This is why the left & right will never unite

I'm gonna set up a little scenario (moral dilemma): You are a white parent. In high school, you were the captain of the swim team. You have expert swimming skills. When it comes to swimming you can easily gauge anyone's abilities. You have a 10-year-old daughter named Alice. Your daughter has had some swimming lessons from you. She can swim okay, and better than most kids her age. You take your daughter on vacation near a nice beach on an ocean coast. Another vacationer has a 12-year-old black boy named Jamal. Jamal has almost no swimming skills at all. Your daughter Alice, and Jamal have become vacation friends and snuck off into the ocean without your permission or knowledge.

So you are laying out getting a tan, and you hear the screams of the two drowning children. You immediately take action and look around to gain situational awareness. You are the only person in the area capable of going to the rescue, and you leap into action. You swim out to the two children as a strong swimmer you figure that you can safely rescue 1 child at a time any attempt to rescue both children will result in a much greater risk all 3 of you drown.

You estimate that your daughter Alice has a roughly 80% chance of surviving if you rescue Jamal first.

You estimate that Jamal has a 20% chance of surviving if you rescue your daughter first.

Almost everyone on the left would rescue Jamal first or possible risk rescuing both at the same time putting all at greater risk.

Almost everyone on the right would rescue Alice first and definitely not try to do both at once risking it all.

The left puts too little value on both family & racial loyalties. They destroy the family unit.

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tldr (actually I did read it and it was retarded).
kys faggot.

hey there rabbi

You underestimate how much virtue signaling on the left is just signaling. I would guess only 10% of lefties walk their talk enough to save Jamal.
The problem is more that some on the right would give Jamal a good hard kick to bring his chances down to 0%, just because they could get away with it.

>The problem is more that some on the right would give Jamal a good hard kick to bring his chances down to 0%,

I disagree, if anything just not go back for him. That's not even murder.

I'm saving my child. Jamal's dad can save him.

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It's the difference between the universalism of the left and the tribalism of the right.
Both values are purely subjective.
The first is based out of the religious heritage of Judaism and Christianity.
The latter is based out of evolutionary kin-selection which lead to the survival of germ lines.

Not everyone on the right of course. But
>Implying Jow Forums wouldn't do it

Save Jamal. Daughter gonna have to pay the toll.

Sounds like the difference between a decent loving parent and a horribly insecure chump who feeds on the approval of retards.

If you actually had a child you loved you wouldn't be standing there calculating the odds of shit. You would just save your fucking kid.

> a horribly insecure chump who feeds on the approval of retards
Just like SJWs

>This is why the left & right will never unite.
this is where i stopped reading.
national socialism is the way to go.
why do you think hitlers party got so popular? 90% of votes, its incredible.

answer: natsoc combines both ethno nationalism and socialism. so you get votes from the left AND the right.

it was incredible powerful and succesful. best ideology ever invented, because it unites the people.

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Racsoc would be better than Natsoc. Racial Socialism.


A real rightwing dad would push Jamal under to avoid the risk of Jamal grabbing on and dragging you and your daughter under.

>right wing dad
A left wing dad doesn't exist... Left wing dad = welfare check

Op is faggot again

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Didn't read


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not an argument

>Didn't read

Because you are a nigger & can't read.

I never even saw a minority until I was like 15yo

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Of course not that's why you are left wing. You have had limited contact with negroids so you can not understand how savage, and uncivilized they are in general. Had you actually had diversity you would be a racist.

but holy shit , damn ofc i would save my child first. that's my duty

no because it follows our genetic interest, if we are white, every black lowers white survival fitness

well depends on what if you want to survive, and to be a funcitonal living being your objective is genetic survival, that's subjective , you can be a degenerate blob of nihilism. your choice
but as soon as you decide to be an actual living being and to act according to your genetic interest it's objectively better to have in group preference

> nigger wading into water

Jamal is trying to commit suicide. Let evolution do its thing.

we wuz kings

you don't see leftie parents swap their white kids with some hood niggers for some universality

Save alice.
Attempt to save the boi
Call emergency services if needed.
Go home (She is grounded now)
Lecture alice on breaking the rules.
Has no more free roaming priviledges
no more jamal in my life, i will blame him for all this for he influenced my lil princess to break the rules

Back to r Ed d
ITT you fagg ettt nigg er

As a rightwing dad if my daughter was playing with a nigger I'd roll over and continue to work on my tan.

Why Did you assume I'm "left wing" you retarded burger mutt?
I just said I didn't read your autistic rambling

>This is why the left & right
This is not a left/right issue. This is a deontological v teleological ethics dilemma.

The first duty of a deontologist is to himself - the categorical imperative.

The percentages given are only to estimate which action will return the maximum good or least bad consequence. Btw, teleology is also called consequentialism, the means justify the ends, etc..

>Almost everyone on the left would rescue Jamal first
You just made this up to bash the left, but it reveals a lot more about you than the people you intended to malign. I notice that no one can be honest and tell the truth when it comes to preserving your uncivilized confirmation bias.