Eat McDonalds/Burger King/KFC 4-5 times a week

>Eat McDonalds/Burger King/KFC 4-5 times a week
>Been shitting my guts out within 30 minutes of eating aforementioned fast food in the last 6 months
>Has become a daily ritual to take 2-3 shits after lunch at work
>Co workers and friends have all been complaining of the same thing.

What the fuck is going on with our fast food.

This isn't normal when a bunch of us have been complaining of the same symptoms.

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>Eat McDonalds/Burger King/KFC 4-5 times a week
there's your problem. glad i was here to help

Probably eating too fast.
Also too much

stop eating fast food you fat fuck

Quit eating that shit you dopey nigger

Not a problem here in the USA. No idea, Mr. Brit. Maybe you should stop eating fast food 4-5 times a week.

Once a month is about all I can handle.


It's never happened before.

>too fast


>too much

I don't think so. I normally just get my standard filet o fish meal with chicken nuggets.

That's rich coming from someone who's 50% likely to be obese.

I can’t imagine what it must be like to be indigenous to a country with a real people and culture and have it all destroyed right in front of my fucking face while doing nothing about it. It’s hard to care the globalist takeover and transformation of America because we’re all just mutts in one big shopping mall larping as a nation but England?Holy fuck I wouldn’t be able to contain my rage seeing shitskins colonize my native land.

They put olestra in that shit.

Wait, they give you fries with a breakfast meal over there? That's messed up.

>mineral oil

Also they dont clean properly and that makes you sick depending on the establishment.

you're literally eating more fast food in week, than me, an ameriburger, would ever even think of eating in a month.

I only stop for fast food like once every other week, maybe.

Fucking make a sandwich at home and bring with you to work.

>This isn't normal

Yes it is. Fast food is cheap for a reason - plus you are eating 4-5 of them a day?! Are you insane?

Say goodbye to your gallbladder.

Fries with a McMuffin??? You motherfucker...

>Escolar's wax ester content can cause keriorrhea (Greek: flow of wax), gempylotoxism or gempylid fish poisoning.[4] Symptoms range from stomach cramps to rapid loose bowel movements, occurring 30 minutes to 36 hours following consumption.[5] This condition may also be referred to as steatorrhea.

Egg McMuffins ans Sausage McMuffins are all day in Japan. They're just like any other meal past breakfast time.

I like the taste. I'm half entertaining the thought that they put some sort of opium substitute in it, because it's incredibly moreish yet strangely unsatiating.

Egg McMuffins and Sausage McMuffins are served all day in Nippon.

McDonalds is fucking nasty. I was invited to breakfast there recently. The eggs were oily and oversalted, the McMuffin bland chunks of hard bread soaked in grease and even the fucking bacon was tasteless beyond the oily mouthfeel and salt. Absolutely, unironically, wholeheartedly disgusting.

Interesting because I shit less when I eat this “food(?)”

What's some Jow Forums approved fast food joints?

4-5 times a week mate, not a day.

I might get breakfast on the way to work, or have some McDonalds for lunch.

>filet o fish
There's your problem.
They only sell like one per day, so they make it early in the day and save it until someone orders it.

Pretty much every fast food secrets article says to NEVER order the filet o fish

I typically eat 3 meals a day, and usually lunch is fast food
I shit one time, at night, before my shower.
You may just have a tender, weak-ass stomach.
Maybe you need to stick with s oy milk and unsalted crackers.

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Do you even chew your food you fat fuck?

Look up proper mastication.

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Do you mean the oil they put the fries in? I was thinking they don;t change it often enough and it could be that.

>eating food that makes you sick
>for 6 months
You are fucking retarded.

Could be laxatives?

Or something shitty in the foods.

Stay away from fast foods, they are bad and cause cancer.

Not here. I always have to wait till they cook one up. Besides lunch where I work (the financial district) is incredibly busy so there's always burgers flying out and being made fresh to order.



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Olestra is a fat substitute that makes you shit your fucking pants

based chick-fil-a

eat slower. skip a meal. don't eat fast food every day. you don't really need the "recommended" 3 daily meals unless you are in an active profession, which most of us aren't.

