You ever have doubts youre wrong and on the wrong side of history...

you ever have doubts youre wrong and on the wrong side of history? if you think about it the lefts vision is an evolutionary endgame of total unity while the right is in a feral resource guarding fear state.

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Okay and?
Go back to plebbit.

There’s no such thing as a “wrong side of history” you monumental faggot

You are a fagget, suck Brie Larsons fungal infected toe. Sage

Utopianism always leads to destruction. Not sometimes. Always

No, not in the long run. Definitely going to suffer for it in my personal life though

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there is no doubt we are on the correct side of history and are not wrong. of course, we also are not so confused that we think there are 59 genders or that dirt is magical.

Why doesnt hollywood put hot women in movies?

>wrong side of history
bait detected.
leftists have used this phrase since Obama

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Simply put, the left wants to treat the West as a free for all for the world and the right wants to preserve our sovereignty, culture and demographics. Its a battle for the culture that our forefathers established.

The left’s endgame is to take us back to prehistoric civilization, only the Jews at the top will have nukes.

The ugly truth is always on the right side of history.

so thats why youre forcing us to take muslim immigrants?

otherwise there'd be at least 1 eternal utopia on earth we could point to as an exampled.

All the time. Self doubt is healthy and anyone lacking it should, frankly, not form opinions of any kind.

But ultimately once I crunch the numbers I'm generally reassured that I'm on the right side of things. I'm open to new data proving me wrong, of course.

Nice try fuckface. It is obvious that the "endgame" for libs is to get rid of all white people and men.

All I want is to do my damn job, keep the money I earn, and retire on time or early. What you rancid fuckers do is your own problem, just leave me the fuck alone.

Yet we have so many documented attempts

>the wrong side of history
I don't even know what this phrase means. History doesn't have a moral compass, it's just the things people do in large groups.

Often it's on the wrong side, since historians are educated by academia and see only as far as the propaganda they are fed sees. But, I understand you, Deutschlanon.

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The left's vision is a total pipe dream. It completely discounts the nature of man. They decry the greed of the wealthy while salivating over the thought of confiscating same wealth. They think people can get by on the honor system with their ideology when they have multiple examples of how it would not work without a tyranny arising.

At least our side does not castrate children and support kike satanists.

History isn't linear. There are no gaurentees in this life. The "left" is illusionary term you use to bridge together many uncohesive tribal groupings. Liberals would rather see Rome burn than put out the fire that is ravaging it.

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If I were an American of course I will be in the wrong side of history. America is literally the responsible of the downfall of modern Western Civilization.

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fucking actors. we need to view them as people did in Shakespeare's time; as lower than prostitutes.

Does she really think her little pretend show is actually making a difference in people's lives? fucking stupid whore.

>the lefts vision is an evolutionary endgame of total unity
Muslims, gays and trans? unity?
Son, you are either retarded or delusional

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>you ever have doubts youre wrong and on the wrong side of history?

>the lefts vision is an evolutionary endgame of total unity
I have no interest in being an ant, and if that is the future then I am glad to be on the wrong side of it, as it is better to be dead.

Damn. Ellie is indeed turning into a Clicker.

>There’s no such thing as a “wrong side of history” you monumental faggot
tell that to the 6 million

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I don't know why but I fucking love these drawings. Something so unnerving yet so funny.

That is how the left perceives itself, but it is not what it actually is. In reality, its deranged, self-consuming monstrosity. It destroys itself after it destroys all opposition.

If the right side of history is refusing to protect fully born babies that survive an abortion attempt, then history can go to Hell.

What about Utah? Their attempt to establish a stable pseudo-theocracy actually succeeded.

This board is satire, faggot. Phew, imagine taking Jow Forums seriously.

Remember; Jussie Smollett claimed "I fought the fuck back" against the Wakandan warriors and only got a bit of a bruise on his cheak.

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It's easy to be on the wrong side of history when then history books have already been rewritten placing whites as the villain in every story. Provide more than negative feedback.

>you ever have doubts youre wrong and on the wrong side of history?


Stronk wamen.

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that's because they fought a terrorist guerilla war against the us government and ultimately settled out.

Fuck off shill. Sage these nonsense jidf threads

The progressives will eventually win. Revelation has already been foretold and the end of days will come. We can't stop it. The vermin will flood the streets and the harlot will signal the end. Repent and be saved

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>you ever have doubts youre wrong and on the wrong side of history?
Doesn't everybody? I mean, maybe not deep or nagging doubts, but don't sane people humble themselves and question themselves?

> if you think about it the lefts vision is an evolutionary endgame
Why do you believe in evolution as the ultimate good? Why do you even believe in evolution? Do you not realize that in order to believe in evolution, that there philosophical presuppositions required?

>while the right is in a feral resource guarding fear state.
Why do you think fear is bad? Fear is healthy. Just a moment ago you made it clear that you believe in evolutionary processes - processes which in nature, are driven by fear. The animals that have fear are more likely to flee the predators. But furthermore I would argue that what we rightists guard is civilization itself, not just some irrational pathology.

