Nigger student attacks white kid wearing MAGA hat

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I'm starting to not give a shit because they never even try to fight back.

this honestly. Magapedes and cuckservatives are pussies and zogbots that worry about "muh optics." Looks great when you get you ass handed to you by every nigger. What a strong movement.

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Yeah i understand. Of course if they did MSM would be editing it and saying “white male attacks black student “

It's a modern-day lynching!

I'll bet Kamala Harris and Booker T will be tweeting all about this!

They're gonna call you racist whether you fight back or not.

>they never even try to fight back.
That would be a hate crime user.
You know the rules of this game.


Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

Good point

The white man fights smart and lets his system take care of ruining the life of the subhuman.

Honestly, fighting back against niggers in highschool requires a crew. Most of the time they pick on smaller white guys who are alone, and thus have no backup. Also, niggers mature faster, so while you're still going through puberty, they'll be full grown men at that time. Highschool is hell when you have niggers in it, and unless you're a white guy with white football buddies, you're going to be in trouble messing with niggers. Even then, so many young people are terrified of getting a mark on their record that they'll just sit there and watch their buddy get his ass beat like a deer in headlights.

that could be a tactic for someone willing to keep taking a beating. Just go around black areas with a MAGA hat on and have someone stay close by recording everything on their phone or camera. Then try to get a bunch of black people arrested for assault.

Just wan't to point out there is a ban on this in the EU.
Turn your filter to any EU country, Sweden, Germany, UK, Italy and it wont post it.

Finally Americans are getting it.
Sick of hearing
> But user, why not just beat the sandniggers who are raping kids?
Because you'd get 15 years in prison, wherein you'd be murdered by the sandniggers on day 1.

Except they will kill you, not just beat you up.
That's one dead white person... (((they))) win.

If your parents sent you to a school with niggers they didn’t love you.

White flight is the solution.

>teen ruined life over misdemeanor battery
Thats now it works

it's not "optics" it's "civilized", derived from the word "civilization" which is something Africans and Jews have never successfully created without help from the white man.

Shut up nigger

It's a kid. He physically hasn't matured to the point where he can defend himself, without weapons. And, likely, he'd be expelled for carrying a plastic fork.
fuck u, niggerlover

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He's 18, so this isn't a juvi offense.

the title is crafted to suggest Trump started the "altercation"

At a certain point if you white faggot cucks are going to be this passive you deserve it. I honestly dont care anymore.

Gotta love that fucking headline. Vague to make it seem like the maga hatter was the provocateur…

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Who are we kidding, he will clearly ruin his life with poor decisions without outside help.

>If your parents sent you to a school with niggers

stupid goy. dont you know they are required to bus in niggers to schools that dont have a certain percentage of nigs/spics in them?

Fucking nigger needs to be put down.

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Kike's sweating isn't he.

ban niggers. for the children.

>his system
that's the problem isn't it

If he would then suddenly he's the villain. Use their own rules against them until they openly admit to just hating white people or admit its just 'for shits and giggles'.
Either way its a win.

Agreed, this does not mean however that you cannot choose your battles.
If you have no other option than go balls to the walls and show the world the strength of a tard, if you can safely walk away you probably should.

Is he.. though?

Modern day black savagery


When they are black it's an altercation, when white it's assault.

And that is advantageous to us.
Any gentile white who is in an altercation with any other race at a school is the villain and will be pilloried.
This isn't die. This is freedom of expression then a violent minority committed a crime. Magapede wins again.
Aquafresh with wisdom

Don't screw the optics
Don't go in

Never interrupt your enemy while they are in the process of making a mistake.

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> Jones has not been charged, and the students are headed toward a mediation process.
If the white kid had smirked at the black adult, he would be expelled already.
Instead the school system is going to try and coerce him an his family into not pressing charges and letting the 18 year old silverback return to school.
I hope they show up, say they are pressing charges and leave.

If you white faggots are going to be this weak you unironically deserve it.

> muh white genocice

> race war now

White kid gets bullied by black kid

> The tolerant left everyone

Whites don't defend themselves so they're going extinct. Not hard to understand.

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Adult attacks a kid. That’s been the common theme here. I’d go for the assault charges. No second chances.

>black adults are kids
At least you niggers know you are retards

Was it arrested? Most black monsters are arrested before adulthood at least once. Funny how American Advertisers continue to use these disgusting monsters in all their Adverts

You saved that image? You faggot.

lol yeah obviously he is a faggot or a tranny. why else would u think trolling Jow Forums has any effect LOL

The sad thing is Edmond, where this kid goes to school, is white flight.

I don't give a shit because they openly punch right.

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I'd call that boot lipped monkey a nigger straight to his face

The American born black population is falling faster then the white population. Blacks are getting fatter, and poorer white people aren’t. The highest testosterone rates are in Southern European and Mexican American men in the US

Nazis are based, Trump hats are gay

>Politeness never defeated an existential threat.
And the Crusades never got back Jerusalem.

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>nog gets off scotch free
>white is made an example of
wow great system we have in modern america

inb4 Zognald continues to talk about women’s rights, nigger unemployment, LGBTQ rights, and the stock market while his supporters get publicly ridiculed and attacked

Trump is now globohomo

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>Trump is now globohomo
He always was.

>scotch free

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remember pic related? they only got probation. the system hates whites now so stop expecting it to save us

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>still doesn't realize

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explain to me how getting beaten up by nogs in public and not fighting back makes people say "wow that guy really knows how to stand up for himself! better do what he does!". it's ironically poor optics.


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>oblivious to the error

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If being “civilized” means getting your ass kicked. Then I don’t see conservative whites ever winning the race war. It’s time to stop playing nice and start fighting back. The kid was a retard for not attacking the nigger in return.

