First Redpills Thread-1st Edition

Rejoice Jow Forums because you finally managed to redpill another faggot. It took about a year but you bastards finally managed to get me. I hope you're all happy. Now I can't go a fucking day without naming the jew in my daily life, all because of the pure concentrated autism on this board and its power to change. Now I'm on a ride I'm afriad I can't get off.

Tell me your first redpills just so I know what you reactions were anons.

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Other urls found in this thread:

My first redpill was probably around 10 or so, noticing that dads in media are always portrayed as drooling retards and moms as geniuses who need to tell him how to do anything right. My own mother called me a sexist for this.

race and iq
I was leftist before that

> Watching show on PBS
> Beings with an ad for Viking Cruises
> It talks about going to europe for the "cultural enrichment"
> Burst out laughing.
> Too hard to explain to others in the room.

by leftist I do not mean SJW, I always hated them.
I mean kind of social democrat, who viewed immigration in a quite positive way.

Took a bunch of lsd. Watched hours of jerry springer and NFL. Then I realized black people are monkeys. I realized the learning gap between blacks and whites is cause niggers are apes. I realized the liberal media fake news machine training us to think blatant monkeys are human.

This was November 2015

I moved from Arizona to Georgia for sixth grade. I was the only white kid in my class. Gradually I began to hate them...

That holocaust pic with the camps before and after inspection.

And incels

It took me until I was almost done with college to realize that the line everyone was repeating around me,"If you do something you love, you'll never work a day in your life" is pure education-industry propaganda.

Education is a business like everything else, they don't teach you anything worthwhile or anything you can't figure out on your own, they don't give a fuck about you or your "success", and the vast majority will struggle their entire lives, or earn decent money doing something they loathe, on someone else's schedule.

Of course it's always been that way, but I didn't start to realize how irreversibly fucked up this world is until I was 22-23. I'm 26 now and I feel like an old fucking man.

Before I know it I'm balls deep in Illuminati/Jew shit, white genocide, new world order, aliens/demons, simulation theory, etc. Jumping off every deep-end I can find.

My first redpill was how insufferable the left was. I was like what makes them this way? Why are they so gross? Then I realized it's all their degenerate behavior and lack of values. Especially the fact that leftists don't care about anything and just say "do whatever the fuck you want" "who cares." That was a big redpill for me. I hate when people don't give a sh*t about their own civilization.

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Are you me? I think we need to figure out how to be true outdoorsmen like we always really dreamed about.

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same, the doubt of the race and iq correlation led me here, and to search for various other redpills


this whole thread is filled with young losers

Funnily enough, "Do what thou wilt" is one of the core teachings of Satanism. Really fires the neurons.

Glad you could make it nigger

I would say it was looking at the idiocy of PC in humor and the way it created dogma and how it was inherently inconducive to free speech. That would open my mind to many other redpils. I'm hispanic by the way

Seeing blacks chimp out irl and they way that effeminate white men excused it was the first red pill. The truth about the subversive nature of jews was the second.

Austrian Economics was my first pseudo-redpill.
But my real awakening was when I realized that universal value for human life is a subjective value which I don't hold. Kin > Self > Tribe > Race > Nation > Humanity

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That's what all living creatures are designed to be, humans included. We're supposed to be connected to nature, because it's what gives us life. We NEED real sunlight, clean air and water, and non-GMO food. We've had all these things from the beginning, and the human race is being collectively programmed to actively destroy those things. Look around.

All the best/critical things in life are from the Earth. Technology has already destroyed us spiritually, mentally, and physically, and the 5G roll-out will be part of the end-game. Look that shit up, the electromagnetic radiation destroys all forms of living tissue. We're literally killing ourselves, VOLUNTARILY. It's textbook insanity, but it's so normal now that speaking like this will get you ostracized very quickly.

Doesn't mean much, seeing as how modern satanists don't even believe in Satan. The core tenets just boil down to "don't be an asshole". They just added the Satanic name to it to makke them seem "quirky".

Rabinovitch never said that. Not a fan of kikes but pushing blatantly false conspiracies hurts our cause.

No it doesn’t.

Israel did 9/11 :3

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Quasi, user. Pseudo means fake. Think of pseudonym or pseudoscience.

Legit first redpill here:

I grew out of libertarianism tho.


Fluoridation of the water supply and FEMA concentration camps. The tinfoil hat was on from there.

Hitler wasn't a bad guy.

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> Fall 2015, start wondering what's up with the coming election, go on social media and innocently ask friends why all the hate for Trump
> Lefty friends and family go ballistic, texting me and calling me worried for my soul, wtf
> Friend sends vid montage of blacks being firehosed over Trump's voice talking about the "good old days", realize left is stroking a race war out of nothing
> Decide to take a leap of faith and look into the evil right wing's take on things, realize there's a huge world of information locked behind the left's taboo against the right
> See many videos of Trump supporters attacked by Bernie mobs, BLM chimp outs, etc. Start to get mad
> Begin to vent on social media, angry about terrorist attacks and fake migrant crisis; quickly start to lose friends and be shunned in my progressive community
> Still think Israel is our greatest ally
> Come across this Vice article, feel compelled to look up Moon Man
> Watch lots of Moon Man reacts videos, laugh harder than I've laughed in years. Wonder why he has it in so hard for you-know-who
> Discover /pol and start lurking. Feels bad man, but I can't stop
> Shunned by liberal Jewish step-family after Trump victory; said family stops giving generous annual holiday gift b/c my politics are wrong
> Begin to look into other side of WWII, holohoax, etc. Feels really bad
> Filled with disgust for the destroyers of my white European heritage, can't unsee their sneaky treacherous ways
> Wife divorces me, have no friends, hate everyone. Feels really bad, man.
> Unironically wish I could go back and choose the blue pill this time

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I told a black chick in elementary school that I wish she was still a slave after sitting next to her for a few months. She would repeatedly stab me with pencils. I told my teacher the first time and they waved it off. I got into trouble for saying the worst thing that I could possibly think of at the time. Didn't even realize it was "racist" to say such things, I just wanted to hurt her. Looking back, I know realize the nog wanted my D.

I told a black chick in elementary school that I wish she was still a slave after sitting next to her for a few months. She would repeatedly stab me with pencils. I told my teacher the first time and they waved it off. I got into trouble for saying the worst thing that I could possibly think of at the time. Didn't even realize it was "racist" to say such things, I just wanted to hurt her. Looking back, I now realize the nog wanted my D.