That is completely normal for eating McDonald's. Maybe you guys had some regulations or something that made them give you better food over there but McDonald's here has always been that way.

oi mate do you have a liocense for that fast food

hail britannia

I literally stopped reading after the firsrt line you retarded bong

Might be something to do with getting older. I was naturally fit growing up and eating shit and drinking soda. Around 22 I got fat out of nowhere and started taking painful shits and skin got shitty. Started eating Keto and lost the weight, poops went back to normal, skin cleared up.

I used to get 2 sausage mcmuffins and 3 hashbrowns after school everyday for my senior year. Shit was cash.

I’m pretty sure you faggots are catching up or have recently passed us. Even if we are #1 you’re still #2. Not a lot of room to talk shit.

That aside, I have experienced similar when eating fast food consistently. I just cut back and eat more fruits and vegetables and it clears up.

>filet o fish
As a burger who dines on mcdonalds at an alarming rate with no noticable digestive or health consequences, i can say with certainty that is your problem right there.
Never, NEVER eat the filet o fish, it is one of their least popular menu items, so those fish patties will often be sitting there all day before being served to you.
You really never clicked the "one mcdonalds menu item never to order" ad that was on here for so long? Or are you really that new?

its far better to eat 5-6 small meals

SAVE MONEY AND your health WATCH DR ERIC BERG DC on jewtube

Because fast food restaurants have been slowly but surely substituting real ingredients for the latest fake cheap filler and will continue to do so one ingredient at a time until it poisons an entire nation for which they won't be at fault

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

You fucking idiots want to make a white homeland based on tenats of national soxialism but you are still deriving sustenance from literal glyphosate contaminated fast food industrial farm bullshit owned by fuckin jews...

For fucks sake get ue heads out of ur asses and eat some local beef and organic produce from farms

If u want fried chicken or hamburgers make it at home with your family and friends and spend time with them or just cook for yourself and learn some things and have fun doing it

U fuckin jew bastard fucks

Fuck this kike shit reeeeeeee

Chick fil a

Thats rich coming from someone who has a 66% chance of being obese

depends on the individual restaurant. If they ask you to pull over and wait, they're frying a frozen patty. A freshly made filet o fish is the best thing on the menu.

Where the fuck have I read this joke before...

There might be some truth to that. I'm 29 and have gained 15 pounds in the last year.

BS. I can't even remember the last time I saw an obese person in central London. Oh wait, I can, it was a bunch of yank tourists.

You probably don't have your fast food License. I heard they put nanobots inside of the food that detect if someone has their license. When it cannot find a license, it releases a potent laxative

>Eat McDonalds/Burger King/KFC 4-5 times a week

If you really must do this, you need to supplement your diet with fiber pills.

Your not white if you eat that garbage.

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>try to eat 5-6 small meals instead of 3 large ones
>end up eating 5-6 large meals
I do better ignoring “it’s time to eat” and just eating when I have a real hunger pang. I end up eating 1-2 large meals if I do that and seem to do better.

>recognizes problem
>continues behavior

This is how you get diabetes.

L2fast, noob

Eating lol

>eats trash food
>gets the shits
>goes back and eats the same food the next day
>this goes on for months
Inbred island, everybody

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I literally ate 4-6 mcdoubles a day for a month or two.
I would pick them up and refrigerate them, reheat them throughout the day.
I was fine, no digestive problems, I just craved the fuck out of those mcdoubles.
No, im not even fat.

Holy shit, this reminds me that I haven't seen a complete black family in years

Fast food is a Lovecraftian horror. By sculpting burgers out of pink slime, McDonald's subconsciously appeals to our desire to impose order on chaos. However, this is a tenuous illusion as once ingested, this mystery meat begins its metamorphosis back into a salty, amorphous "Shoggoth" that wreaks havoc on our insides - a true terror of the void in our bowels. An insidious rot that only reveals itself when we look in the mirror decades later and see a shambling monstrosity of obesity: when our doctor finds an absolutely vibrant hive of tumors metastasizing throughout our body -- and all you can do is stare wide eyed at the unholy thing you've become. Perhaps the sheer realization of the grim consequence will leave you nearly speechless, only able to nonsensically utter one phrase the rest of your short-lived existence: "egg mcmuffin."

