We fucking did it. Another win for Jow Forums. Now if we can only rid Jow Forums of pedophiles

We fucking did it. Another win for Jow Forums. Now if we can only rid Jow Forums of pedophiles.

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Rangeban ausfailia and Muttzil. Problem solved

I'm calling bullshit. Twitter protects the pedos from pedophobic hate speech. They would never turn on their base.

>Cant share the podesta paintings anymore to raise awareness on their moloch bullshit

Thanks Jow Forums

If you unironically believe this, you're a part of the problem.
I think pedophiles should be given the death penalty.
Beating up on weebs drawing pictures and saying it's stopping child porn is like fining students for jaywalking and saying it's making the city safer.
This is a loss for free speech that is going to be digestible so the masses can be complicit in their own future enslavement.

More censorship, very cool!

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>loli fags will now shit up Jow Forums even more
This isn't good. At all.

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It's the same thing.

Gonna be like old times again.
Maybe more "pedophiles" around will drive away normie scum like yourself.

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>if I'm not your kind of degenerate I'm not a degenerate at all

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Let's see if Japanese artist will go back to pixiv and other jp artwork platform.

When in Rome

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Someone ask Jack if he is also going to get rid of his special secret Twitter pedo groups and special secret Twitter hashtags for child pornography.

except arts like half naked transgender minor tweaking for dollar bills

Tumblr and Twitter were always shit for artists to use. I hated it when they'd take the lazy way out instead of going to proper artist-driven sites like Pixiv.
Hell, even boorus like gelbooru and paheal are better suited for artists than fucking twatter.

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>Jow Forums without lolis!

... why are you fuckers here, most of you hyper moralistic fuckers arnt even funny. jesus isnt funny, your so called conservative views arnt funny ...

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What's the point of Twitter if you aren't following artists?

Will do. Which hashtags are we talking about?

Making an ass of yourself with political opinions, or trolling those who make asses of themselves.

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Yeah I agree, hopefully this will motivate them to move away from western platform with their acceptance of censorship and sjw retardation.