Don't be to hard on him, 44% of the people with that flag have no idea what civilization is

>Don't screw the optics goyim, allow niggers to walk all over you.

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I know kids who are eleven and already buff. You have no argument leaf, a kid can easily attack an adult these days. Magapedes are fucking cowards.

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Eric Clanton opens up a MAGA guy's head with a bike lock, gets probation.

>Posts an ancient fucking meme to counter an argument
Niggers and Spics will defeat us if we don’t act now. Every country was founded on violence. Don’t forget that, dipshit.

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considering that the justice system is turning into pic related, i dont know why magapedes think taking it to courts will win them any favors. "might is right" is the proven strategy for gaining support the last thousands of years and it's one of the few physical ways of saying "we have a solution".

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>Internet tough guy
>complains about an old meme

he's an 18 year old high school senior. it's beyond reasoning why he is letting himself getting pushed around in school of all places when it shows to other students that he is a weakling.

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Also if you stab them six inches into their stomach you go to jail.
Reminder to carry a knife at a minimum regardless of age

>fighting back if im being attacked makes you an internet tough guy
go start a fight with any random nog you see on the street and see what happens. they aren't preaching mlk i can tell you that

lol these dudes walk around with trump 2020 flags and then cry when some dude rips it out of his hand. just lmao, he didn't even get hit.

White kids get expelled for fighting back and black kids get leniency when they fight it's like legal policy

>when it was in the news for three minutes they say they'll charge it as a hate crime
>silently drop it later and do nothing

>thinks playing tough on the Internet is "fighting back"
You've never been in a real fight. Stop larping.

>Eric Clanton opens up a MAGA guy's head with a bike lock
oh, now he's a MAGA guy? For months after the attack you were all claiming he was neutral and just trying to defuse the situation.

>Getting defensive over people telling you to fight back if you are getting attacked
explain to me how i should win a fight by not fighting then my civ nat friend.


>muh race war
White kids highschoolers these days look like middleschoolers. A generation of sissies is being raised. I can only imagine how much birth rate is going to drop when all these neets can't get wives.

>white privilege
>the privilege of being charged with a hate crime
Why do we continue to put up with this???

Then you white cucks are clearly finished. Why do we even bother talking about it?

Opticsfags will never shift any culture in their favor. While the far left is organizing and taking cities away from right wingers. These faggots will just post shitty memes all day and prevent whites from ever taking stuff into their own hands. They’re cowards and only exist just to be a punching bag. Keep in mind, these are the same people who constantly make excuses for Trump whenever he cucks out like a coward. While “Unite the Right” may have been a failure in some aspects. It had the media scared shitless for weeks. It might’ve opened the eyes of some people. If whites started organizing like that more, we would easily shift the culture in our favor. But sadly, most right wingers are afraid of being called racist.

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the whole irony of this imo is that not standing up for yourself and letting yourself get walked over is bad optics.

person stands up for himself and at least pushes back:
normie reaction
>woah he actually cares about what he means

person lets himself get walked all over and only films it so he can get victim status to his followers online:
normie reaction
>what a troll, he doesn't actually believe any of that he is just doing it for shits and giggles

why would people join an ideology where the people let themselves get attack for it and never defend themselves? its literal cuckoldry, their is a reason you don't see leftists or ANTIFA say "hmmmm their is a kkk/actual wn rally today, better go fight them!". they always have and always will only target the magapedes in public because they know they don't stand up for themselves effectively.

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No they're going to have the white kid, his parents, the black man, and his mom sit down so that they can tell the white family that wearing a MAGA hat was worse than physical assault.

One girl only got probation. How they didnt get 20 years for kidnapping is fucking insane.

The likely outcome, unfortunately.

Man I love Fool and the Gang

One of them got probation. The young woman. The guys both got sentenced to prison as well as the older sister. I don't know why her sentence was so comparably light, maybe she was the only one in the video that didn't do anything. Haven't look into it enough.

They were all charged and convicted with hate crimes.

The men both got aggravated kidnapping charges.

I thought they only got 10 years.


It's outrageous. We are clearly in the opening stages of helter-skelter.

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lol, this

A Retard chimps out, what a surprise...

I know, these fags go out knowing what they might be up against and then they just end up looking like pussies

This, the kid would have more people siding with him if he actually fought back. Instead people will view him as a pussy for the rest of his life. Judging by how the nigger looks, he could’ve easily tackled him. Instead, he just let the negro walk all over him. His ancestors literally fought each other to the death, Yet this is how he repays them.

I’m sick of this altruist attitude with whites, they think being polite to shitskins that utterly loathe them will help in the long run. When in reality, they’ll just get their shit kicked in. This is why conservatives are viewed as pussies. They’re too wimpy to ever do shit. They constantly piss themselves thinking about ever getting called racist. Stuff like this gives me very little hope we’ll ever fight back. The west is too soft and fragile these days. We’ll literally see the United States collapse in our lifetimes because cuckservatives and magapedes refused to take the country back.

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They did. I don't know Chicago's laws, but 10 years isn't a short amount of time. Given their ages, it was likely their first offenses. A lot of judges don't like throwing the book at young people because they have hope that they will change their lives. It is possible, I've met some good people who used to be bad people (memes about niggers never change aside).

But she also didn't get completely off. She had already been in custody for a year before she was sentenced. None of them could afford bail.

It's the courts that are corrupt. Basically, the race war would begin once the corrupts are dissolved.

older woman got 3 years+time served +"good" behavior I think she's out now or will be soon.
The men got 5 and 8 years.

>The men got 7 and 8 years