been implicated in a felony campaign finance law violation.
Fine. Come and get him. See if anybody other than the same morons who've believe every single nothingburger since before Trump was elected believe anything they accuse him of. McCabe's already spilled the beans that they're trying to get rid of Trump.
the only thing this will prove is the fbi is treasonous organization
>michael cohen has lied before, but this time he's telling the truth for sure
"Trump fired my buddy Comey who lied under oath. I think I'm gonna use this russian dossier funded by Trump's political adversar- I mean, whoever, to obtain a FISA warrent to spy on his campaign and investigate him for some vague thing, like, 'russian collusion.' Yeah. Everyone hates Trump like me so it'll be fine...."
>Lies before Congress
>Charged with lying before Congress
>Back to testify his lies before Congress
Really? Please explain. All I've heard is the CLAIM that paying Stormy Daniels for the rights to her story is 'technically' a campaign contribution. Which is utter bullshit. So tell me about this felony.
>believe anything they accuse him of
It’s not the MSM or the left accusing him. Cohen has been found guilty of felonies that he committed at the direction of the president, and the proof is in the courts and has been seen by a federal judge.
Do you dispute that it happened or do you dispute that he’ll face punishment for it?
Hopefully this guy actually does hate niggers.
Jews are good at fooling stupid people, you gotta give them that.
Cohen pled guilty to two felonies.
The payments to hookers were illegal campaign donations. They were never reported. In fact, Cohen conspired with the Trump Org to hide the payments as retainer payments by falsifying documents.
He did this at the direction of the president.
Alright. Fine, I'm ready. Bring it. Let's see what happens.
>Hola. I'm Mike Pence.
Great. Let's get Pence to bring electroshock therapy for the gays again. I'm sick of seeing fags on TV every day!
Ok let’s say the reports are true and Cohen has incriminating evidence on Trump.
That would open him to another charge, lying to federal investigators in a federal investigation. Exactly what Flynn plead guilty to.
So let me get this straight, Cohen withholds the goods, gets 3 years instead of immunity if he handed the docs over from the get go, AND he’s opening himself up to another charge if he contradicts his story to FBI.
I think the testimony will be about trump racist, I have him on tape saying something ambiguous, now congress please pressure DOJ to change my sentencing? It’s too late. This whole crock shit story stinks.
>Cohen conspired with the Trump Org to hide the payments as retainer payments by falsifying documents.
Who signed the NDA?
Who cares what some bitter felon says?
What are you talking about? What NDA?
Strangely enough none of those are actual crimes!
I can only imagine threads like this are made as a way to get attention to the article and no one actually believes anything will happen. He's been doomed for like three years now.
The one Cohen signed with Daniels & her lawyer. no other signature was on it.
It doesn't matter. Any evidence collected from Cohen in this manner isn't admissible in court.
The President shouldn't be touched by any prosecution related to Cohen, who is now connected to Mueller, until the serious concerns about FISA abuse and seditious conspiracy to overthrow an elected offical have been addressed. McCabe, Comey and Rosenstein need to be dragged in front of a special council and questioned up the ass. All of this supercedes anything you have to say. There IS a conspiracy to out trump and Cohen can lie for the people who worked him over.
Why should we believe him again?
Does it matter? She got paid the money.That money was concealed so as to not report it as a campaign contribution.
That’s a felony.
>Shalom fellow whites.
>As Catholics we should do more to protect the chosen ones.
So what happened to all the magatards defending Cohen against the deepstate?
Did the coder turn you little npcs to hate him so easily?
Except other NDA's were signed by ppl not during a election. No one can prove they were done for election reasons.
Ndas dont apply to public officials
>I get my summaries from liberal sources rather than looking at the raw evidence
Trump very clearly asked Cohen to make the payment in a way that could be tracked. He had no intent of covering up the payment because there was nothing illegal about it
But of course, you're so blinded by hatred for Trump that you'll ignore the truth and substitute the one CNN conveniently provided you
Other NDA’s didn’t come with hush money did they?
>public officials
Daniels signed it & her lawyer did
As long as it's Based Trump, it's fine.
