Bf literally only plays video games all day. He works part time, and then sits and plays for the rest of the day until bed. Its driving me nuts. I would be fine if it was a few hours for wind down but nope. I cook, clean, work, all that shit. I've started having to bring him his meals and then just eat alone. I just feel so alone and like it's not even a real relationship anymore. I have tried to encourage him to find a hobby he enjoys, even used my personal spending money for it but nope. I cant even get him to come excessive with me and I'm really scared for his health. He always argues that he's "making memories with friends". He's wasting his life away and idk what to do.
Bf and Video Games
sounds like he is using voice chat
He needs to not be hardcore gamer and instead be a casual gamer
tell him that- he'll know what it means
Exercise *
Yeah no, hes too stupid or too vain to realize he can actually lose you so he no longer gives 2 fucks about his part in the relationship. Or you're his personal sex toy and thats the only reason he wont leave you. Cheat on him
Looks like he got too comfortable and is now showing his true nature.
Talk to him again, serious talk this time. You should consider leaving, even though it sounds incredibly hard and painful.
They saying same thing i said but in nicer less vicious way. Ive been that guy in different ways, wasn't hitting, fighting with, or.cheating and worked full time. But only stayed for sex, stopped putting in effort in, 0 emotional connection. I don't regret breaking up but I do regret i didnt do it earlier.
You need to talk to him about it, not the internet. Give him an ultimative, and if he doesn't want to make it work with you, you need to leave.
If he enjoys it why is he wasting his life away?
You need to gtfo and leave him alone.
I doubt people look back on their lives and go "wow, I'm so glad I sat in a room and played games 90%of the time"
No she shouldnt stoop to that level. Tell him to lay off the games or she's leaving him is a better solution.
you don't get to tell people what to do and how to feel about their life, stop trying to force your social norms into others
Yeah exactly, like 7-22 mixed with some good old drug abuse this was me and now im 27 wuth a fucking 14.50 n hour job. Go live ur life u lazy autists, besides if you can only manage an hour a day of game youll get your money worth, and you cant tell me sex isnt better than vidya. If you think that your girl is arbies
I did. No regrets, great friends to this day, great memories.
OP is probably an uggo
I'm going to use this excuse next time I'm coked off my balls
RPGs offer inherently content superior in both quality and quantity than a gf. Lay off my brother dumb bitch.
Or just find gf like mine that somehow enjoys watchen me play or gets turned on giving me bj while playing multiplayer.
just fucking tell him
what the fuck are we going to do to help you? Just don't yell at him or bitch about it, just talk to him like a human
He contributes nothing to the relationship so you should just leave him. You probably won't do that however, so you should stop cooking for him, doing his laundry, and just stop acting like his mommy/maid. You're just enabling him, if you treat him like a child he will stay a child. Why should he act like an adult when you will do all the boring adult stuff for him anyway?
Looks like some videogames are more engaging than some retarded roastie, what a surprise
Go play with him, even though you don't know the game let him teach you and spend time with him If he's happy with playing then let him be, try to understand him but if it's too much just talk to him and explain to him the problem if he insists then that guy doesn't deserve you.
PS. I'm also a gamer, A lonely gamer, I don't have friends in reality but I have lots of friends on online, gaming connects me to people. When my friends are not online I feel sad and I need someone in my life like a girlfriend.
Have you tried yelling at him? Always works.