>Trump couldn't stop the caravan
>Trump couldn't end DACA
>Trump couldn't pass the RAISE act
>Trump couldn't end Birthright Citizenship
>Trump couldn't make E-Verify a law
>Trump couldn't make Mexico pay for the wall
>Trump couldn't build the wall
>Trump couldn't repeal Obamacare
>Trump couldn't defund Planned Parenthood
>Trump couldn't invest $1 trillion to improve national infrastucture
>Trump couldn't drain the swamp
>Trump couldn't pass the travel ban
>Trump couldn't raise the taxes on the rich
>Trump couldn't close the Wall Street special interest loopholes
>Trump couldn't put price controls on prescription drugs
>Trump couldn't stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American election
>Trump couldn't resist bombing Syria
>Trump couldn't pull the U.S out of NATO
>Anti bds law
>Gave israel 38 billion
>Increased the National debt
>Increased immigration
>Increased Israel military aid
>Increasec the deep state swamp
>Never built the wall
>Never replaced Obamacare
>Didn’t stop jobs from leaving
>employed more foreigners than Americans
>Betrayed America’s NATO allies
>Raised taxes for the middle/poor class while decreased taxes for the rich
>Never rebuilt the crumbling infrastructure
>Divided the nation
>Never withdrew troops from the Middle East
>Started tariff trade war with everyone
>Increased trade deficit with China
>Farmers bill
>Omnibus bill
>Amnesty bill
>Bill prohibits wall
>Wall just blocked by Congress

Previous thread:
Full Bill: docs.house.gov/billsthisweek/20190211/CRPT-116hrpt9_u2-.pdf

Attached: 12353514124.jpg (605x418, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Well we're getting more open about Jewish shilling.

Attached: 2000px-Yellow_star_Jude_Jew.svg.png (2000x2250, 156K)

Attached: 2 Face.webm (320x240, 489K)

Attached: Commies Vs Chad.jpg (480x640, 83K)

Too slow op

inb4 the gore-posting Jew pretending to be a Nazi appears

Attached: 8mo old white baby tortured to death by black woman.png (617x588, 492K)

>just because I don't support Hillary doesn't make me a nazi
also Magapedes:
>everybody who doesn't support Trump is a commie

Attached: 1522182546038.jpg (695x813, 136K)

since you didnt answer me in the last thread ill repost here
why do you continue to support a chabad lubavitch jew khazarian ashkenazi named trump?

Okay I have the Prempro how many pills do I need to take?

cuz he triggers the libtards

Attached: 1544329926425.jpg (778x627, 46K)

I am so much better than you at this lol. I see and know what you are doing. Evaluation of an attack vector, than exploitation. Don't be fooled, and don't kid yourself, you don't see what's happening to you XD

Attached: Black Crime And Violence.png (2195x834, 578K)

>/atg/ claims to be anti jew
>they all use the same (((reddit))) tier memes

Attached: 1527727099383.png (647x622, 309K)

Attached: 2016 FBI Crime Statistics By Race.png (1594x854, 193K)

Attached: atg2.jpg (898x724, 333K)

>Trump couldn't build the wall
>Increased immigration

Don't fall for these shill threads boys, it's only been 2 years. Real MAGA hasn't been implemented yet! If you'd been around for a while and had experienced how politics works you would know it takes ages to turn the massive momentum around. First the bureaucracy must slowly be replaced with /ourguys/, and some compromise has to be made along the way.

TRUST THE PLAN! You want to just throw away all the hard work we've put in so far just because of some nutty conspiracies about Trump being manipulated by jews?

Attached: discord meetup.jpg (1220x822, 244K)

Attached: 3 Blacks Kill Little Old Lady In Georgia.jpg (1200x675, 154K)

Attached: Anthony Johnson 1st Slave Owner Was Black.png (413x425, 31K)

you must really like LARPing
i remember being into Qanon
do you still like and follow that LARP?