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If you're eating like shit, yeah. Being active and eating many small, healthy meals is the way to go. Fasting is actually a kind of lazy way of dieting.

>It’s hard to care the globalist takeover and transformation of America because we’re all just mutts in one big shopping mall larping as a nation.

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>no tip
oh lawdy

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shitting after a meal is normal, if your acutally "blowing your guns out" that isn't.

but a shit is normal.

Based and burgerpilled

See redpill video on Sugar & Process foods. This is the short version ~30min:

Long version:


You just leaked the plot of Bloodborne 2.

paki niggers don't wash their hands after wiping their asses and cooking your food ya dumb bong.

>4-5 times a week
A week? I eat out that many times a day. I shit on time every morning after my coffee.

Doesn’t really matter what you are eating if you aren’t kept, you are going to develop diabetes eventually eating constantly throughout the day

eat fast, shit fast?
your fastfood has evolved


>this is normal in burgerland

probably their shit cheap cooking "oil"


>there's no tipping

>Thinking its Pakis


It's hordes of young French, Spanish, Italian and Eastern Europeans.

Fuck knows why you'd leave sunny Malaga or wherever to come and serve McDonalds in dreary England to some overworked, money obsessed wankers, but each to their own.

Thank God Airforce One has a king sized loo for Trump and his fat fucking ass.

20 years ago, I stopped eating McDonalds because IMMEDIATELY after eating it I got diarrhea. I mean, EVERY time. I was lucky to make it to the toilet after the 5 minute drive back to work. This is nothing new. Our digestive tracts do not enjoy pure grease loaded up with salt. Pure grease, not surprisingly, flows right through your body.

I am Jazz is a Lovecraftian horror. By sculpting vaginas out of pink slime, TLC subconsciously appeals to our desire to impose order on chaos. However, this is a tenuous illusion as once viewed, this mystery meat begins its metamorphosis back into a salty, amorphous "Shoggoth" that wreaks havoc on our subconcious - a true terror of the void in our minds. An insidious rot that only reveals itself when we look in the monitor decades later and see a shambling monstrosity of surgery: when his doctor finds an absolutely vibrant hive of terratomas metastasizing throughout his body -- and all you can do is stare wide eyed at the unholy thing Jazz has become. Perhaps the sheer realization of the grim consequence will leave him nearly speechless, only able to nonsensically utter one phrase the rest of your short-lived existence: "My vagina!"

They have all day breakfast now.

There really is something deeply wrong genetically with their underclass. They make Walmart meth hics look healthy.

They do it in US now too.

Give yourself a big pat on your fat pig belly when your big, strong stomach causes your tender, weak-ass heart to fail because it allowed you to stuff your disgusting face with trash-quality pig food daily year after year, you swine.

This post gave me cancer.

Burger king and Dunkin donuts

>looks like 50

Burger King isn't much better. Wendy's is the lowest I will go. Don't feel sick after eating it.

^This. I started doing that and it made my life sooo much easier. Use multivitamins, too. Otherwise though, you'd be legitimately better off eating PB&J sandwiches with some sort of protein as well. Egg is always a safe bet.

Ya it's called casein.

your body probably reacted to the plasticizers and other junk chemicals in that shit food.
Unless you are missing your gallbladder, fatty foods should not give you the runs.

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>What the fuck is going on with our fast food.
Olean brand frying oil.

I'm not fat, you skinny twerp.
It seems I hit a soft spot with your pussy belly.
I bet you little faggots can't drink whiskey as well.
If your tum tum hurts from fast food maybe you need a blanket and your mom.

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You fat fuck with no self control, Jesus fucking Christ it's a shame that the entire thread is not filled with people telling you how much of a greedy fat fuck you are and that you're eating far too much of that trash.

Buy a Rustlers one and have it whenever.

how fat are you lad