[WAR] India Bowels vs Pakistan Towels [WAR] v10



QRD 02/25/19
>India attacked a terrorist camp deep inside Pakistan, killing 200-300 (indian estimative) terrorist. The attack was executed by 12 Mirage 2000N (can carry nuke missiles) dropping 1000kg of bombs. While this attack was undergoing, it is said that poos attacked by ground too
>Pakistan is scrambling their Air Force and higher ups are making a emergency meeting to discuss/prepare to give a response to India's attack
>Paki drone taken down by Poos

QRD 02/26/19
>Major clashed between Pakis and Poos over all the border that separates both countries
>Heavy shelling over 50 areas along LoC
>Paki higher ups considering using nukes
>Poos sending massive reinforcements (see webm on first reply)
>Heavy firefights over the border
>Up until now, 4 indians dead, 6 paki civilians injured by poo shelling
>The forth one (Arvind Sinha) was a IAF wing commander, shot himself in the head with a double-barrel shotgun, wtf are you on poos?
>LoC area is starting to be evacuated
>India destroyed 5 Paki posts, Pakis invaded 2 Indian posts

Previous thread: >Firefight links:


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Other urls found in this thread:


It's literally not happening edition.

#Breaking: Just in - The tanks who were being transported have just opened fire in the #Sialkot sector in #Pakistan right now, after the army of #India opened fire just lately. You see they both shoot at each other in both directions. Pakistani army would also been advancing.


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Not wth that mentality it is not.¬¬

Sooooooooo......... yeah

Checking in for team poo! Kill the godless heathen muzzie slime!


>mfw Pakis ruin the F-16's K:D ratio

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Anyone have a gif of dogs barking at each other while a gate is opening. When the gate opens all the way they just happily walk away.

Thats what india and pakistan shooting at each other during the night seems to me.

Some Indian shitposting

How many nukes would you say would be needed for a nuclear winter? Fun fact: there been over 2000 nuclear detonations in history. Isn't it strange how we found out cigarettes cause cancer around the same time nuclear weapons testing began?


This video

Reposting because I posted at the tail end of last thread, wan a know what yall think.

If I've learned one thing from watching videos of hundreds of Indian men fleeing single leopards, it's that poos are generally a HYPER r selected, extremely cowardly race. However, I also know that Indians hate Pakistanis to such a high degree that probably the only remotely comparable hate is between arabs and jews. But even that's not close. If past wars are any indicator, the street shitters hatred may well overpower their innate cowardice

nuke bangalore!

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you're just upset the burgers are stat padding their top end fighter jet KDR's by not sending them unless they are in a clear tactical advantage and against an inferior enemy

If India utterly btfos pakiland and takes it back I will never make a poo in loo joke for at least a year

so bored with this. two dumb countries slapping each other.
the sun will shortly rise over there and they will still be there.


>preemptive strikes
>blitzkriegish attack
>eye for an eye
I wonder..

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I'm pretty sure Pakistan will be happy with shooting across the border for a day or 2, and combined with propaganda, they'll think they've won.

Even though the people India hit were terrorists, so it's kinda funny. Which shows that Pakistan actually supports them officially.

No idea why the US didn't bitch slap them when they hid Osama.

Who else /comfy/ safe from nuclear winter? Gonna start calling random curries cowards for not going home

This legit?

Dawn in one (1) hour.

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Energy from last two threads

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kek. what an unholy alliance.
Poos with Jews.

Notification for establishment of control room by Pakistani govt in Azad Kashmir (AJK).


>No idea why the US didn't bitch slap them when they hid Osama.
because they'd lose their land path to afghanistan.


Reminder that Pakistan's Prime minister Imran Kahn is White and Looks like Russel Crows brother.

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The video of shooting? Probably.

There's been sporadic cross-border shooting going on all night.

Poo meets paper

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Come on poos, make Shiva come and rip pakis, imagine all the new land to poo!

Cmon India I wanna wake up with a smaller world map

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#Update: Snapmaps in #India local residents in #amritsar are evacuating their homes near the border in #Pakistan video is from 1 hour ago and seeking shelter.


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why is he dressed like han solo?

Which one do you think gives better head, Jow Forums?

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I'm watching India Today on YouTube, and the bloodlust is something else. If the rest of the country is like that, it'll happen.

The upper echelons of both countries are basically Mediterranean Caucasians.

The lower classes are mutts.

Right, she has the crazy eyes.

H..he...hes...hes's not white reeeeee... eeeee

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They bark a lot, and the hate between Hindus/Buddhists and Muslims is very fierce.

Though, it's basically like this most times

confusing mixture of english & derpa derpa

the last remnants of Aryans in Pakiland

Which one is your sister?