Keep going
Drumpf ran a stop sign one time and didn't tip the valet
Says who? NDA's are a contract & if you work for an employer you sign a contract. Many have NDA's enclosed in them.
>Trump very clearly asked Cohen to make the payment in a way that could be tracked
But they didn’t report it as a campaign contribution. There’s a legal way to disclose the payment, and they deliberately didn’t do that.
And you can’t say “there was nothing illegal about it” when Cohen has plead guilty and admitted to doing it, something that is considered a felony.0
>source say
If Trump or Cohen made other such payments to guarantee nondisclosure, and didn’t file them as campaign contributions, those would be additional felonies.
Because it wasn't a campaign contribution, you dullard.
Cohen set it up, no input from Trump. Cohen "the fixer" did it of his own accord. He was on a retainer for law work or whatever he deemed work. Trump simply paid him. Cohen cannot prove Trump knew about the NDA at the time it was signed by Cohen, Daniels & her lawyer.
Theyre the same ones Trump uses to get that most drugs are just chucked over the border to be found by boys and girls
And it wasnt quid pro quo for Bill to be paid either
Wrong, no one can prove they were for campaign purposes. Trump used his own money, paid Cohen for law work (a retainer) & Cohen used that cash as he pleased. Cohen could actually be sued by Trump for false invoicing.
So Trump is now forcing a contract on Stormy without representation?
Ooh fraud, fraud!
You admit then its fraud
How come it isnt part of the 8 charges? How come manafort was giving illegal data to the russian spys but that wasnt part of his charges either? Thats how i know youre an idiot or a shill. You keep bringing up muellers indictment total numbers with little clue wtfs in them.
People keep repeating this, but that’s not what the law says. If the hush money is solely for political purposes, yes. But Trump will argue (rightfully so) that he would’ve made the payment regardless to avoid potential personal embarrassment. There is precedent set for this interpretation of the law at the federal circuit court level.
Prove it, Cohen signed all the documents. He is the one going to jail for financial crimes (7-10 years), he got 3 years for claiming (without proof) Trump directed him to make an NDA to Daniels.
Not sure what point you're trying to make, but having your lawyer (who had been on retainer from personal funds for quite some time) manage NDA proceedings is not illegal
Didn't Obama have a "Kill list"
Trumps never being impeached, hes never going to Jail, as Much as I dislike that kike shill neither of those things will happen.
but at the same time...
Is this the begining of the end for Donald Trump?
Sources say Trump has taken flight from the white house in a super sonic aircraft with a chrome exterior in the shape of a tic-tac sources also report that its being piloted by Adolf hitler who has just taken a heroic does of Silly Simon Mushrooms.
Source: Me
Trump didnt sign the contract thus meaning his attempts to bind Daniels to it are fraudulent.
He did sign and then its failure to report
Choose your poison shill.
Trump didnt know or did
Both go to jaIl.
Who would be the source on that? Cohen, Cohen's lawyer, or Congressional staff that have spoken with either of the above. Cohen is literally a convicted liar. Cohen's lawyer has previously made anonymous statements like this and then retracted them on the basis that he was wrong. Congressional staffers job is literally to make Trump seem like a Russian mobster.
Really makes you think.
It was, a court and judge determined that it was, I don’t understand why you think you know better. You can’t say it wasn’t a felony. He’s been charged and pled guilty.
>Trump didn't sign the contract thus meaning his attempts to bind Daniels to it are fraudulent.
Cohen idea for the NDA, Cohen signed it, Cohen set up the shell companies. Has no proof Trump directed him to make the NDA (apart from him saying it in court, he is going to jail & agreed to a plea agreement resulting in his sentence more than halving).
And after all that, no one can prove it was done for campaign purposes anyway.
>Has no proof Trump directed him to make the NDA
The only reason prosecutors felt comfortable agreeing that Trump directed the plan is that they have proof.0
Oh no, the guy whos in prison for lying is going to open his mouth again
How will Drumpf ever recover?
And thus Trump committed fraud by trying to hold Daniels to it
And you have no proof Bill was paid for U1.
