I can't sleep

I am currently in a small district in Kashmir known as sopore, and it's 4:55 AM. Earlier during the evening it was just jets roaring and military vehicles being transported but now it's that plus gun fire, artillery and just explosive noises in general.

Attached: Screenshot_20190227-045329__01.jpg (986x747, 115K)

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Nice larp, fag.

I want to poo in your loo

>not wanting to join in the fun
is there any other reason to still live in kashmir?

Poo just hit my window

let us know when the nuke goes off, ok?

>Indian flag
I guess Kashmir belongs to India then.

>jets roaring and military vehicles being transported

music to my ears. i'd sleep soundly if our military were actually defending the interests of the american people.

thank your lucky stars. i only hear some dork in his cessna every few hours.

record it tonight and upload it mr.poo

Dude just get some ear plugs. Or get out of your bed and start getting food and water. Make sure its enough to last you for more then 3 days. And listen to a radio to get more information on whats happening.

>gun fire, artillery and just explosive noises in general.
know that feel

why don't you go poo in the street... let one off, then you'll sleep well.

Go back

Why dont you catapult some poo over the border?

Live stream it


I’m not a dork

Attached: 9EE816A1-4248-4BC7-8A17-D0924430FB69.jpg (251x234, 7K)

To be perfectly honest, Malmö is kind of like that and it used to be a Swedish city

It's okay bro


Come on pajeet deliver pics for proofs or gtfo

How do you feel about it? Is it comfy like your image implies or are you scared or annoyed?

Attached: EB9E9BC3-FE31-45F3-846B-9B03AC6C9EDA.jpg (1012x660, 92K)

record or didin't happen

seriously, I'd be digging a foxhole in the midde of my bedroom and sleeping in it.

Make a huge diff if shit starts flying.

Plus, you can always cover it and use for storage later.

I got some anti-radiation pills coming in the mail, and I'm in USA, but I figure if shit goes full nuke in Shit-lands the fallout will be coming and pills sold out.