Makes we wish white people still paid respects to their gods of war instead of being christcucked. Oh well we always have Khorne

Is he secretly anglo?

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Hey now, Crusaders were some of the most fierce people around, and they retook the Holy Land from the Arab horde.

They also made the Viking leader convert due to the bitch slapping.

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The poolocaust

>Not calling Pakistan Pookistan after it's taken over by Pajeets


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>The forth one (Arvind Sinha) was a IAF wing commander, shot himself in the head with a double-barrel shotgun, wtf are you on poos?
Was it mind control? He could have just immigrated to the west. Not like he's very welcome or anything in today's political climate.

Maybe because he has a bad feeling about this?


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just because your banking on stealing Ivan equipment again doesn't mean you have to fluff it up we all know its shit.

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These guys have to be the most incompetent soldiers of all time. All the shells slung and rounds fired but still no serious casualties? I can do more damage with a paintball gun shooting marbles.

That's it
fuck india
I'm a Pakistan missile now

The slide threads are of the hook right now, very bad and bold ones too.

Bowel Towel war is making the shills really nervous!

israel is pushing india to go for a full invasion of pakistan. india and iran are allied and would invade pakistan together so this gives israel an opportunity to bomb more iranians "to stop iran's hostile expansion."

You were always team towel head. Goddamn retard.

>he doesn't fantasize and jerks off to the thought of radiated poo fueled fumes pulverized by atomic blast
user, are you gay or something?

Wait, India is saying their jets where in Paki airspace for over twenty minute undetected? That's damn hard to believe.


They're used to woman going 20 minutes without detecting their dicks. Maybe they thought airplanes work the same.

Fuck Muslims

Literally the only group capable that gets the Buddhists violent

Pakis are inbred cross-eyed muzzies. Probably too busy kneeling and praying to check radar.

Just there for a light crop dusting. The operation was silent but deadly.

Muhammed, thats mark e mark, ya daft cunt

I know Pakistani backed terrorists were responsible for the initial attack but why is it that they're launching such a hard retaliation? Pakistan seems to be doing fuck all right now

Poos and Pakis are shooting at each other again!


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>t. seething discord tranny



Nah it's simpler then that. Pakistan was a clown country formed after England left India. Its been a deep state puppet country ever since and now since Trump became president, CIA has abandoned it or been forced out. Israel has been compliant and now they're supporting India in order for the public to believe they were never involved with Pakistan. All optics.
This will be a short conflict removing the embedded president and making the populist prime minister leader of Pakistan and Pakistan will exit the world stage as an agressor much like North Korea has. They may even reunify with India

That's a video from 2016

Going to sleep. When I wake up I hope corpses litter the streets of Kashmir.


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aye the account I copied it turned out to be clickbait. I need sleep desu 3 am here. Any news from India ?

So just a regular day in Kashmir then. Think bigger user.

Literally nothing

Fucking leafposters.

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edit: I realised it was a phony account after i copied and posted fml really need sleep

Wow, and yet you didn't predict meat in your diet?


watch this Bulgariabro

how about ya shut ur mouth before i send u to meet stevie

How about many corpses? Like 45% more than on average?

What's the chance of a nuclear exchange? It seem to me that pakis are too pussy to do anything but skirmish.

Emergency high alerts have been announced in 7-10 Indian cities and Naval and Nuclear bases have been fully armed ready for a response on a moment's notice

The thing to remember about brown peoples is that they are retarded when it comes to war, and often exaggerate or flat out lie about their accomplishments.

Send screen shots/proof

Meh. It's kind of a shithole. Maybe 300% increase followed by randomly burning houses.

Nukes wont be exchanged

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so bored by this non-happening.

why paks so weak? i thought muhammad allah was a blood god? where is the blood?

Yeah, I'd agree that's definitely more beginning war tier. Comfy times ahead.


Will the next few years see an escalation of world tensions into a new global war or are we going to see another Cold War?

Ongoing conflicts:
>Iraq + Syria + Afganistan - ISIS and other Islamic Jihadists
>Syria - Civil War
>Ukraine - Civil War in the East
>Nigeria - Boko Haram
>Kenya - Islamists
>Yemen - Civil War
>Somalia - Civil War

Possible wars in the next 5 years:
>Pakistan vs India - Kashmir border dispute
>Venezuela vs NATO - Invasion to oust Maduro
>Ukraine vs Russia - Crimean straight naval passage

We are in for a violent start to the 2020s. This will be either known as Cold War 2 or World War 3 for sure ...

You're correct, user! She sucks a mean fucking dick! We actually nicknamed her "Superhead!" Her eyes give her away?

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The English user said it best.
>The towel vs Bowel showdown.
Make OP like that next time nigger


hmmm makes sense if pic related is real

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