Is he CIA?

is he CIA?

Attached: chinauncensored.jpg (1986x1057, 137K)

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No, but he is autistic and probably has yellow fever.

More or less. Shills for Shen Yun and Falun Gong. Started watching him many years back when I was first learning about Chinese politics, used to think he was based but now I can't stand him. Ignores the facts and the positive sides of China to paint an overwhelmingly distorted and negative picture of life in the country.

kill yourself shill rat

I love his channel, I just want to know because he drops giga redpills everyday and it's almost a little suspicious how good his content is

>Ignores the facts and the positive sides of China
>positive sides of China

Attached: 1486181634845.jpg (223x349, 36K)

Yes its good quality content but there's a team behind the channel (look for the videos where they present themselves for Patreon). And?

Of course.
My favorite chinese government owned newspaper, The Global Times said so.

Do you enjoy the Epoch Times? Also Chinese owned.

im an idiot sry disregard