Doesnt stop you from holding so.
user you're like the king of/pol now with so many threads and replies oh my God can I suck your dick sensei you are so good at this and getting (you)s makes me so horny OP skeet me suck your dick I'm so beta pls fuck my assole ohhhh uaaa ahhh waaaa give it to me OP give me aids I wanna you semen spritzer in my mouth big guy give it to meet ohhhh yaaaaa
>This is it. THIS is what we've been waiting for. THIS TIME is certainly unlike those other times.
Not only is he a convicted liar, but he was just disbarred from practicing law.
I know you already know this and are being intentionally daft out of spite, but:
> federal regulation at 11 CFR 113.1. What is and is not a personal expense is to be determined by the Federal Election Commission on a “case-by-case basis,” and the standard is whether the expense would exist “irrespective of the candidate’s campaign or duties as a Federal officeholder.”
Trump's NDA transaction does not fall under the scope of campaign finance law. It is a private transaction
>deepstate says hes a liar
>migatard npc beleives them
>lock her up
>obama is gonna take our guns
>Obama kenyan
>muh seth rich
I got it ready for you Daddy just the way you like it give me spanky so I can has commies pls
he's right though, nigger
Agreeing to giving SDNY a non crime. Cohen was going away for 7-10 years. SDYN said to him "sign this & you will only get 3, you will be out in 18 months". There is no trial, no jury, no evidence needed to be presented. You want to know why he is only getting 18 months on good behaviour for financial crimes, whereas Manafort is getting life? the same can be said of Rick Gates, same crimes as Manafort, but zero time in jail. FYI Rick Gates came up with nothing on Manafort in the trial as a witness, the evidence was already there from years back. All theater for idiots to follow.
>And thus Trump committed fraud by trying to hold Daniels to it
Wrong, Cohen did the NDA, the NDA was broken when Daniels talked to the press. Cohen did the NDA ON BEHALF of TRump, Trump was not involved, Trump simply paid him a retainer.
Congress ask him his expert opinion as a lawyer. Oops I am no longer a lawyer.
>deepstate says hes a liar
Yeah and Trump hasn't pardoned him with announcements he was imprisoned with trumped up charges, hes soloing and got jailed for lying.
What the fuck are you on about Chapo?
>Being this delusional to think anything will happen
Why are libcucks the sorest losers of all time?
Lol Trumptards will find a way to spin this to defend their jewish master
Through all of history, every regime that became tyrannical first disarmed it's population. Every government that promoted gun control immediately became tyrannical and oppressive after it was certain that it's people were disarmed. This has happened every time. I cannot stress this enough. Every time. EVERY time. EVERY SINGLE TIME. No exceptions.
Knowing this, we can safely conclude that any government which SEEKS to disarm it's population is one which is INTENDING tyranny and oppression. To impose tyranny and oppression on a people whom you've sworn an oath to act in the best interests of is treason.
When Donald Trump signed the bump stock ban, he committed treason, and as such should be removed from office. Is that not enough for you? Well, Donald Trump also approved 38 billion dollars in aid funding to Israel. Aid funding that comes directly out of the taxpayers pockets. Giving money to a foreign nation which was taken, by force, from your own people is placing the interests of that foreign nation above the interests of your own people, which is treason.
In short, if you're willing to scrap all gun control, forever, or if you're willing to end all taxpayer funded foreign aid, forever, you can impeach Donald Trump and have him hung at the gallows.
Thus the nda doesnt exist as Trump never signed it.
You cannot enter someone into a contract without their awareness.
Thus, fraud.
Like Manafort too?
Ooh how about Flynn.
Funny how Trump pushes so much fake news
it's fucking over
Read the thread dipshit
It's filled with your ill-informed liberal buddies pretending they know campaign finance law
Maybe you're even one of them
yall nigs postin in a 1-post by this ID thread
Notice how they're already rolling back on it.
This morning it was
Then by noon it was
Now it's
By evening it'll be
Remember how it went from
>illegal deep state predawn raid
>lawyer client confidentiality
>he's trusted
>he'll never crack
>why would you beleive him, hes a liar.