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This woman has resting cuntface and looks like she smells of piss.

>you ever have doubts youre wrong and on the wrong side of history?

Only commie faggots think there is such a thing as a side of history.

jesus wtf, now fat white liberal normie cows are into cosplay, the worst female type in the world, literal jew minions, all is lost in this godforsaken world

The left's vision is total control of the distracted, beaten down masses so the ruling class never have to fear any consequences of their action nor the loss of unchecked power. They just hide it behind kind words and delusions.

I bet half of them are trannies, if I'm being honest.

>ever have doubts youre wrong and on the wrong side of history?
>if you think about it the lefts vision is an evolutionary endgame of total unity while
In what world? The modern's left's endgame is one of a government so meddling and imposing in policing day-to-day life that it would make writers of dystopian hellscapes balk in disbelief.
>the right is in a feral resource guarding fear state.
Resources are not infinite. Why would you not guard your resources?
If you have found a way to create infinite resources, please let me know.

Evolutionary endgame.. and yet a complete lack of understanding of what evolution itself has made us into.
The left cant even coexist with people wearing red hats or smirking children.

Whats wrong with her toes? Too much pedicure?

no, we are the ones trying to debate facts while you are labeling fact speakers as haters and trying to ban their speech. That means that we on the far right know we are correct, while the left knows they are wrong

Fungal infection.

>the left has the "evolutionary endgame" of turning humans all into low IQ worthless shitskins

>the right in a "feral resource guarding fear state" to save the one race that evolved to be decent from imminent destruction

Is Brap Larsen an MKUltra?

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I saw Alita 4 times and im not seeing white woman superman at all so i did my job

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>evolutionary endgame of total unity

Lmfao brainlet detected.

Evolution is about kill or be killed.

A peaceful society will always be destroyed by a warlike one.

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please explain to this dumb burger

This. Utopianism has never succeeded, so anti-utopians are always in tune with historical passage precisely because they accept history has cycles, not "sides".

>if you think about it the lefts vision is an evolutionary endgame
anyone who follows a utopian gets the future they deserve

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>the lefts vision is an evolutionary endgame of total unity
Then they'll allow Israel to play in the mud, right?

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Listen, OP isn't far off guys. Society had tended towards making violence obsolete, as evidenced in violent power being centralized in nuclear weapons which is EXCLUSIVELY dealt with in non-violent / diplomatic ways. It could be that all the fear of war and persecution will soon ring as but a pathological issue of the right. The right has no optimistic vision. The right has no future industries allying with its platform / representatives. How will the right ever recover from this dying state?

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>1 post by this ID

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Same, I'm pretty open to working with other races but having them infiltrating our countries like parasites is not ok.

*paid by..

Are you this much of a cuck?

Except the Lefts actual vision will play out as a murderous dystopian global state with a small elite of ultra-powerful rulers and a worldwide favela of lowest common denominator slaves drugged up on psych drugs. Brave New World is the vision of the Left. The Right wants more or less just the same type of nation people have had throughout history (and in fact evolved to inhabit), with progress in technology, virtue and hard work providing a better quality of life for the inhabitants. Which do you think is a better idea?

when has evolution ever had an end game? Competition is key to evolution evolution never stops. Even if you could give people a utopia to live inside we'd tear it to pieces like rabid apes just so something interesting would happen. We are bred to be competitive and war-like. We will never reach Star Trek Federation levels of "wokeness", it goes against our nature. We are far more likely to become like the Klingons or Romulans than the vulcans. I lean towards Romulans, more brutal militarism that just shear barabarism.

>1 post by this ID

I kek'd so loud at this.

No because I'm not on the side of clinical depression masked by massive money expenditures on drugs and alcohol.

I doubted myself once. All I needed to see was the most recent SOTU. the left literally hates whites, men, white males and they prove it more and more everyday. If you think otherwise then you dont think at all.

No. I would rather be free and myself than be a fake slave on the "right side of history"

If all you see is left vs right you're already wrong. There's good ideas and retarded ones in every direction.

The trick is getting the correct people at the correct time to fuck up as little shit as possible.


Most actors don't realize that when we the audience enjoy something they said, find it funny, poignant, or interesting-- it was written by a playwright or script doctor. Most actors forget they can only be as good as the writer that puts words into their mouths.

Easy to believe your wife when she's dead.

OK I have seen this 10 times, but I just now noticed the hairy legs.

You regards fell for low energy b8. Pathetic

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What does history matter when I'm working on making my God happy?

With the likes of cpt.fungus on (((your))) side, not really a winner team look you have there.

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No, never. Better dead then red, commie scum.

Never fear, dyke patrol is here


Jesus fuck i hate that bitch.

The Left supports affirmative action, which is racism against Whites and Asians. Obviously, the Left is on the wrong side of history. They're evil.

Yea, the left is living in a fantasy land, a fiction. fuck yourself.

did she get weinsteined or what

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Does seem like the party of reparations (dems) are going to leave you alone?

"history" is a modern concept.

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