I propose that women over 50 years are killed and men over 80 are killed.
It might seem extreme but this cuts off the population and avoid people from dragging down society.
You can extend your life by a yearly test that measures your health and mental awareness, if it falls down by acceptable levels 2 years in a row it's over.
I propose that women over 50 years are killed and men over 80 are killed
Ayn Rand
Ayn was just a writer.
She only conveyed the ideas she got from her think tank.
What are the measurements?
Are they objective?
Who does the measuring?
How about we start with you first, op.
How much are you contributing to society?
Or maybe we just stop feeding shitskins and let nature take it's course?
>kill my mother and make me homeless
T-thanks OP
See, this is why people like you will never be in the position of power.
>can you name any women philosophers
Simone De Beauvoir (based even though she was a commie, at least it was back when being commie was edgy)
Also Wolstonecraft (never read her, but apparently she was based too)
Esther Villar, professional women hater.
>I propose that women over 50 years are killed
Make it 15 and it's perfect.
This. Also that's why Jow Forums is generally viewed as a bunch of edgy autists.
these god damn fucking shills dawg
She was a Jew.
from 1950 onward Philosophy has been dominated by Nu Think Feminism
We cant name them because the Intelligencia doesnt want us to know what they are forcing teachers to teach kids
Just baiters
Your BMI not passing 27, logic, iq tests and all around health tests.
30 year old and above who are good role models and will give advice.
It's about contributing by doing something, anything, a job, helping others but not being useless space taker.
Killl yourself instead (I won't even bother to explain)
Simone Weil
No we need to kill of many in their reproductive years they are the threat
Miley Cyrus
Rosa parks