The more the merrier I guess.

Attached: 1550661032483.png (967x720, 374K)

Attached: 1551229747002.jpg (380x373, 128K)

Attached: actblue.jpg (440x417, 133K)

i remember you being into Qanon*

>discord trannies general
The absolute state of leftist faggot kikes

Attached: 1548394297792.png (618x740, 68K)

Guys I put my dilator in like the doctor said but the bleeding won't stop what do I do???

>i remember being into Qanon
>do you still like and follow that LARP
Still am, and your in for a surprised of the LARGEST shill, wait until you find out who "Q team" really is...if im right. If I am, your FUCCCCKKKEEEDDDD by "The Best".

Attached: Black Man Admits It Wasnt White People But Jews Who Did The Slave Trade.png (1123x1122, 930K)


Trump is a Jew loving faggot.

Attached: 84886588abe47a5203b74af5bf05a41760e76b336544193c62b6444e21f32ea7.jpg (256x256, 11K)

Sweet Jesus

Attached: 0A4FF0C3-5E8C-4E89-AE35-9B86526E0486.jpg (663x579, 39K)

Call out Trump for being an Israel-first jew. Then kys.

Attached: warm fuzzy feeling.png (726x720, 438K)

Isn’t that just Million Dollar Extreme but not funny?

Attached: DC47346C-DE72-43AA-AF0F-7D036D2EFFC5.jpg (640x482, 72K)

so will MIGAtards still call people discord trannies after trumps loss in 2020?
or will they disappear? or will they double down and cry le deepstate stole the election after yang gang wins?


Welcome to /ATG/ everyone. Today we will be discussing genital preference, is it transphobic?

Attached: ARZaPnrPbCnriKD-800x450-noPad.jpg (800x450, 66K)

Show me bob and vagene

Attached: apoo.gif (840x488, 361K)

Beg for it

Attached: TELEMMGLPICT000181384224_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqFEEiND-iVAHWLoyxZQxve215s33q2BIA7vamwHayx7c.jpg (480x300, 26K)

Fuck off you kike
No one on pol supports yang
It's only you dumb kikes.
What you're doing is the same as pretending that we support bernie sanders back in 2016

Thread theme

I like this one.
>who are you voting for?
>aha you're not voting for trump you must be working for X

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>still no wall

Attached: sjKZ09ts_400x400.jpg (398x398, 37K)


NEETs will support yang just for accelrationism, NEET bux, etc
i think he can do, most people on Jow Forums are in it for the LARP and lulz and yang would trigger miga boomers

good evening my beutiful
please have good day
I will please happy day to think of you
please post bobs for me

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Attached: 1457217126295.jpg (761x709, 80K)

The incredible amount of disingenuous shilling against people who don't want to support a fucking bloated Zionist is proof positive the maga movement is pure cancer and thoroughly Jewish in nature.

Note how the shills cannot face the truth that people to the right of Trump are pissed off with his cuckoldry. ONLY a leftist or sexual deviant could be opposed to Trump. If you're against Trump you're a Hillary supporter they scream. You're a commie they shriek.

Note how they pretend /ATG/ is teeming with leftists who hate Trump and not nationalists who are sick of his bullshit.The fact you Trump shills have to use lies and deception to advance your agenda proves you're movement is inorganic and forced. It's deceptive and Jewish.

I never realized just how evil and Jewish Trump supporters were until now. Fuck everyone who supports this Zionist puppet.

Attached: 1549823359314.jpg (600x400, 65K)

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Attached: 1933 Almanac Jew Population.jpg (556x954, 309K)

So long as they are bumping an OP that spells out Trump putting Israel before America, I'm ok with them larping as trannies.

