Gimme the nitty gritty on Styx. Is he our guy?

Gimme the nitty gritty on Styx. Is he our guy?

He supports abortions and that doesn't seem too Jow Forums-friendly.

Attached: Untitled.png (797x459, 597K)

Other urls found in this thread:

he supports drug legalization, abortion and vaccines

Attached: whyimproabortion.jpg (640x640, 80K)

He's /oneofus/ and pretty cool, but this eceleb stuff shouldn't be on Jow Forums so, sage.

Deepstate shill like every e-celeb

He's classic Jow Forums. Libertarian but redpilled on the (((elites))). Even if he refuses to say it directly he has dropped hints on it in the past


Hi Styx!

He also supports (((" gay rights "))). *facepalm*

He's a cross dressing faggot and he let it slip in one video he supports exploitation of children for the sake of subverting society

I hope someone kills that beady eyed queer

He's a bluepilled faggot. It was revealed that he was messaging underage girls on YouTube, which would make sense considering he's a libertarian.

I don't think anyone that calls himself "Styxhexenhammer666" can be taken seriously.
Nothing wrong with abortions, though.

He's a Jow Forumstard and all but I find his videos boring outside of his MRE and gardening vids. If I want to watch someone ramble on about US politics or religion, I'll just read more Jow Forums.

Seems like someone who thinks for himself and doesnt try to pander to some sub culture like the ‘alt right’ so that makes him /ourguy/

I'm not sure why but I hate everything about him

>If I want to watch someone ramble on about US politics or religion, I'll just read more Jow Forums.

Jow Forums is absolute garbage though. youll have to sift through about 20 threads and hundreds of comments before you find anything coherent

i pretty much use him as a replacement for coming here since it saves so much time

Attached: DTX9LTmUMAAI84f.jpg (699x421, 44K)


>Some confirmed Swedish tranny is styx

are you still pushing this image??

Who's the goblin in the background

He looks like a big time faggot, but he’s actually not a bad resource. He shouldn’t be your Jesus, but he’s reliable to tell the side of the story that the msm isn’t telling.

You won’t agree with everything he says, and that’s a good thing.

He acts like hes an expert on the economy while living with his parents in his 30s.

Attached: 1528850470120.png (900x900, 278K)

>living with his parents in his 30s
Implying there's something wrong with that

He’s a socialist but only where it works. Namely in his home state of Vermont.

From what I understand, he was an underprivileged dude, but intelligent. I can relate to that very well

his irl name is Tarl Warwick

He's a libertarian with a pro-occult bent.
I don't agree with all of his stances but he's pretty damn accurate in his predictions, one of the most accurate commentators there is, actually. He also doesn't pander to any particular group for money.
He just gives his take on whats going on.

It'll get pushed for a long time yet. Paid infiltration by political organisations is still very much alive on this board.

Attached: tfw thats about all.png (292x333, 183K)

Jow Forums is a Christian board, devil worshipers like him and Varg are not and will never be our guys