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Attached: Change The Internet For Jews.png (1262x715, 821K)

Attached: CNNs Rick Sanchez Fired For Telling The Truth.jpg (750x1024, 84K)

Attached: Commie Jews In Germany 1918.jpg (980x652, 219K)

Attached: Democrats And Slaves.jpg (468x546, 131K)

Attached: Diversity is about getting rid of white people da faq.jpg (738x606, 86K)

Attached: Dont Breed White People.jpg (708x935, 63K)

Rules for all newfags in /ATG/

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Attached: Everyone is mixed except for the jews from a jews mouth.png (853x861, 622K)

Attached: FEDS Indict Israeli Man Responsible For 9 Percent Of All Anti Semetic Acts In 2017 - Copy.png (590x1294, 485K)

Attached: Fellow White People Kikes.png (2988x2068, 1.64M)

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but what the hell is wrong with supporting Israel? Why would you not support those who fight the extremist muslims for our sake in the Middle East?

Attached: 1541552.jpg (576x768, 75K)

What's the matter Schlomo? Why are you so desperate to spam the thread?

Attached: Hebrew Filenames on Shill Bots.png (1835x4085, 1.74M)

Zio cuck Trump needs to be tried for treason

Attached: soldout.jpg (600x300, 33K)

Why can't we get through to these trumptards? We need to break them. The progressive future is in peril.

>Spams a bunch of shit about the jews
Lol, try harder mohammed, you will never be austrailian

Attached: Jerusalem Post On Who REALLY Controls America.png (1182x1320, 1.28M)

Jews hate trump you dumb Arab nigger. Go back to Iran

all kikes WILL be gassed in our lifetimes

I can't be anti-Trump at the moment.
He's the lesser of two evils.

Honestly he's the best option we have at the moment. Everyone else is bought and sold establishment garbage

Thank you based xir!

Attached: Jews On White Genocide In America.jpg (720x722, 303K)

Orange man so very bad!

Attached: Worldwide Population Census 1933 to 1948.jpg (970x710, 243K)

go back to discord and reddit, Trump kikes are no longer welcome here

Attached: Jewish kids caught false flagging.jpg (484x442, 51K)

Salty libs everywhere, good enough for me. Trump 2020

>jews hate trump

Those pesky Jews again! Thank you, xir! Those shitlords will pay for stalling the revolution.

Attached: Jews Are Forcing Multiculturalism.png (900x1046, 916K)

>recycle urine
< not on the yellow
Un-debunkable proof that the left can't meme.

>Jews do everything in their power to eradicate white ethnocentrism
>Let's support the Jewish ethno-state with all our heart!!

Supporting Israel also means supporting the Holohoax myth and embracing white genocide because you have to agree the Nazis were evil.

If you support Israel you're a cuck.

OMG yes this is our board now!

trump is bought and sold establishment garbage

Attached: Jewish Slave Owners In The US.jpg (1200x986, 165K)

I know right it's only all over the news!

Nice, remember the payment plan...
Each time we namedrop one of the following phrases we earn big bucks!

MIGA™ / MIGApedes™..........................................................$0.04
Drumpf is a Zionist™ / kike puppet™ / sucks Jew cock™......$0.04
Kushner™/ Qshner™..............................................................$0.03
/ptg/ is cancer™, r/T_D™........................................................$0.02

Our plan is coming together, Orange Man is truly finished this time!!!

Attached: Jews And 90 Percent Of The Slave Ship Owners Of The Time.jpg (602x432, 104K)

im on bord

>Arab nigger
This is how I know you're a Jew.

Shouldn’t you be spamming blacked as usual

Attached: 9953BA7D-5BDC-4A2A-A746-CCD4D9FF5422.png (213x237, 10K)

By saying this you are saying you are okay with a Zionist owned government simply because they've presented us with an option that doesn't seem as evil. If we keep on going with that mentality they've already won.

Attached: Jews and Slave Trade In Europe.jpg (1399x1049, 248K)

Lol it's OK, xir, this is our space you can drop the act. Besides if your too on the nose we won't get paid.

Attached: Jews And Child Rape.jpg (682x911, 167K)